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How many of you have decided that you never want to have children, or know somebody who has made this decision?

What age were you / they when this decision was initially made?

Do you have children now? If so, what changed your mind?

May I ask the reasons behind making the initial decision not to have children?

In general, do you think people usually stick with the decision not to have children, or do you think they eventually change their minds?

Thank you for your time and opinion. :-)

5 Answers

  • Suzy Q
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do have friends (a couple) who never want kids.

    I think they made that decision in their 20s.

    Nope, they didn't change their minds, they still don't have kids. They are in their early 40s now, and not showing any signs of wanting last minute kids.

    As for the reason: as far as I know they jut have no desire to have kids. It's not something they need to justify, or even to have a reason for. There are plenty of things I just don't desire without having big reasons not to want them.

    Some change their minds, some don't. I do think that the older people get, the more likely they will stick by that decision, simply because our personalities don't develop and change so much any more. A 16 year old who doesn't ever want kids is far more likely to change their mind than a 32 year old.

  • 6 years ago

    I was 16 when I decided I never wanted to have children. I have yet to change my mind. If I do, I will adopt a child.

    I decided that I didn't want to have children for a few reasons: pregnancy and child birth are painful and I want no part of that. There are to many children in the world already without families. Babies are terrifying. I'm not sure that I could teach a little human how to be a productive member of society. I cuss to much. I'm poor. The list goes on lol.

    In general I think that most people change their minds. They meet that special someone and decide to mix genes and produce a tiny human that is all theirs. Or they have a "surprise " baby. At this point in my life I can tell you that I do not want to have a child of my own. I'm open to the idea of adopting a kid, but no babies. Babies cry to much....

  • 6 years ago

    I'm 21 years old and I'm pretty much an indipendent person, I'm just learning what it means to be an adult, but I feel like I'm never going to be able to be a good mother. I just can't help comparing how my mother raised me, the amazing person that she is, to myself. Like everyone she made choices, she had a few moments where you wouldn't exactly call her a perfect mother (who is?), but she loves me, she supports me.

    Sometimes I just don't think that I can take care of myself, emotionally: all high school I struggled with depression; I'm much better now, well maybe not fully healthy yet. I'm afraid all those feelings could come back again: I've suffered with this illness for so long that I perceive it as a part of my personality.

    It would be selfish of me to take care of another person, if I knew I would probably cause a lot of trouble for them. There are other good things that I can do with my life. Not having a kid doesn't mean having to be lonely for the rest of the life. I've got my brother who, I'm positive, is always going to be with me. He'll probably have a family, and I'd love to be an aunt, and care about his children.

    I think some people do change their mind, people have the capacity to change (I have faith in that).

  • 6 years ago

    I have never wanted to have children. I am sixteen at the moment and have been raised around a lot of smaller children. As much as I love them, I just can't stand to be around them for long periods of time. I can't fully justify why I don't want children, I just know that I don't show any desire into having any and would prefer not to go into any pain birthing a child. To be honest, if I ever changed my mind, I would prefer to adopt.

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  • Carlie
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I don't ever want kids. I've known for years.

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