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Can adult children who live under the care of their parents sue their parents for alimony to maintain their current level of lifestyle?

In many states, common law spouses get the same rights as married couples. Which means, if these two adults stay together, they are financially bonded together.

Also, if one common law spouse provides another, the provider will be expected to keep providing for a period of time after separation, possibly even forever.

But why are parent and adult children relationships exempted? They are two or more adults living together often with financial agreements or dependencies. Why does the law treat these relationships differently than common law couples?

Is it because couples living together is supposed to be special somehow? More special than the bond between a parent and offspring?

6 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Marriage is a legal agreement.

    Parenthood is not. Once a child is 18, the parent no longer has an obligation.

  • WRG
    Lv 7
    4 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    NO they cannot around the world a parent is actually only responsible for their child until they hit the age of 18 after that they really have no reason to provide for them. A parent can legally kick their child out of the family home at the age of 18 and tell them time to grow-up and pay your own way I'm done. Parent and children different laws than spouses. Trying to find a way to mooch off your parents kind of pathetic grow-up and get a life and a job.

  • 4 years ago

    Legally a parent is obligated to provide for the child until he or she attains age 18. After that, the parent is no longer obligated but may choose to provide for the child.

    The answer to your question is no, because alimony is defined as spousal support. A child would sue for child support, but even then the answer to your question is no.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Dad must be so proud of you... wanting to litigate your way into his bank account.

  • 4 years ago

    Spouses help to build each other's careers (and housework counts as real work) so there is a real debt to be repaid, but children don't actually produce or provide much for the family. Just because a person is used to a certain lifestyle doesn't mean that the world owes them that. Welfare from the state is there so people don't suffer needlessly and I don't mind that but the world doesn't owe anybody a comfortable life.

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