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What do you believe "the gift of the Holy Spirit" is in Acts 2:38?


Salvation / Eternal life?

Romans 6:23 says "the gift of God is eternal life".

This seems to fit and this promise is made not only for the people in Acts 2, but future generations (vs. 39).

or is the Holy Spirit the gift? (the gift which is the Holy Spirit)

1 Cor. 3:16 says, "... the Spirit of God dwells in you".

Is it both?

I don't believe it is the ability to do miracles, speak in tongues, and other miraculous gifts.

First not everyone received these gifts.

Update 2:

Secondly, as I pointed out the promise in Acts 2:38 was for all future generations, but according to 1 Corinthians 13:8-10 miraculous gifts were to cease.

Finally, after this in Acts 2, only the Apostles were doing "signs and wonders"

Verse 43 says, "Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.."

So was "the gift" the indwelling of Holy Spirit, Salvation, Both, or something else?

7 Answers

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The apostle Peter said that God’s holy spirit is a “free gift.” Acts 2:38

    That certainly proved to be true with the anointing of many at Pentecost 33 C.E.

    But by extension, the holy spirit is a gift available to all of us. There is an endless supply of this gift, so why not ask to have it in abundance?

    . At Pentecost 33 C.E., the apostle Peter urged his listeners: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins.”

    Though he was addressing Jews and proselytes, Peter was not talking about baptism to symbolize repentance over sins against the Law; nor did he mean that baptism in Jesus’ name pictures the washing away of sins.

    Can it be said that these were baptized in the name of (in recognition of) the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit? Yes.

    Though Peter did not tell them to get baptized in the name of the Father, they already recognized Jehovah as Sovereign Lord, since they were natural Jews, members of a nation dedicated to Him.

    Peter did say: ‘Be baptized in the name of the Son.’ So their baptism signified their recognition of Jesus as Lord and Christ.

    They were now his disciples and accepted that forgiveness of sins was henceforth through him.

    Finally, the baptism was in recognition of the holy spirit, and it was undergone in response to the promise that they would receive the spirit as a free gift.

  • David
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Jesus promised his followers that he would send the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38 refers to the fulfillment of that promise.

  • 4 years ago

    That gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38 is the gift of faith. Ephesians 2:8.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    A person can better know the true meanings of stories from the Bible by meditating on them while reciting Hail Marys carefully.

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  • 4 years ago

    1) Word of Wisdom 2) Word of Knowledge 3) Faith 4) Gifts of Healing 5) Working of Miracles 6) Prophecy 7) Discerning of Spirits 8) Divers (or different) kinds of Tongues 9) Interpretation of (different) Tongues

  • Rod
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    There have probably been more christian cults started up based on (Acts 2:38) than any other scripture in the bible.

    The water baptizing cults insist it is an absolute requirement for salvation to repent and be baptized in water to receive the Holy Spirit.

    The tongue speaking cults go one step further and say you must come out of the water and speak in tongues as evidence you have received the Holy Spirit.

    Does any of these plans of salvation sound like salvation by grace through faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection for our sins ? (1Cor 15:1-4 & Eph 2:8-9)

    When the Philippian Jailer asked Paul and Silas "What must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30)

    Did Paul and Silas say repent, be water baptized and receive the gift of Holy Spirit e.g tongues and miracles etc, and then you will be saved ?

    NO ! There answer was "BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou SHALT be SAVED" (v:31) which is the gospel of grace (Acts 20:24) the free gift of eternal life (Rom 6:23)

    I do not believe the apostle Peter was telling his audience in (Acts 2:38) who were his fellow Jews (Acts 2:14) that they would be saved through a repentance and water baptism ceremony and the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

    For a start the Jews who had gathered together in Jerusalem to celebrate the pentecost feast day were being told off by Peter for crucifying Christ ! (Acts 2:36)

    Christ's death wasn't good news for the Jews ! There response was "what shall we do" (v37)-- to get RIGHT with God -- they didn't ask Peter what must they do to be saved ?

    Hence Peter's answer to them (Acts 2:38) Remember it wasn't until Paul's conversion in (Acts 9) and the Lord Jesus revealing to him first the gospel of grace (Gal 1:11-12) which Paul later taught Peter and the others (Gal 2:7-9) did the Jews in the book of Acts finally get to hear about their salvation.

    (Acts 2:38) is not speaking of the gift of eternal life (Rom 6:23) because Peter did not know that at the time !

    The spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit was given to the early church by God was used by SOME christians (1Cor 12:27-31) to provoke the Jews to jealousy and convert them to Christ through the gospel (Rom 11:11 & 1Cor 1:22 & 14:22)

    The Jews could only be provoked if they had known what these spiritual gifts were in the first place (Acts 2:38)

    Source(s): King James bible 1611
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The gift of gullibility.

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