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Do you believe trying to convert people is the right thing to do?

Any religion is encouraged to answer! I am pagan and practice witchcraft, and believe that what i do is right and that everybody should follow it. BUT. I would NEVER EVER try to convert or even spread knowledge onto anyone. The internet is the only place i share this. I believe it is morally wrong and the gods do not will for us to fight over our religions. What is your thought on this? Do you think converting people is moral, and to what extent? Blessed be and happy holidays!

6 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    Asked and answered.

  • 1 year ago

    Christians NEED to spread the Gospel about Christ as not only is he the TRUTH, the message is about LIFE or DEATH. 

    Unrepentant sinners WILL end up in hell.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    I think people are so uptight about being slammed by the religious crazy bible thumpers that they have rejected even civilly hearing about religion, and I don't think that is okay.

    If I go up to someone and talk with them and we end up on the discussion of religion and they bite my head off even if the conversation rationally went that way by their own conversational directing, then I just assume that person has some mental issues or doesn't know how to talk to people cordially. Sadly that is more and more common, and if that is your behavior, I would seek to try listening to what people say instead of shutting them out.

    I have been approached by Mormons while shoveling my driveway and had a good long conversation with them. I have talked to people who follow the Religion of Light, Sacred Geometry, Scientology (I believe), Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and more. I can have a conversation with all of them openly and don't feel the need to be defensive even if their beliefs are against mine. I am a Christian, and I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins. If they do not, that is their decision. An atheist can come up to me and tell me what he believes or does not believe and that is great. I can present what I believe or don't believe to them just as they can present what they do to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago


    Try?  To convert?

    If it's TRYING,  stop.  Nobody can convert someone. 

    They can say some things about Jesus,  who He was.

    Maybe, if the person likes.

    Since you speak here about witchcraft,  it ultimately destroys,  seen it do that.

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  • 1 year ago

    I can only answer for followers of Jesus, because after His resurrection He commanded them to go into all the world, discipling, baptizing, spreading the good news about Himself as the only Savior for sinners. That is why the raggle-taggle bunch of a few hundred, frightened followers exploded with joy and power to tell the world just who Jesus is and what He has achieved for sinners. Christianity would never have got going without that resurrection power, the Holy Spirit then being sent to enable the task. However, Christians cannot convert a soul, not even themselves.

    That's because the only way anybody becomes a Christian is when the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sin, so that they repent of it, and put their faith in Jesus to save them. Christians can only spread the gospel message - the rest is up to the Holy Spirit. That's why it's obnoxious to see groups that proselytize aggressively, going round doors and getting people to study their interpretations to baptize them into their organization. That is not what Christians are to do. They are to appeal to people to be reconciled to God, through Jesus. They are to point to Christ, not themselves or their church. I would encourage you to read the gospel account of John, then the book of Acts, in the New Testament. That will be a revelation to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    You need to watch these:

    High Priest of Satan Encounters Jesus!

    Satan Spoke to Me. Then God Roared These Words...

    I'm Beside an Angel in Hell, And He Says This…

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