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Why do some people seem to believe that consistency over time equates to something being correct or true?

I've seen it many times in this section specifically, specifically people talking about how a given holy book doesn't change and therefore is "more reliable" than something that changes as the situation or level of knowledge does.

Wouldn't a person who's always late or just plain forgets to show up, although consistent, be considered unreliable?


That is why do some people think that consistently making the same claim makes it more likely to be true without evidence in favor of it?

6 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Funny...when I read the question, I thought you were a Young Earth Creationist who was going to harp on scientist's presumption that the speed of light or the half life of radioactive isotopes has always been the same when all they have to base that on is "consistency over time equates to something being correct or true".

    Let's face it: "consistency over time" does have value as evidence in some instances. It can be misused or misapplied (as you illustrate) - but "consistency over time" is not necessarily poor evidence.

  • A
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Because they're idiots who don't want to face the reality and harshness of a world without their imaginary sky father in it. The common counter to the appeal to the majority argument is the fact that the majority also once thought the earth was flat, again, because the bible said so.

    What i'm wondering is how many times we have to disprove the damn thing before people realize it's ALL made up.

  • 6 years ago

    I'd like to respond even though the selection's out. What I would suggest because you apparently have NOT IS, simply TEST God. Be honest with yourself and determine if you've made every effort to know, find, and discover God. My guess is, YOU HAVE NOT....probably because you have never made the effort or trusted your own intuition to put God's Words to the test. Here's how if you dare:

    Learn all you can about God , Son and Word. Give yourself about a year of your life to learn all you can about HIM. Give your entire self and family and life to all that he claims.

    The reason I want to inform you of this is because you have been doing this same lip service for quite some time and I'm concerned that since you apparently haven't made much effort and / or you are doing so mainly because your parents have not I'm concerned that you might be affecting or discouraging someone who may need God in their life. So in effect , where you think you're trying to help the innocent you may be harming them.

    I was exactly where you are now many many years ago and for some good reason God would not leave me alone to stir in my ill life and make it totally unsuccessful and dull. Many times throughout my life I would go back and forth in and out of God's Words . But then I began to notice that each time I would be near to God my life would soar and thrive and climb to all kinds of success. and each time I would leave God's Word my life would down spiral and degrade and I was terribly unhappy. So finally, I determined that I would stay so very near to God and study his Word in detail . As I prepare to retire I can say with great zest and happiness and success that I am exactly where I want and need to be. And you can too.

  • 6 years ago

    Theists tend to use a variety of logical fallacies in order to justify their nonsense so it's not surprising this one is included.

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  • 6 years ago

    Their lack of Desire to advance, from what Works, as they Pray that it is given by chance, as they pass, and if they would just go by themselves; fat chance...0330/2015

  • 6 years ago

    appeal to tradition fallacy....

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