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Isn't it just hilarious that the USA took only 8 years to put a man on the moon but China needs 26 years?

The Japanese space agency JAXA has its eyes on a historic achievement as it wants to put a man on the moon by 2030.

The announcement by the space agency is being seen as an indication that there is an Asian 'space race' brewing between Japan and China, who has announced plans to put a man on the moon by 2036.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • America put men on the moon only eight years after making the decision to do it, using only the primitive technology of the 1960s.

  • 4 years ago

    No, because China for years had no intention of going into space. Here's one for you. years ago the Russian's put Sputnick in space, but in the late 1940's & early 1950's Bill Halley & his Comets Rock N Roll band built & launched a comet that saved ALL LIFE on earth & every planet & star you can see from being destroyed. Mike

    Source(s): History & updated material
  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Not particularly. It simply reflects priorities and commitment, not capability.

    The USA got a man on the moon in 8 years simply because it spend big bucks to do so. At its peak in 1966, NASA's budget was 4.5% of the total US federal budget (meaning nearly 1 in every 20 dollars the US federal government spent went to NASA and the space race). It's now about 0.5%, but anyway. That and the primary goal of NASA at that time was to get a human being on the moon.

    None of those are true of China's space agency now- it has stated goals of putting people on the moon but they aren't priority one. Additionally, China's CNSA actually gets far less money than NASA gets. It officially only gets 500 million dollars a year, although unofficial estimates suggest it could be up to 1.5 billion. NASA gets 20 billion even now, and it is a shadow of its former self. Basically, China isn't throwing anything like all its efforts into getting someone on the moon.

    Additionally, outside of vague ideas about going back to the moon or mars, no country is seriously committed to it as their main objective anymore. Most of the focus has shifted to robotic space exploration, mostly because it's cheaper and more efficient. Robots can keep going for years and years, don't need food or water, or oxygen, and don't need to come home. It's basically just not efficient to send humans out to space- we basically do it to prove we can do it, not because we actually need to.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Perhaps the Chinese have it on a low priority. Ever think of that? Do you ever think at all?

  • 4 years ago

    Space agencies have a history of making outlandish claims that they never keep. WHy do you suppose JAXA would be any different?

    Surely the Japanese have more sense than to waste their precious Yen on outdated and pointless practices such as sending anyone up to the moon. Nasa did that five decades ago, look what use that was. Noone has been back since. Why bother when a robotic probe can achieve far more in less time at a fraction of the cost.


  • spot a
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    China could do that in 6 months if they wanted to risk killing their astronauts or leaving them stranded on the moon as almost happened in Apollo 11 when the switch broke, not to mention all the 1201 and 1202 errors on the way down to the landing. Japan's economy is broken

    Why don't you ask Elon Musk to go there?

  • 4 years ago

    Why hilarious...?

    The space race that the US got into got us to the moon first - but, it sacrificed a LOT of what should've followed... Had we done it slowly and methodically, we might still be building on the feat of putting a man on the moon... instead, we got there, with exhausted resources.

    In all honesty, we should have a lunar base, and more know-how in getting to Mars... instead, our manned program has retreated back to Earth orbit only, and the exploration we're doing is robotic only.

    Personally... I think it's time we raise our sights once again.

  • 4 years ago

    Even with asian eyes, there's no ignoring your Rick Astley hair.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It's the small eyes, yo.

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