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Lv 7

Christians, where in the bible does it say men and women must use their own bathrooms?

53 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Christian where in the bible does it say men and women must use their own bathroom ?

    I understand the question and possible annoyance it does not matter if it is in the bible or not




    Here is the real point if you are a member of a religion and you have a religious law that means those members already are aware of that religious law and are to follow it under their religion . NO need to make it CIVIL law

    If the religious are attempting to impose religious law into or to become CIVIL LAW then the INTENT is to have ALL of society to adhere to their religion .called forming a theocracy called unconstitutional

    This may be the thinking of some religious and politician and the Christian right that makes up 40 % of the republican party that if they can control Human BIOLOGY they have a means to CONTROL SOCIETY

    meaning ALL humans have two basic biological components SEXUAL IDENTITY and a NEED to ELIMINATE WASTE . they did the same tactic in the 50- 60's of issues with BLACK people could not use the same toilet as WHITE people its actually a means to DEVALUE and humiliate other human beings

    To assert some superiority which is to actually assert POWER over other . It was discriminatory then and is discriminatory now they will dress it up under a new banner of protecting our women and children of unrealistic threats and fears as in the 60's that like some imagined idea that black people possibly contaminated the white toilet because they are black .

    if you listen to SOME religious they are always crying they are being PERSECUTED for be being religious No people complain because some of their actions and thinking is BIZARRE and irrational and promoting unjustified FEARS the same thing projected in in some religions

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am a Christian?

    The Bible says: Render to Cesare what is Cesare's. Do not steal (apples). Do not give pearls to pigs... Which I do actually think is a stricter version of "two become one" or G2:18 or angst leads to angst. Food for the stomach and stomach for the food. This could be similar as identifying with another gender. I do know of multi gender toilets, but they have all doors. The popular procedure is that a 'man' stands up, and a 'woman' sits down when in the flushing room.

    I would aim to be clear about bathroom & toiletroom &/or urinals. #7xBabelWatch


    The Koran, which is The Bible also with other Holy Scripture tells us about toilets that are made so as not to defile a person, nor their sanctity (which in watered down terms is privacy), usually to do with marriage, whereby the parts of the body are covered in a hole. The Bible goes onto say do not go to places of strong drink, (where actually bathrooms and toilets comes up as some sort of communal activity.).

    I do not believe offices were intended as God's plan since they according to media, all involve mon**, when actually Eden according to Ezekiel has all sorts of wonderous 7LAXNephilim and San Pasadena and Mt Gabriel etc, made for 12.2, the only time when 12 come together is at a feast, sharing & 7exchanging food & water on the table, into wine, but 3 glasses of properly.

    So.. in quite a few places.

    Additional: Another account in the Bible tells that God said not to use steps as somebody underneath could see if wearing a (short), and both may be accidentally defiled, I believe this reference was more to do with not tripping over... God went onto say use the flat surface to walk around, lest ye fall. Later on, hand rails were installed.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm not a Christian (any more). But I have read the bible.

    There are NO people in the bible that had access to bathrooms (at least none that are mentioned - although it's maybe sort of implied that Solomon had about 500 bathrooms with slaves and wenches ('maid-servants') but pretty sure it was never said straight out).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The bible strictly states that men and women should not wear items of clothing designed for the opposite sex. By doing this it is making a distinction between men and women. Women were separated from men when on their period under OT laws. As long as public bathrooms have existed men and women have been separated when using them. It is common sense.

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  • James
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    It doesn't say this, verbatim. But there is this -- God will destroy those who choose their own ways (Isaiah 66:3, 4, 15-17; Ezekiel 11:21). Also, men or women who dress in the other gender's clothes are an abomination to God (Deuteronomy 22:5 -- so this would naturally include transgenders).

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Many of the matters addressed by most Christian sects are not specifically noted in the Bible, and that is not surprising given the vast differences in society and types of lifestyle (nothing about the internet in the Bible!) between 2000 years ago and now.

    So you have to look at teachings about general respect for the feelings of others, which are addressed by Jesus and others.

    Note also that the use of "bathroom" as the room for urinating and defecating is purely American, in Britain we say "toilet" or "lavatory". Bathrooms in Britain are for taking a bath or a shower. So your "chapter and verse" would have to depend on which translation of the Bible you were reading!

  • 5 years ago

    The Bible doesn't have to say 'men and women must use their own bathrooms', common sense does though.

  • UFOs
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Unless you were in a Roman Empire city the only bathrooms were outhouses. Women and men were separated in the synagogues. The women s section was separate which included children under age 13. Men and women were separated as to where they could be in the temple and other places. Back then people had enough common sense to separate where men and women went to the bathroom I have no doubt. Knowing where to pee is a stupid Political Correctness idea.

    Other countries are plagued with war and death and the U.S. is caught up in knowing where to pee. That s pretty sorry. Marzulli and Genetics

  • 5 years ago

    He is so concerned about "those perverts" because that is exactly what he would do given the chance. The rape/molestation by clergy is 10,000 times higher than in the general public, so the more religious you are the more likely you are to rape or molest. Josh Dugger is an excellent example. Also, Pat Boone, the fundie spoke's person of yester year admitted to 10 affairs over 10 years. That is record even swingers haven't hit.

  • 5 years ago

    The bible says nothing about not sexting, not driving drunk, and not posting rude messages on Twitter either. However, as with the question of having separate bathrooms, there are general principles in God's word which we can apply to all of these situations.

    Modesty is the overriding principle which applies here. God says that our private parts are to be treated with special modesty.

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