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Are there people who graduated from university who didn't go to what they majored in?

I am fixing to graduate with a major in Environmental Science and Minor in Mathematics. Although I mostly just went out of pressure. Originally planned to stop after I got my Associate of Natural Science but decided since I had excess money leftover after saving money I got back from Pell Grant, I figure I should use it for the intended purpose plus some of my saved money from my jobs. It's just I have became somewhat more interested in working with my hands that I'm not sure if I will pick a job that correlates with my major anymore. Decided to finish school anyways just so the degree would be more like insurance or something to fall back on.


COVID-19 would be an example. If I can't find a job I want then I at least have more options. 

Update 2:

Let me rephrase. Are there students out there who graduated from university that has a job not related to their majors?

Update 3:

I brought up COVID-19 since many people are becoming unemployed because of it. 

3 Answers

  • John
    Lv 6
    12 months ago

    Some do. I have been to college twice (first majoring in Political Science, and about a decade later to study Accounting).  Both of my studies were closely related to my professions (social work and accounting).  The vast majority of college grads I've known professionally did work in their field of study.  As a recommendation, before continuing on your current course of study you should give consideration to a particular career.  You should tailor your studies to entering that career.

  • Stella
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    Yes, quite a few people.

    Some find that their degree is impractical in terms of employment.

    Others knew that already but simply wanted a degree in any case.

    I'm not sure what you mean by Covid 19 being an example.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    "I am fixing to graduate with a major in Environmental Science"  Good thing you were not an English Major.

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