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Question for people who support abortion?

When it comes to [elective] abortion, I consider myself on the pro-life side of things because of what biology tells us. I believe it's an indisputable fact that life begins at conception, when an egg is fertilized. The zygote cell is the genesis of life; ask any biologist or embryologist.

NOW, with that said, I have an emotion-based question for those who feel that the aforementioned statements are untrue (that a fertilized egg is not a human life). Why do so many people in support of abortion tend to drive the narrative that abortion is a difficult decision for a woman to make? If you truly don't believe a life is being taken, why would the decision to abort be considered difficult or emotional?

I am not here to criticize, I truly want to understand the logic. Thanks for answering!

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Though I would never consider an abortion, I believe it's up to the mother to decide and be responsible about her decision on having an abortion (such as having the abortion the moment she finds out).

    I DO NOT believe that life begins at the moment of conception. I DO believe that life begins when the heart starts to beat. Ancient Buddhists believed that the soul entered the fetus at 49 days (7 weeks) in the womb. It has recently been proven that at 49 days (7 weeks) the Pineal Gland of the fetus is flooded with DMT, which triggers the heart to beat and blood to flow. Coincidence?

    Any woman that has an abortion, has a reason. Let's say that she is and always has been addicted to crack. Do you think that a child should be drugged up in the womb for 8 months and addicted to crack after being born?

    Lindsey Lowe (look her up), was raised with religious family members whom believed abortion was wrong. She cheated on her boyfriend and became pregnant. She was a bigger woman anyways and hid her pregnancy from everyone. She never went to the doctor and she still went to bars and enjoyed herself. NO ONE KNEW.

    Time came to give birth and she was living with her parents at the time. She went to give birth in the bathroom of her home and freaked out and smothered this healthy innocent child's cries, so no one would here. She then put the newborns lifeless body in a laundry basket. BUT WAIT A MINUTE!!!

    She began to have more contractions and another newborn (TWINS) was delivered and she smothered his cries as well and put his lifeless body in the laundry basket with his brother. Time comes around for her mother to do laundry and she finds the deceased newborn twins a couple days later...

    Wouldn't you agree that abortion would have been a better option?

    Abortion is a tough decision, and there is always a reason behind having one. That's why it isn't my place to decide what a woman can and cannot do with her body.

    Abortion is a tough decision or emotional because a lot of women wonder "what if". Like I stated above. A crack addicted woman became pregnant, but is thinking of what her addiction could do to a child (inside and outside) of the womb. She would like to be a mother, but she shouldn't be a mother.

    Are you pro-war?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You are all baby killers!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If by "support" you mean not insisting her body is community or state property, then yes. I support her decision. She's not our broodmare.

    Source(s): Nothing "trumps" her right to her body. You want that fertilized egg so badly, you may have it and implant it within your own body. Thoughts?
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Because of judgmental people like you.

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  • 4 years ago

    Personally I don't support abortion but I do support the choice. In other words I don't want to make an ethical judgement about it one way or the other (each individual case is different and I don't have all the information for starters), so I prefer to leave that choice in the hands of others.

    I'm not dodging the question, I'm just saying that it's not my, or your, decision to make. So the medical details don't really matter, leave that to the medical people and the people whose choice it is.

    If it was my decision I would probably not favor abortion (but since I am a male even if I was directly involved, that choice would not be mine alone so I still can't pre-judge, I have to wait to weigh the circumstances at the time). I also don't believe in pushing my decision whatever that may be on others. That's between them, their family and their doctor. Unwanted children and overpopulation in general are also big ethical problems in my mind. Abortion isn't the answer but what is?

  • John
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I feel that NOBODY has more right over a woman's body than her.

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