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Is Judge Judy fair in her decisions?

Sometimes I question the things she does on her show. For example, there was a defendant in an episode who had trouble hearing, so she had to ask Judge Judy to speak a little louder. The case only lasted a few seconds before judge judy ruled in the plaintiff's favor after the lady asked her to speak a little louder again, without even hearing her side. Her rulings seem questionable. What do you think?

8 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    I think the defendant was not only hearing deficient but stupid. She should have had an interpreter there - someone who could sign. The courtroom is not a circus. There is courtroom decorum that must be observed. That includes speaking in a "normal" voice and not having to yell. Judge Judy, like all judges, has a job to do and it sounds like that defendant failed to have her ears with her - not the judge 's problem. How much time do you think a judge should "waste" on people? There are cases scheduled, one after another, all day long, Monday through Friday, without any business days off. I have watched probably a thousand or more of Judge Judy 's cases over the years. I can honestly say that I only disagreed with one of her rulings. Only one. She is as sharp as a razor and there is nobody quicker to identify and evaluate a case. We need more judges as bright as her. She did exactly the right thing.

    Source(s): Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
  • Judith
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Judge Judy is generally fair - sometimes she doesn't completely understand a situation because someone has failed to express themselves adequately and that can result in an unfair judgment but on the whole I think she is fair - and she tries to be within the law. However this is a TV show and she doesn't have time to waste. Notice that she doesn't waste it and she doesn't let the litigants waste it either. If this person couldn't hear well enough then this person shouldn't have been on TV in the first place.

    And if anyone has ever watched her show even once, it doesn't take a degree to realize that patience is NOT one of Judge Judy's virtues.

  • 5 years ago

    I think Judge Judy is a television show that is significantly edited for the viewing public. Before the litigants even step foot into the courtroom, they have been interviewed extensively by members of the staff. A detailed written description of the case has been provided to the judge in advance. And there is generally more dialog between the judge and the litigants that gets cut out because of time constraints and/or because it's boring.

    The "few seconds" of the case that actually aired was the result of many hours of work.

  • 5 years ago

    Foofa keep in mind she is a former Judge as well. Now she doesn't have to be honest and fair as she did then, but if you watched you'd see a lot of the time she treats it as a real court. Judge Judy is wearing a Mic and if you can't hear then you shouldn't bother with her "court", because there is only so much they can do for you. Although I've seen her make questionable decisions in general she isn't going to waste her time for things like that. I don't blame her either.

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  • 5 years ago

    No, sometimes she's a real jerk and doesn't listen to the cases. I rarely watch the show because it makes me nuts as a retired lawyer.

    But since she is not acting as a real judge and just doing TV, it doesn't really matter. By the way, if you agree to be on the show and you have to pay, they pay it for you.

  • 5 years ago

    There is sometimes parts of the testimony that is deleted. She has a lot of theatrics for her ratings, and no judge gets it right all the time, I don't like her calling people idiots and stupid, haven't heard anyone call her that.

  • 5 years ago

    She makes personal guesses and don't rely on facts. She's a nasty little person who places her opinions above all else. She's worthless.

  • k w
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    sorry, but the court doesn't have time to waste. both litigants need to be prepared to communicate clearly without a hassle such as with this case.

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