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Is Noah's Ark flood story fake?

How did the flood not melt the snow on earth. Well-preserved prehistoric floral and fauna is being found every day at the foot of melting ice from the North Pole to the South Pole and every mountain range in between due to global warming which proves beyond the shadow of a doubt the flood story is fake. We find prehistoric remains of animals with fur skin and blood still in their veins that died on this Earth before humans ever existed

60 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    One question....How did he get two of every animal on the Ark and what did the animals eat. Goats eat grass etc... Lions eat.....other animals. You figure that one out from the aforementioned question.

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Like many of the first Genesis stories, Adam and Eve, Tower of Babble, etc. Noah's Ark are ALLEGORICAL stories That teach the desired lesson, without going into complex details that would confuse primitive, uneducated people----And at the same time, satisfy more sophisticated and scientific people, as they may be able to break through the code.

    A good example is where God made ADAM from "the red Earth" in the Bible. Some Modern Scientific Theories, lately have speculated DNA may have initially formed in RED CLAYS.----So we may see the lesson as being "God is responsible for creating Man and life" as the story says, But A Scientist might also see HIDDEN SCIENCE in these allegories---if they translate them correctly.-----These stories mean profound things at deeper levels which we will learn as we progress in knowledge.

    The story of Noah might be an account of when the rising SEA level of the last Ice age broke through some land dams at Gibraltar and/or the Bosporus and flooded the basins of the Black Sea or even Mediterranean Sea which was "the World" for humans at the time---We KNOW, geologically, it happened---And Noah and the ark could very well be a story based on this.

  • 2 years ago

    I don't think so. Most archaeologists believe a flood occurred around those regions. As far as the Ark goes, I think it's either been destroyed or it's embodied in the rock of the mountain on Mount Ararat.

  • 2 years ago

    God gave that revelation to Moses. Do you think Moses, Abraham, and Isaac is fake? God told us this history of our creation. There is proof that central America was once flooded.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Do u not see all the animals around you?


  • 2 years ago

    I think science is increasingly finding evidence to support the idea that the Flood actually happened.

  • 2 years ago

    If the account of Noah's ark was fake, then Jesus was a liar which is impossible. Jesus said at Luke 17:26 Just as it occurred in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the son of man and verse 27, they were eating they were drinking, men were marrying, women were being given in marriage until that day when Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all.

    Source(s): Bible and questions answered
  • Meg
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    No, it’s not a fake story. The Flood was real, it was a global disaster. The earth was “filled with violence” and God had to do something to get rid of the wicked.

    Jesus himself spoke of the Flood as an actual event in the history of mankind.

    We live in times similar to those of Noah. We regularly hear about horrifying acts of terrorism, campaigns of genocide, mass killings, domestic violence, all on a shocking scale. The earth has again become filled with violence, and as before, the world has been put on notice of a judgment to come. Jesus himself said that he would come as God’s appointed Judge. Those found unworthy, said Jesus, “will depart into everlasting cutting-off.”

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Peter Gore Seer,

    Well Science As Known For Who Knows How Long There Are Some Lets Say 20 Cities Under Water, In The MED Bowl Which Was Below The Level Of The Oceans And As More Alien Revelation Are Let Loose We Can Talk Positive About Storeys Like The Ark, And Alien Help On This World. My Ark Is Real Science Know My Worth. Noah's Ark Was Not A Wooden Barge But A Vessel Built Using Science Technology.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I don't recall the story of Noah's Ark talking about whether or not some of the water was frozen. As for prehistoric animals and plants, I'm not disagreeing on that stuff; it all clearly existed. Some of the timelines that other Christians propose to be accurate I disagree with. I'll give you that much.

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