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Is there anything more beautiful than looking down at Earth from a space station or low-Earth orbit?

Is a lunar eclipse also more breathtaking when viewed from a space station or low-Earth orbit?

3 Answers

  • 3 hours ago


    looking at a forest in the early morning with mist rolling through it, looking out over the sea at sunset, looking at the incredible array of colorful fishes in a coral reef, observing the craggy snow covered peaks in the Himalayas, a meadow in full bloom in spring, and I could go on and on.

    That big blue thing with brown markings on it kinda pales into obscurity when you get down and look at it's inhabitants and landscapes up close and personal. Beauty is there for you to find in your everyday world. It doesn't have to cost millions of dollars, involve massive risk or extreme discomfort to find it. And it doesn't have to be accompanied by overorchestrated music and greasy cliche ridden voiceovers either.

    "There are always flowers for those who want to see them"

    --Pablo Picasso

  • 13 hours ago

    Y'know.... I think I'd like to see the Earth from Geo-stationary orbit;  or, maybe even from a lunar base.  I think it would be beautiful.  

    But... if someone said I could ride to LEO tomorrow... count me in. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    14 hours ago

    Apparently the night side of Earth is more beautiful because of all the city lights.  Lunar eclipses are CLEARER from LEO.

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