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ladyren asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 5 years ago

Why I cannot vote for Trump. Follow the logic below, and you won't either........?

Here's the reasoning:

The KKK claims to be a Christian organization. Yet, their history is of murders, and harassment of blacks. During the last century, if they found a black person out alone, they would kidnap him, tie him up, and drag him from the hitch on their truck. Murder isn't part of Christianity!!! And all the while laughing, and reading from the bible in their truck as the person dies of trauma.

So tho Trump hijacked the Republicans, he's no more a Republican than any KKK member is Christian.

Simple when it is explained this way?

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    There are so many reasons why I never would.

    But, I am aware that there are several Republicans that won't support him, and some of those say they will support HRC.

    (As a liberal who was already somewhat unhappy about her, that does nothing to improve my opinion. Lucky for her, Trump is an unhinged disaster (a result of pandering to racists and other bigots) Gary Johnson might pick up a few of the disenchanted, from both sides. I'm not exactly thrilled with him either but J. Stein is too idealist to get enough support from the con side.

  • 5 years ago

    What concerns me is the fact that politicians love it when the little people are at each others' throats.

    In the past you had poor black and poor white living along side each other in the hills of the South. In most cases skin color didn't matter because they were ... poor. But in order to gain an advantage, the wealthier segments of the South and parts of the North needed to make one side feel better about something. So a racial divide in the post-civil-war-era was a way to combat the perceived ill-effects of the Reconstruction and to do that, they had to convince poor whites that they were still better than poor blacks, despite the fact they all lived on the "wrong side of the tracks" when it came down to the upper classes and upper middle classes.

    End result: racism.

    Today, the class warfare is even more fractured. Racism is abound on all sides of the racial divide, and poverty and erosion of the middle class, has created a sort of economic class-warfare.

    End result is that the major political parties NEED us to be at each others throats so they can continue to divide and conquer.

    Perhaps when everyone takes notice that 99 percent are being abused by 1 percent, they will forget about this BS and start conceiving of a better way to self-govern.

    I don't think Trump is a racist as much as he's just a loudmouth. His company/companies employ(s) a diverse number of people from different segments, with an emphasis on hiring women. So as much of a schmuck that he appears to be on TV, and a bit of a wild character, he's not much different than most other blusters that have come before him and will pass after him.

    Not saying he's the best choice, but we know what Washington is like, and the more seasoned politicos are much better at lying, cheating, stealing, misinforming, manipulating and abusing the average American Joe/Joan; the only difference is they have couth and some social grace.

    Trump's just basically got very little social grace but in the end, the greatest fear I have is that as usual, we are given crappy choices.

    I'd like to see a leader who inspires and actually leads and has much more at stake than a political dynasty or "foundation" that in reality panders to wealthy donors and major corporations. Trump fits 1/2 that bill.

    And had Sanders actually been the nominee, I might actually have voted for him despite my personal disdain for Socialism of the kind he talks about. At least he has some ideals in mind that, if properly implemented, might help us as a nation.

    Most Western nations that are advanced have free public tuition for universities. Yes you have to get in, but once in, the tuition is free. The whole point of that is that it encourages education and the hard work to get to that point. Today we have schools that are so focused on college level athletics programs that they will do anything to give a scholarship to an athlete if it'll make money for the school. But what about LEARNING?

    We are just pi^& poor in that department. So in that respect I like Sanders. I also liked his anti-establishment stance which he shares with Trump.

    As for the BIll n Hill gang --- do we really need more of that? We spent 8 long years suffering through congressional hearings, a public affair, 50 million dollars for an investigation over a semen stained blue dress from The Gap, and an impeachment trial in the US Senate.

    Good God, gosh golly and you don't think we won't have that happen again if another Clinton gets elected?

  • The Trumpster never had my vote anyway.

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