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Why would an intelligent God make an infinitely expanding human race in a finite amount of space?

Knowing full well in advance that the only single possible outcome is overpopulation and complete destruction of mankind


Oh god!. When I said finite amount of space I meant the earth not the universe.

11 Answers

  • John S
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    So a couple of thoughts on this...

    1) What precludes "God" which by definition of the concept is omnipotent, from making more space? I think most would disagree with your premise that 'space' is finite. Perhaps you mean 'space on Earth' - but you hardly specified that in your question.

    2) Based on #1 - you should probably refine your definition of 'space' - so that you get answers that make sense to you and what you intended.

    3) Who said, or How do you know that the Human race is infinitely expanding? - Simply because it seems to be exponential NOW. In real life, not all exponential growth is infinite. Mathematically, they are - but the real world doesn't follow mathematical rules. It is more complex than that.

    4) Who says that God does not intend to step in or intervene at some future point BEFORE the exponential growth and (seemingly) finite habitable space conflict? You seem to presume what some call "the clockmaker God" -- a view that God initially started things but then is completely hands-off and does not intervene after creation. -- But what if he is more intricately involved?

    5) You seem to assume that this existence is the only one. Following on #4 - what if there is an afterlife that we move onto to. If that is the case, then this life is not the only one and thus what happens here is less important. This life may not even be MEANT to continue forever. Like your idea of space - the amount of "time" the human race has here, may ALSO be finite and expire BEFORE your supposed conflict of space and population takes place.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Just wondering

    a - Who told you that the human race was "infinitely expanding"?

    b - Why did you believe them?

    c - Who told you that the Universe was finite?

    d - Why did you believe them?

  • 4 years ago

    Jehovah's purpose for mankind is to "fill" the earth with righteous people. (genesis 1:28) It is logical and reasonable to presume that once this part of His purpose is fulfilled that there would be another stage afterwards with new instructions or "scrolls" for mankind.

    Revelation 20:12

    And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened.

  • 4 years ago

    Perhaps that's His plan.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Because intelligence is a human idea that is innately flawed.

    The universe doesn't recognize the human concepts of order, chaos, fairness, equality, good and evil, or intelligence.

    Humans distinguish between innanimate matter and matter arranged into biological life - - the universe doesn't. To the universe it is all just matter! There are no "higher forms of life." That humans DECLARE themselves to be intelligent is completely irrelevant to the universe.

    However, because we believe ourselves to be intelligent we have imposed that delusion onto our god(s).

    I'm sure when humans have nuked themselves extinct from war over race, religion and ideology the next species to rule the earth will laugh at our "human intelligence."

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    very good question, he can make more space

  • 4 years ago

    If you have a better plan than God you should tell Him.

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Population cannot be extrapolated from old data. Birthrates in the West are currently below replacement rates. The data suggest that with increasing wealth, when children become economic liabilities rather than assets, family size decreases. Thus, the claim that we are "infinitely expanding" is specious.

    God's plan is to create an intelligent race of humans that makes realistic decisions. More importantly, he made us in his image, with free will, to become co-creators with him.

  • 4 years ago

    because he can and choose to do so

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Because the big bang failed and someone had to do it..

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