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Christians: If the human species has been around for about 200,000 years, what was God doing for the billions of years before then?

Was he rehearsing his lines? Practicing for his big debut?

If you say "He was preparing the earth for us," you are beyond all hope. Humans are not special creatures.

13 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    God imagined this universe as His own Growing-up Place ( who decided , since there is no such think as time in the spiritual realm to live out His life in the best time frame of today ) so He would force Himself to learn to love everyone unconditionally . Men probably only evolved themselves a conscience sometime around 100,000 BC . But they still didn't have any love for others then , nor did they have any guilt ( and so this is why after he was killed Able was qualified to go to an After-life of a Happy Hunting Ground) . For they were only interested in their self preservation of themselves and to have sex . It wasn't until about 6000 BC , as recorded in the Creation Story that Jesus told God that now man has become as one of us , knowing good and evil , when man evolved a "Collective Conscience" where he actually had love for his family members , as well as felt guilt for doing what Cain did to the yet conscience only Able who had no guilt for stealing from the farmer Cain . So Cain has to repay his debt for wanting to hate a fellow man unto the utmost furthering before he will ever find rest in the After-life .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Who knows, He dwells in Eternity where there is no Time !!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Silly Billy, humans have been around a lot longer than that.

    Don't you know that God exists in the Eternal Now? There are no "billions of years" in God. With God, there is only the present.

    What you were doing yesterday is another story.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I just can't help but LMAO at these idiots who think we have only been around for 6,000 years. They obviously haven't heard of the OMO remains. Homo Sapien remains dated to 195,000 years ago.

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  • 4 years ago

    Individually, you can't say that Christians are exclusively the ones who desire to be above anything in the universe. There had been big atheistic dictators in history who paraded the streets like gods in their nation. Jesus Himself teaches us humility.

    Collectively, nature chooses humans to be above all creatures but that doesn't mean Christianity tells us to exploit any other creatures. Being intelligent comes with responsibility to other creatures' well being.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The Bible doesn't say what JEHOVAH the Most High Alone was doing before He decided to create the angels in heaven-Psalms 83:18. But it does say that He and His Only Begotten Son Michael the archangel aka Jesus Christ worked together to create the earth and All other creation-Prov 8:22-31;John 3:16. Man has only been around for over 6000 yrs

    Source(s): Was Life Created and The Origin of Life brochures
  • 4 years ago

    First, this world isn't even above 10,000 years old, so how can humans even exist for that long? And on top of that, since God exists outside of time, that statement "billions of years" doesn't even apply to Him. It's more appropriate to say "in eternity's past".

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    By definition, 'god' waited around an infinite amount of time before deciding to create something

    Source(s): Religious mythology
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You have to admit we're a little unique though.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If Modern Man was around for 200,000 years, what the hell was he doing for the first 194,000 because History shows us his impact for the last 6000 years, which is the time frame the bible says man has been around

    it takes 194,000 years to learn how to make a fire and plant seeds?

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