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Does God object to unmarried consenting adults having fun in bed?


For the record this is between a man and a woman.

Update 2:


What if neither has a spouse?

Update 3:


Nobody is going to get pregnant here. That is not an issue.

Update 4:


She is a very independent person and while I do think marriage is the ideal (been married twice) that's not going to happen because she is on her own trajectory and I can not change that. There can be no bonding in that way.

Yes it's weirding me out, always figured I'd be married and wouldn't have to deal with this "friends with benefits" stuff. Not the way things aught to be.

But we must adapt, improvise, overcome. Otherwise we just wander off and die.

Not ready for that yet.

17 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I created G-d in my own image as in the image my G-d was I created... So, my G-d said into my gut safe sex is my responsibility and I am also responsible to take care of any children that might come of the sexual act.

    As long as I do what is right, and am not hurting anyone my G-d highly approves of enjoying life and part of enjoying life is the act of pro-creation.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Does God object to unmarried consenting adults having fun in bed?

    Source(s): god object unmarried consenting adults fun bed:
  • yep!
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Yes He does.

    And being god and our Creator He has the right to set the standards for us. (Isaiah 48:17,18)

    1 Corinthians 6:9,10 shows His view for those engaging in sexually immoral behavior as you described.

    But in Revelation 21:8 He really shows how serious He is about saying:

    "........their portion will be in the (Symbolic) lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This means the second death."

    Your gone forever!

    God wants us to be clean, as the entire Bible book of Leviticus shows us!

    Unmarried sexual relations is immoral to God, who married Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:18,21,22,24,25)

    So yes clearly God objects to unmarried consenting adults having fun in bed (sexually).

    Learn more about him at JW.ORG

    Source(s): The Bible
  • 6 years ago

    (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

    9 Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled.* Those who are sexually immoral,* idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality,* 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom. 11 And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean; you have been sanctified; you have been declared righteous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.

    Sexual immorality is not acceptable to God. However, Jehovah still have given people time to turn around from their ways which is what verse 11 is about. The reason we want to bring our lives acceptable to Jehovah God because he is going to destroy this wicked system we live in and establish a new world under Jesus Christ rule as King, Paradise. 2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:3,4.

    This promise is soon approaching going back to how is humans was original suppose to be perfect with everlasting life.

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  • 6 years ago

    Apparently yes if their bodies touch each other in the wrong ways. As if that's something a real god would care about. It gets even more absurd when you consider that these days you can get married with a simple paper from the government and Christians will treat you and your significant other as if you're married. And then you can send an another piece of paper to the government and then you're no longer married and Christians will cease to treat you and your significant other as if you're married. As if a piece of paper is a relevant moral difference. What do they think we are, stupid?

  • G C
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    The beauty of sex is reserved for the man and his wife who have made a covenant so that any offspring that come from that pleasure will be protected in a loving home. That is God's design. Anything else is a perversion of what God made honorable.

  • 6 years ago

    There is no anthropomorphic god, only laws of Nature instituted from all eternity. It is too "dark" right now to see the damages wrought by passion.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Yes. 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 says, "Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom."

  • 6 years ago

    Aditi approves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    As long as the "fun" does not involve any sexual behavior - or any other sort of behavior that would be sinful between unmarried people - then the answer is "no".

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