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Guys only date me for my looks and I don't know what to do?

Every guy that's ever dated me has only ever dated me because of sex or because they want a "pretty half-Asian girlfriend" (not my words). I know this doesn't sound like an issue to most people or whatever and people may think that I'm ungrateful or some stupid thing like that, but I do have a problem with this.

Since guys only date me based on my appearance, I've ended up in a state of self-loathing that I'll never find someone that truly loves me for who I am. I don't want to just be some trophy wife or something, I want someone to have genuine feelings for me.

Now because of this I have trust issues whenever I get into a new relationship and I'm very suspicious all the time (which I admit isn't fair to the guys but it's just automatic in my head).

I just don't know what to do anymore. This is really hurting me emotionally and I need some advice on how to either get over this thought process or on how to find guys who like me for my personality and not just my looks. Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

  • G
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Plain an simple you are just dating the wrong kind of guys people who haven't grown up an learned what they want in life try finding a mature man who has his life together they will still try an bang you as much but they have character to themselves an usually only dated woman who have character to them meaning they will actually base your relationship on who you are more than what you look like

  • 4 years ago

    Talk to them really talk to them insist on an intelligent interesting conversation if they like you they will be able to do that maybe if you are old enough ignore age

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