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From Detroit. Live in Chicago. 22 years old. I don't have my ears or anything else pierced. I hate stupid people. Goodbye.

  • My sister hacked my phone to pieces with a meat cleaver?

    Long story short, my 31-year-old sister hacked my phone to pieces with a meat cleaver because she got angry at me (I'm 29) after a verbal argument that she started. She still lives with my parents and I just came to visit for a couple hours. After our argument, I went downstairs to leave and she stormed after me - enraged. She snatched my phone out of my hands, ran to the kitchen, grabbed a meat cleaver from a drawer and started hacking away at it like she was Michael Myers. I've never seen an episode like that from someone. She then looked at me with the meat cleaver and screamed, "Do you want to **** with me again?!"

    I don't even want to think about what would have happened to my hand if I tried to grab my phone during that scene.This girl has had a lot of issues over the years (e.g. a 3 month marriage). This is NOT an isolated incident, but it's never been this crazy. What worries me most is that she did this with her 3-year-old daughter (who she shockingly has full custody of) right upstairs. Whose to say the next time she won't let it out on her or someone else?So far, I've gone to the police but I told them I didn't want to press charges. They came by my parents' house where she lives with her daughter (my parents weren't home) and she apparently lied and painted a completely different picture.

    Should I press charges or just let it go? I don't think it's normal at all for people to grab meat cleavers when they're angry and start going crazy.

    4 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • My friend has really disgusting BO...should I tell her or not?

    One of my best friends has absolutely terrible body odor. It's this putrid smell, and it's something that's lingered around for YEARS. I've never had the balls to tell her. She moved a few hours away in the last few years, so fortunately, I don't have to deal with her BO that often.

    But every time she visits or when I visit her (like this past weekend), I smell that same, DISGUSTING, rank smell that's similar to when you don't shower for several days. I KNOW other people smell it too because they've mentioned it, and when she linked arms with another friend this weekend, the girl quickly unlinked arms with her within five seconds and the reason was all too obvious.

    The thing is, her hygiene is good! She showers regularly and uses hair products and perfume...but the smell is still there no matter what. I don't even know how her boyfriend deals with it. I let her use my deodorant and had to throw it away right after. I really think it's a deeper, underlying internal issue, and it actually makes me concerned for her health. She's overweight and has a terrible diet - I rarely, if ever, see her eat fruits or vegetables. This smell is making me not want to be around her. I really think I should tell her, but I don't want to hurt her feelings (even though I know that's going to be inevitable). How do I break it to her kindly? Or is that a bad idea?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health3 years ago
  • Someone hit my car, but I don't like her payment method?

    Someone hit my car and the damage is well over a grand. The car is still drivable, as she only damaged part of the body. We both agreed that we would rather not go through insurance. Because I have a big event coming up though, I would rather receive a check and use some of that money for what I have planned than get my car fixed right away. I did give her quotes and even told her I'd be fine with going with the cheapest estimate for repairs. However, she wants to pay the repair shop instead of me.

    While I'm grateful that she is admitting fault and will supposedly cover the costs, the way I see it is that she is going to have to pay up either way. How do I tell her I would rather receive a check than her pay the shop by credit card (which I'm not even sure is guaranteed to go through)?

    17 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • Why are most people fat?

    Is some exercise and eating healthy really all that difficult?

    73 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Should you put a 2-time high school MVP award on a resume?

    Long story short - I'm 27 years old, went to a good university, did internships in college, I reported for an NBC-affiliate, so I have a lot of corporate media stuff on my resume already.

    In high school, I won two awards my junior and senior year for Most Valuable Player in swimming. I left this off my resume because this was ten years ago and my one page is already cluttered as it is. My mom said I should incorporate it because it shows I'm competitive. I'm job hunting right now, and I basically need to know if employers even care about this.

    15 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 years ago
  • When do pro-choicers believe a fetus becomes human?

    I've always believed life begins at conception (seriously, how could you not?), but I became full-fledged pro life when I educated myself on just how much intricate development takes place early on in the womb.

    Many accredited biologists and embryologists (regardless of their abortion views) all seem to agree that conception is the foundational starting point of life. Consistency is key.

    However, I've noticed that among almost every pro choicer, their idea of when life begins or when a fetus becomes human is completely arbitrary, and almost always seems to differ among each person. Some say a fetus isn't human until there's a heartbeat, some say it isn't human until the brain waves start developing, some say it's not human until it's viable outside the womb -- all of these are random points.

