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How can your belief in a god help humanity?

Despite all the other Gods people believe in, our time on this planet depends upon our behavior. How can humanity survive our differences.

13 Answers

  • Over time there have been many variations of Christianity and God following religions that have stemmed from what was originally jewdism...and what is now Christianity. Many many different interpretations, books, Gods, beliefs, systems. And this is all prophesied within the bible. It says in the book of Matthew 24:5 ''For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many.''

    Most religions do accept christian beliefs and at least some of the bible...for example islam teaches that the bible is right to some degree and that our God is the same as their god. Mormons and jehovas witnesses believe the same. Most major world religions believe in christianity but christianity does not believe the other religions. And christianity is the only religion where God died for us, and he does things to save us. Every other religion involved us earning our own salvation and an angry wrathful god most of the time.

    And well essentially...the bible is the guide book to becoming a super solider, successful in everything you do. Now most (properly and valid) born again christians even do not accept the bible to its fullest. Some do however. The full bible says that we are all entitled to 80 years of life minimum, and if someone does die before then they can be raised from the dead. The bible literally commands us to go and ''heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons.'' in Matthew 10:8.

    Mark 16:17-18 says ''These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Notice how it says these signs will be with those *who believe*...most christians dont really believe they can do it. i do it nearly every week :) ive seen the guts of 300 people healed and thats from 1 or 2 years of doing it through myself alone.

    I intend to start a church that see's *every* sick person healed that comes to us. I intend to see people raised from the dead. Following the true God in the end is the only real purpose in life, otherwise we are just living to eventually die pointlessly. Thats why you see some celebrities killing themselves, because they realize (after they have it all) that having it all is pointless and not fulfilling.

    But the world wont listen, its also prophesied that the world will become a lot worse than it is right now. There will be wars and great earthquakes, it says that people will be like people in certain times before. God dealt with these people with the flood, but he is going to deal with people with fire this time round. Theres nothing that can stop it. times are gona get hard for anyone who follows God. But the worst someone can do to me is send me to haven like haha so im not worried

  • sanity
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    It doesn't seem that way to me. Ever wonder why the countries with the most crimes are the most highly religious countries and these countries are in Latin America and Africa and these are among the most corrupted countries in the world, too. In Asia, the most corrupted countries happen to be those that are very highly religious like Philippines (Catholics), Indonesia and Malaysia (Muslims) and India (Hindus). Belief in god(s) doesn't make these countries any less crime-ridden.

    USA is considered to be the most highly religiously among the developed countries and yet it has the highest incarceration rates in the world and is in the top 10 for highest rates of rapes.

    The middle-eastern countries are highly religious, too (Muslims) and we know that it is the hotbed for terrorism. The crimes index are not available because these countries suppress their data, or since cases are handled by the sharia courts, these information are not officially available.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't believe in "a" God ... I believe in the ONE Lord, Creator God.

    I have made a huge difference in the lives of my family in a region of

    a 3rd world country with high poverty levels, and the church I attend

    has supported missionaries for 20 years in the same island. They've

    helped the locals create a viable business by raising money to buy

    machinery for cutting and finishing building timber. The ladies of our

    church make up maternity packs of baby clothes, daipers, talcum

    powder and lotions for young mothers .. and many other practical

    forms of assistance and help. Another outreach has helped 'adopt'

    poor children in several countries, helping them with the expenses

    of books, clothing, shoes and food so they can gain an education.

    So what do YOU do for the world?

  • 5 years ago

    My friends, who can give us intelligent, a good healthy and a great life if is not God? Think this my friends, our body need something to generate for a long times, we eat great food who God created for us and let us live in a proper ways like today. For what? That because God is the most mercy that's why. Without it we will be like someone who didn't get enough eat like Somalian people. But why they become like that? Its because some people fault who misuse money and power and yeah it is not God fault. God will punish for person who those happen to Somalian people. And for the Somalian people, God will help them in the afterlife. Since God is the most justice person. How humanity can live and survive in this world if everybody like them who misuse their power? Easy, this is why religion is comes to us, to God we surrender and to God we hope for. Always remember this life is temporary only and we will live for eternally when we in the afterlife. Follow what God command can safe us. :)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Look at all the terrible intolerance, hatred, bigotry, homophobia and persecution posted by Christians towards others! Ever seen a Satanist post such horrendous stuff? Of course not! Seems Christians have the good guy and bad guy the wrong way around!

    Religious intolerance towards others will always prevent peace and harmony!

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    My belief in God doesn't help anybody. How I treat others has a major effect though.

  • Belief in god is mostly about being selfish. The essence of believing in god is to find one's OWN "salvation". When it comes to religion it is every man or woman for themselves.

  • 5 years ago

    People have forgotten how to listen. If I were given to weeping, I would weep for the unaccompanied minors stuck, for instance in Calais.

    Many people have forgotten the word humanity.

    As John Donne wrote:

    Any man's death diminishes me,

    Because I am involved in mankind,

    And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;

    It tolls for thee.

  • 5 years ago

    It cannot. Humanity is beyond help.

  • 5 years ago

    Everyone would be going to hell if no one believed in God.

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