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People killed, and who do the parents blame? Politicians and the NRA? Isn't it the parents responsibility to teach right from wrong?

I never seen such an outpouring of dribble in the news headlines.

People are just not seeing the writing on the wall, guns have been around for centuries, but

its only in this last couple of decades that children have decided to kill classmates and random

strangers. The parents never taught their children not to point a gun at another person, to learn

the safety of this weapon. I am not a gun advocate I never owned one in my life. Nor have ever

smoked and yet I feel that these are things an adult should be allowed to decide for themselves and

not be legislated into any law.

The government has way too many do's and don'ts on the books now and yet people want more? Those that make these laws have body guards and gates, and of course the criminals aren't going to obey any law on the books because they never agreed to any rules.

What is next? Concentration camps and fences for those who want to hide from the criminal masses that will take over our cities? The police can't be everywhere and neither the national guard.

This country needs parents to take responsibility for not teaching manners and morality to their own children, they need to stop blaming others and leave the government out of the mix!

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The media should never report the killer's names. Ever. Report the victims names only. Stop giving these killers a spotlight.

    The young man in question had mental problems. Mental illness is ignored in the USA. Feel for the parents who deal with a mentally disturbed person in their family because their burden is great..

    I take issue with the father blaming the NRA. That is ridiculous. Is he so grief stricken that he can't think of anything else to say? This young man stabbed 3 people to DEATH yet I heard no mention of removing knives from society. Liberals us ever occasion to spout their dribble. Perhaps the father feels some guilt so the easy thing to do is blame others. Who knows? No matter what, many, many people are grieving today. That is a tragedy!

    Again, mental illness is ignored in America. As an American I know this to be true.

  • Robert
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It is the parents responsibility to teach their children right from wrong. Does that mean that the lesson will take? Nope! At best parents have limited control over their children and when a child becomes an adult that control goes to zero or close to it.

    And when you add Asperger's Syndrome to the mix things become even more a challenge.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The parents tried to get the police to notice. They alerted the police weeks before the rampage that their son was dangerous. This isn't as simplistic as "teaching your child not to point a gun". A deeply disturbed individual was armed and in a slide downwards. Police were warned, he was allowed to keep his weapons and murder people.

  • 7 years ago

    Only in America do people have access to semi-automatic weapons to kill people in large numbers. And yet a lot of americans are not able to to see the connection.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Let us assume you are one of the people that wrote the Second Amendment,what kind of gun where you talking about.Think about it.I like a attack helicopter,works fine for hunting anything.

  • lala
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Are you as mentally sick as the poor guy who kill all those people ????

    First ;; are you a mother ?? If so you will learn soon ENOUGH that you CANNOT control a MENTALLY ill child of 22 yrs

    When you are mentally ill you cannot make the difference between right and wrong

    plus his parents had DONE ALL they could to stop this tragedy

    but the POLICE DID nothing to stop it ;; they NEW HE WAS MENTALLY ILL

    his father made many attemps by contacting the police and

    he warn them ;; that his son was dangerous ;; but they { POLICE ] did nothing

    and you have enough guts to blame the parents

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Perhaps the availability of the weapon is the problem.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    While the State accepts those excuses,the Parents will use them.

    Prosecute the Parents too.

  • Tony
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    to many guns around

  • Lee
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I know you don't want to hear this, but the police were notified, and interviewed the killer before the murders. So what else could they have done. Certainly you'd object to them taking their son's guns. It's his right to own them, as it is everyone's. So, your idea that he should have been locked up because he has Asperger's is contradictory to your freedom of gun ownership. If he were locked up, he couldn't own the guns. I think what you're really thinking is, "This is all about me! I don't have to read the news reports that stated the police interviewed him. Let's lock up anyone with Aspergers! Let's lock up anyone who doesn't agree with my right to own a gun!"..... What a selfish narcissistic person you are. It is all about your guns.

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