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? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 4 years ago

Do you think men with man boobs should be forced to cover them up? Why or why not?

For equal rights sakes, I feel that if a woman is not allowed to be bare chested in public, showing her breasts, that men who have man boobs should have to follow the same policy. Cause let's face it, no one wants to see ugly man boobs anyways.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh god yes, there is nothing worse than to be at the beach on a hot summer day and seeing a big guy with two man boobs larger than a woman with a double D cup. Sorry but that`s just gross and I think there ought to be a law against these guys going shirtless. Ask Donald Trump! ;)

  • 4 years ago

    Yes. If male breasts are larger than a size B, then they should either be hidden or they have to wear a bra.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    No, men are men unless you were a transgender that would be different.

    Men with man boobs can change with the right diet unlike us women our boobs will stay the same.

    If we went topless in public we would be arrested for indecent exposure as would be a man for flashing his penis.

    Its not about what rights what women have its about common sense not to expose our selves in public as there would be an out cry if there were drivers taking their eyes off the road.

  • 4 years ago

    Women were created with Breasts, Men were not. Unfortunately "Man Boobs" are a part of imperfection. They shouldn't have to cover them up, if they want they can just loose weight.

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  • 4 years ago

    Yes who'd want to see that!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Why would men care about whether fat men wear a shirt or not?

    It's not men who are stopping women from going topless, it's women. So if the majority of men don't care about women being topless, the majority of women don't want women to be allowed to be topless, but the majority of men and the majority of women don't care about men being topless, how would you in a democratic system justify treating women and men the same when women want to have different rights? The majority decides and the majority of women have made their decision. If you want women to have the right to be topless, then you need to convince the majority of women who care about this issue to want to have the right to be topless in public. If you don't want men to have the right to be topless then you need to convince the majority of men to want to give up their right to be topless in public.

  • 4 years ago

    I have man boobs and i would never go chance in hell would i go topless

    Saying that though today i just started my diet and i am also doing weights and running in the hopes to lose the moobs..........time and hard work will tell

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