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Do most atheists think that morality transcends time and distance?

If so, then how could morality be based upon society and/or evolution (as so many atheists claim). If not so, they why do atheists keep dwelling on slavery and treatment of gays that happened thousands of years ago and thousands of miles away?

12 Answers

    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Q: Do most atheists think that morality transcends time and distance? ... If so, then how could morality be based upon society and/or evolution (as so many atheists claim). If not so, they why do atheists keep dwelling on slavery and treatment of gays that happened thousands of years ago and thousands of miles away?

    A: THIS atheist believes that morality is man-made and that ethics transcend time and space. Slavery was lawful because of man-made morals. Discrimination against gays in the USA is still with us in spite of the 14th amendment that prohibits it.

  • 5 years ago

    If so, then how could morality be based upon society and/or evolution (as so many atheists claim).

    - Because neither evolution nor society would exist with out time. With one comes the other. That thinking stuff really throws you doesn't it.

    If not so, they why do atheists keep dwelling on slavery and treatment of gays that happened thousands of years ago and thousands of miles away?

    - Because you say that christianity is the basis of morality and that comes from the bible which promotes slavery. You complain that we cherry pick the bible, but that is exactly what you do. Either it is part of the bible or you have to forgo the bible.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Slavery and hatred on gays not only goees on today in real life but the most virulent and hate filled attacks on gays are sadly by BAD Chrsitian!

    There were people who opposed the abolition of slavery, emancipation for women, the banning of discrimination of women, the attempts to eradicate racism and now the need to eradicate homophobia!

    Taking one sin to indulge in intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution will never be acceptable in the eyes of God!

    Christian leaders from around the world have clearly stated their opposition to the "victimization or diminishment" of gays and lesbians, saying demonizing and persecuting them was "totally against Christian charity and basic principles of pastoral care".

    "We say that no one should have to live in fear because of the bigotry of others."

    The Mormons poured millions into forcing through prop 8 in CA: to ban gay marriage. In August 2010 the court held that to be unconstitutional. On 15 June 2011 the San Francisco court upheld that decision because it violates the constitutional rights of citizens. On 7 February 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck the California law again finding that the California state constitution banning same-sex marriage violated principles of due process and equal protection under the law.

    The court found that the ban violated equality laws to target a minority group and withdraw a right that it possessed, without a legitimate reason for doing so. Proposition 8 serves no purpose, and has no effect, other than to lessen the status and human dignity of gays and lesbians in California. The constitution simply does not allow for laws of this sort.

    The Supreme Court upheld the early court decision and has now stated that gay marriage is legal in ALL STATES! Thus gay marriage is legal and anyone who shows intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution towards them faces the CRIMINAL LAW and the charges are rated as HATE CRIME with severe sentences!

    Sadly Christianity is being destroyed and criminalized by people who use the bible as their excuse for totally unchristian behaviour.

    The loving god works in mysterious ways.

    There is nothing at all moral about posts like yours that try to suggest only Chrsitians can be moral!

  • 5 years ago

    Do we dwell on it?

    I am not sure I have ever answered a question and complained about slavery in Ancient Rome, or treatment of Gay people in middle ages Iceland.


    Religionists - and it is usually dumb Christians - like to tell us that god is good and moral and THEIR Morality transcends space and time. after all, they claim that it (god) has always been the same, unchanging, not evolving and with a plan laid out for the whole of human history.

    In that case it is perfectly reasonable to call-out these dumb Christians on the fact that their god has the morals and ethics of a bronze age goatherder

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  • BriaR
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    How long does it take for a moderately intelligent human to come to these conclusions:

    If I do nasty stuff to him then he will do nasty stuff to me. So unless I can surround myself with cronies who are well enough paid to protect me, I had better be nice to him.

    If I screw his wife he will get upset and beat me up or kill me. Plus it will make tracking of family relationships difficult (see the next one!!) as will screwing around having kids from multiple relationships.

    It has become obvious that when children are born to parents who are close relations they come out all wrong. Better make sure we only breed with non-family members. And when knowing who fathered whom is done by rumour and guesswork better limit the number of sexual partners.

    You don't need religion to come to those conclusions. Religion is a good way to enforce them when you are dealing with ignorant superstitious peasants but moderately intelligent people don't need that. Modern record keeping makes tracking of parental connections easy so muktiple relationships are no longer a problem.

    Religions need to sweep away the moral dogma born of necessity 2000yrs ago and take a pragmatic view of modern life. Or they WILL die.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    No, morality is a product of society, and a such a product of specific time and space.

    It doesn't transcend. Watch how it changes over time, and over space. Is slavery still moral?

    The disparity is because our understanding as a society GROWS with experience and learning. You know, instead of being STUCK with a snapshot of a primitive society's morals from thousands of years ago, when slavery, bigotry, misogyny and genocides were acceptable.

    The closest you have to "objective" morality is the extreme basics, the cornerstone of society - helping the group is good, harming the group is bad.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Are you saying that slavery and stoning gays was right back in the day but it isn't right now? How does that coincide with objective morality. Sounds subjective and amenable to change...

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    All societies have morals, it has nothing to do with your fairy tale.

  • 5 years ago

    no - but theists think their interpretation of their beliefs does so that's why we point out they are wrong

  • 5 years ago

    How ignorant are you, ? Slavery still exists, and it was happening where I live less than 150 years ago...

    Your dumb is showing.

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