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Want to buy thongs but...?

I'm 17 and I want to get some thongs for myself since I just started wearing leggings more often and I really hate that people can see my panties through them but at the same time I don't want to just not wear any underwear. I'd just go out and get them myself but I still only have a permit and I'd rather have my mom pay for them since they can be pretty pricey (she usually buys the essentials when it comes to clothes).

Would it be weird to tell my mom I want thongs? I don't want her thinking that I'm trying to be sexy or something, I just want them for leggings. And also, any tips for a newbie? I've heard that thongs need some getting use to and I don't really know much about them. Thanks in advance!

6 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just tell her the reason why you need them - people can see your underwear lines with normal underwear, but not with a thong. If you're too shy to ask just wait till they go on sale and buy them yourself! My local La Senza usually has a 7 for $27 every month or so. That's less than $4/pair!

    They don't really take time to get use to. I was in love within the first hour!!! They're so much more comfortable than normal underwear that I hardly wear anything else!

    Good luck!

  • Joey
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    High school is when most girls I know made the switch to thongs, and I think that's the right age as long as you are mature enough to keep them in your pants and not show them off. There's nothing wrong with wearing thongs everyday, they are just underwear. They are comfortable, practical, and an essential part of the modern women's wardrobe.

    You are definitely old enough to buy your own thongs and do your own laundry. Visible pantylines are not acceptable so you should absolutely start making the switch to thong underwear. Thongs can take a little getting used to, so for your first ones I recommend the softest and stretchiest you can find. Despite how they look, thongs do NOT feel like a wedgie. So if it does, try a different size/cut/material until you discover thongs you can't notice when wearing. Good luck!

    Source(s): As a guy who wears men's thong underwear, I understand first hand having to deal with people (and parents) who don't think you should be wearing them.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Just so you know, people can still see panty lines when you wear a thong. I was in this play many years ago and there was this part where some of the people had to fall on their knees with their faces to the ground like they were bowing to a king and there was this girl that wore thongs and I always made sure I was standing behind where she was standing during that time so I could see her thong panty lines. I wouldnt do that now but Im sure there are a lot of guys who would.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you want special underwear, you should be willing to pay for them yourself. I would get one pair of thongs and wear them a couple of times. Some people find them uncomfortable, creeping up "between things" back there. Best to know before you buy several pairs.

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  • 6 years ago

    I just started wearing thongs last year and yes the first time you wear them you're going to feel uncomfortable as if you have a wedgie but once you keep wearing it you'll get use to it. I understand where you're coming from because I also just wear them for leggings as well. Just explain to your mom why you want them and that it's normal for a girl to wear one

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    get regular underwear, and then cut it into a thong. it works

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