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In the US as soon as you’re arrested what happens next?

Do you go to the police station then get transported to jail? I am not that familiar with the system.

In the UK you only get sent to ‘jail’ (prison) via the courts

5 Answers

  • 11 months ago

    In the UK, you get sent to the equivalent of what we call jail in the US while awaiting your appearance in court.

  • 11 months ago

    In the United States when you get arrested you get taken to the sheriff's department and put in a holding cell it's a jail cell there's a toilet and sink an iron bench to sit on. There may be other people in the cell also with you. Within 2 to 3 hours you get taken out of your holding cell they fingerprint you they do some paperwork and the police say your bond is x amount of money at that time you can call a bondsman or the lawyer. And the police or the sheriff asks you are you going to bond out or are you staying. if you don't have money to bond out with or you don't have a bond set then you go to a jail cell. And you sat in the jail cell along with other people waiting for your court trial. If you can't find out it generally takes 4 to 6 months of sitting in jail before they offer you either a plea negotiation or allow you to take your case to trial. If you don't have money in the United States to bond out don't count on going anywhere for the next 6 months besides the jail cell

  • Jeff S
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    You're held in a city jail until you go before a judge. The judge decides if the accused is eligible for bond to be released.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    You go into the jail at the police station, then you go to court to give your guilty or not guilty plea to the charges, and the judge sets your amount of bail. Your next court appearance is where the prosecution states their evidence against you, and your attorney can argue against them, the judge decides if the case has merit to proceed. This is generally the criminal court proceedings, misdemeanor and DUI cases are different, but follow the same guidelines.

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  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    You go to the police station, most likely if you are in a rural area, or the arresting officer does not have the time to take the detainee to jail. Usually, the police station is also on the same sight as the jail or near it, but not always 

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