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For Christians only please, do you believe in the predictions of Revelation coinciding with actual modern day events.?

The world wars and great famines that followed being the 4 horsemen, the vial of wrath being poured on the sun being global warming, the vial poured on the sea turning it to the blood of a dead man being oil spills, the 2 witnesses coming back to life being the collapse of the soviet union and churches in those countries becoming filled with believers, the earthquake that shakes the world causing cities to collapse being the economic collapse? What do you think? I already know what atheists think of it, so don't need that info.

Revelation 16:3

Revelation 16:8

Revelation 16:19

Revelation 11:1-13

Revelation 6:1-8

13 Answers

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The answer to this question becomes very easy, simply based on the fact, that if you turn your pages to the Last Book of the Bible, at the top of the Page, at the beginning of the Book, the words you see there, says it all:


    So this is not something, or someone, just having a vision, this was dictated by the apostle John, by none other than Jesus Christ Himself.

    Similar to the Conversion of the Apostle Paul: Paul is simply authenticated by none other than JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, since Jesus Christ, personally Hand Picked Paul, based on his zeal for God, and knowledge of the Scripture, and God seeing his heart and ability to be used to spread the Gospel.

    Similarly here in the book of Revelation, this book, is Authenticated and has the Stamp of Approval, from JESUS HIMSELF, who is the AUTHOR of the Book of Revelation.

    Revelation is mainly prophetical.

    The theme of Revelation is the revelation of the person and the prophetic program of Jesus Christ.

    A number of purposes can be detected in the book.

    First, it was written to encourage believers to endure persecution and to persevere through suffering, knowing that the victory of Christ over the world and the Devil is guaranteed and certain.

    Second, the book was written to show how all of prophecy focuses on Jesus Christ-----His person, and His program for the world.

    Third, the book seeks to untie all the various lines of biblical prophecy (both Old Testament and New Testament) and to show how they come together to the second coming of Christ to rule the earth in His messianic kingdom.

    Fourth, the book seeks to correct some moral and doctrinal problems that existed (and still exists), in the churches, and to instruct Christians in such things as salvation, prophecy, the person of Christ, and Christian living.

    And finally, the book may be an attack on paganism and emperor worship of the Roman Empire, particularly against the emperor Domitian and his persecution of Christians.

    The book of Revelation builds heavily upon the book of Daniel in the Old Testament.

    Many symbols introduced in Daniel are repeated and further clarified in Revelation.

    A full understanding of Revelation is impossible without an accurate understanding of the prophecy of Daniel.

    Although there are very few quotations, similarities to Old Testament images and prophecy appear throughout Revelation.

    Of the 404 verses in the book, 265 verses contain links that allude to some 550 Old Testament references.

    The number seven is very prominent in Revelation.

    There are 7 churches (1:11), 7 candlesticks (1:13); 7 stars (1:16), 7 letters (2:1---3:22), 7 Spirits (4:5), 7 seals (5:1), 7 trumpets (8:2), 7 thunders (10:3), 7 heads (12"3); 13:1), 7 angels (15:6), 7 bowls or vials (15:7), 7 mountains (17:9), and 7 blessings (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9; 20:6;; 22:7, 14.

    The phrase "I saw" occurs more than 40 times in Revelation.

    The Matthew 24 also connects up with Revelation, and these aspects also spoken and revealed by Jesus Christ Himself, must be read carefully, and studied, to see what is happening now, and what is relevant to the Jews and the Anti-Christ.

    Since the church will be Raptured then 1Corinthians 15V52)

    The Book of Daniel goes hand in hand with Book of Revelation.

    Source(s): The BibleKJV
  • Mariel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Oh for pity's sake, the Book of Revelations was a prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem and the fall of the Roman Empire. It was in highly symbolic language to protect the early Christians from persecution by the Romans. People who keep harping on doomsday miss out on their lives, and refuse to make this world a better place! Instead of sitting on your duff waiting for the end of the world, why don't you try to DO something positive in the world? The "end" will come to each of us in time.

    Do you people honestly think that those who lived through the Black Plaque, or WWI with the Spanish flu pandemic, or WWII or the Depression, wouldn't have had reason to imagine that the end of the world was imminent? Get over the cult nonsense already.

  • 7 years ago

    Not necessarily. Much of that text is vague and non-specific. It can be important to study, but I wouldn't advise anyone to be too confident in their personal interpretation being the correct one.

    I think we're much better off to concern ourselves with the present, and not trying to predict the future.

  • 7 years ago

    Revelation scripture is difficult to understand. I'm not sure what it all means. However, I do believe we are living in the last days. I believe Jesus is here. He is going to bring world peace.

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  • 7 years ago

    Yes, the word of God has proven itself infallible, look at the prophecies of the OT that have come to pass from Sadaam Hussein and his sons to Ghadaffi, all foretold in the major and minor prophets. So as it is written, it shall be done, God does not and cannot lie. His prophecies have never failed.

  • Curtis
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    None have occured yet but they will happend after the church is raptured. Jesus stated the preamble would be wars and rummor of wars and many other desasters that will preceed the end times.

  • 7 years ago

    You play a lousy match up game. The two witnesses will be actual people not countries.

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I am going to heaven, one way or another.

    What I go through on earth before I reach that destination is of no consequence.

    Hope that helps.

  • wesley
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Yes I believe, when the day and time comes I will be the rider on the Red Hoarse.

  • 7 years ago


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