    When do YOU say a fetus becomes human, and why at that point? And just for the record, we're ALL a differentiated cluster of cells, so that "clump of cells" argument does not fly with me either. EVERYONE must go through the fetal stage in order to be here on this Earth today.

    15 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Is it stingy that my friend charged me for her groceries?

    I drove from Detroit to visit my friend (and her boyfriend) in Cleveland this weekend.

    Yesterday morning, we were going to have brunch at a restaurant that serves bottomless mimosas (and brunch) for $30 a person. We called the restaurant and found out it's illegal for establishments to serve that much alcohol at one time in Ohio. Instead, my friend suggested she just buy groceries to make brunch instead, and we could make our own mimosas. For some reason, she grabbed six bottles of champagne for all of us. I told her since I was leaving that day, I would not be able to drink two bottles of champagne to myself, as that's an insane amount to drink within a few hours and then drive back home. She insisted that they would truly be "bottomless" then. Long story short, the grocery bill ended up being $81. She then asked if I would toss her $27 to pitch in for "my third". Honestly, as a supposed "guest", I was appalled. I never asked for any of the groceries she was buying, and I certainly wasn't going to drink all of that champagne. She makes over $100k a year, so it's not like she's struggling.

    A few months ago, I held a big brunch at my my place that she and her BF came to, and it didn't even cross my MIND to charge them money for the food/drinks I bought. Not to mention, I also deep-cleaned her entire kitchen and bedroom of her apartment the night before.

    Of course I paid her, but that stuck with me. How stingy can you be to charge your "guests" for food you offer to make?

    11 AnswersEtiquette4 years ago
  • Why do so many people deny that life begins at conception?

    This to me is truly MIND-BOGGLING. The *fact* that life begins at conception is denied by so many, and it really makes me wonder if I'm living in a twilight zone-type alternate universe and the world has just gone crazy. I understand upholding this truth doesn't necessarily help a certain agenda/ideology (e.g. abortion), but can we just forget the abortion debate for a second and focus on the facts that science has proven?

    How can ANYONE walking around on this planet deny that at one point they were IN FACT conceived, and then morphed into a zygote, then a fetus, and so on? They're all stages of LIFE!! In order to become the person you are today, EVERYONE MUST go through these beginning stages. Reputable biologists and embryologists have stated that life begins at conception time and time again. I'm just not getting why this indisputable fact is still being called an opinion by so many laypeople. In my opinion, if you deny this, you most certainly don't have a grasp on basic 7th grade biology.

    Anyone care to explain?

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles4 years ago
  • Question for people who support abortion?

    When it comes to [elective] abortion, I consider myself on the pro-life side of things because of what biology tells us. I believe it's an indisputable fact that life begins at conception, when an egg is fertilized. The zygote cell is the genesis of life; ask any biologist or embryologist.

    NOW, with that said, I have an emotion-based question for those who feel that the aforementioned statements are untrue (that a fertilized egg is not a human life). Why do so many people in support of abortion tend to drive the narrative that abortion is a difficult decision for a woman to make? If you truly don't believe a life is being taken, why would the decision to abort be considered difficult or emotional?

    I am not here to criticize, I truly want to understand the logic. Thanks for answering!

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • What do prospective employers actually ask your references?

    When perspective employers contact your references, is it simply to verify that you worked at said company and that you actually did what was listed on your resume, or do they call to ask about your work performance and what your last employer thought of you as an employee? Also, can you put numerous references from a single company, or is that unwise?

    I'm in a dilemma. I'm pretty sure my last supervisor did not like me at all, but it's the most recent place I've worked at, so I'm not sure if I should just leave that reference out. Thanks for your help!

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • What is your definition of a slut/manwhore?

    A lot of people think sluts are people who go off sleeping around a lot, but I think a slut/manwhore is someone who hooks up with other people when they are in relationships. That, or they will hook up with people regardless of the fact that the other person may be in a relationship. How can a single person be a slut if they are not committed to anyone?

    What's your personal definition of one?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is 22 still considered young?

    I feel like time is just ZOOMING by and I feel like I'm getting so damn old lately. So in the grand scheme of life, I guess, is 22 still considered young? Am I still in my prime or have those years already passed?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Do people honestly think Taylor Swift can sing?

    I can't even BEGIN to wrap my head around this concept. She is so awful, it's crazy. She might be able to write a song (and I am beginning to question this with her brilliant "we are never ever ever getting back together" song) but she really needs to keep that damn mouth closed. Why do so many people (girls in particular) go apeshit over this talentless chick?

