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could i be pregnant?

We've been trying for almost 11yrs now and this is the very first time I feel this way. I've never had a regular period but for about a yr now its been coming on or around the 20th. In April it came early around the 14th. In May it didn't come at all. By May 31st I started thinking it finally happened but then June 1st I got a cramp and woke up on the 2nd with a light stain, but that was it. I took a PT on the 4th but came out negative. But still no period and I have crazy weepy mood swings and mild nausea. I'm kind of afraid to take another PT mainly because of the disappointment if it comes out neg again. Could I be pregnant?

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I say you must take a nother test a a few days, but don't think your pregnant, your mind can play a lot of tricks on you. The best way to get pregnant is to not try anymore do not think about it or talk about it must just happen. Good luck and you will get pregnant on the right time xxx :)

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