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What do guys do after getting asked out by a girl they don't like?

I want to ask out this guy but I have a feeling he's going to reject me, so I just want to know in advance what guys tend to do after turning down a girl.

Do you tell about what happened to your friends? Do you make fun of the girl behind her back?

I gotta admit I'm a bit chubby (30-40 lbs over weight) but I'm known through the school to be really nice so I'm kinda on everyone's good side. That being said, do you think they'd laugh at me/talk behind my back if I get rejected?

It's not that I'm afraid of being rejected, but what will happen afterwards if he says no. So help please?

I'm a junior (17-years-old) by the way.

1 Answer

  • 6 years ago

    Mmm maybe, depends on the guy. If he's actually respectful and nice he'll most likely not even bother mentioning it. But if he seems to be a bit of an ***, then yes.

    But really who cares?

    Give it a go, YOLO haha

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