    8 AnswersSinging9 years ago
  • My mom is losing her ****? Please help!?

    I know she and my dad are really stressed out from work. I just graduated from college and I moved back home until I can find a job. But I really think they are both going insane. My mom just lost her **** at me, screaming at the top of her lungs and even throwing her glasses on the ground saying I don't love or appreciate her and only use her for money. She said since I'm living in her house, she can talk to me any way she wants whether it be disrespectful, condescending or rude and I was not allowed to do the same back. Then she told me to leave, so I said fine, and she won't let me even walk out of the house because she's worried about my safety. She's driving me nuts and I don't know what to do.

    9 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Did you grow up lower class, middle class or upper class?

    I'm very interested to find out! I would say I grew up upper class, what about you?

    13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • If you're good at something, does that mean it comes easy to you?

    I was just thinking very generally about the different things people do and how some people are excellent at what they do. So do you think great work that's produced by an individual comes from A) a lot of dedicated time and effort or B) an innate ability that comes to people with a lot of ease and quickness because they're naturally good at something and just honed in on their skill. Or a combination of both?

    I hope this question makes some type of sense...

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Why are Leos so arrogant and conceited?

    I know SO many Leos like this, it's not even funny. From my sister to several of my Leo friends, it seems like these negative traits are inevitable for them. I love them and they have some great qualities like generosity and coming through for their friends, but when it comes to thinking their sh*t don't stank, it's TERRIBLE! They are so arrogant and conceited and seem to think that everyone is always interested in what they're doing, like it's the only thing in the world that matters. I know they have a constant desire to be in control as well, but seriously, why can't they calm down with all that sh*t?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Do liberals hate the movie "V for Vendetta"?

    I only ask this because it's clearly all about libertarianism, anarchy and diminishing government. The filmmaker clearly wanted to make the point that people should have more power than their government. Although I consider myself to be a libertarian, I was slightly confused when I watched this with my liberal friends. They all seemed to love it, yet in our conversations, they are so adamant about how government is good and supportive. The movie goes against all of those principles, so I'm asking do liberals hate this movie or did the ones who enjoy it just not understand it? And no, I'm not saying that you can't like a movie because you are on one particular end of the political spectrum, but let's be honest - this movie was about politics.

    6 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • One of my best friends is super talkative and please?

    I'm going to try and keep this as short as I possibly can because I could literally go on all day with this girl's problems. First off, she's a talker. I've accepted this. But it is RIDICULOUS how much she talks and how stupid some of the stuff she talks about is. A lot of guys (and people in general) are turned off by this because she's such a ball of energy, but she doesn't understand that she's a LOT to take in, and she doesn't get that she has a problem with being a nuisance (but she recognizes that other people don't like her).

    There's hundreds of examples I could use but I'll just go with last night: she invited me over last to job search on the Internet with her, but she wouldn't STFU the entire time so I couldn't get anything done. Then we tried to watch a movie...I don't understand half of what went on because she wouldn't stop talking. Then she started taking out the pull-out. I asked if she was planning on sleeping there since I never said I was going to sleep over. She told me it was for me and when I told her that I was going to go home to drop my backpack off (actually it was to have some freakin' alone time away from her), she insisted on coming with so she could smoke a cig along the way.

    Normally I would just tell someone like this to shut up, but she's a VERY fragile, delicate, sensitive person. If you say the smallest thing, she takes it so negatively and is very hurt and clams up. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I need to let her know she is annoying the **** out of me and others. How do I do this? Thanks!

    3 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • A really stupid question for songwriters/musicians?

    Sorry in advance for the ignorance, but here goes. Often times when I'm singing a song, I get complimented on my vocals, even if I'm just bullsh*tting. I honestly think it's because I just have a knack for listening to different genres of music and imitating it, staying on key and pitch, and adding my own little rifts on the end of a song to make it "mine". I've even considered singing the national anthem at major sports events. Anyway, to the point: if my degree in journalism falls through, music is my plan B.

    I love to cover songs, but I also love original music. My [stupid] question is how can you be a songwriter without being a producer? I obviously understand the concept of writing a song. But when you do, do you hear the tune in your head? And if you do, how do you not hear a beat that goes with it? I feel like I could be a legit songwriter, but I'm not so skilled in producing and making beats (although I'd like to be). I don't understand how you can fully compose original music if someone else is producing part of it for you. In short, is it normal to write songs without having a specific beat in your head (and if it's not, how do you know what the song will sound like?)

    4 AnswersSinging9 years ago