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How can anyone work 40+ hours a week and not hate their life?

Alright, so I’ll be honest. I’m in college right now and I absolutely hate it. If we were all given good paying jobs after high school, sure, I wouldn’t go to college. But these days, you can’t have a good job without a college degree. Like the only reason I’m in college is to just get my degree and get out of there. Think of me as someone like Jeff Winger from Community.

This past year was my freshman year and I did not do well. I have like a 2.8 GPA and struggle a lot in my courses. I had to drop an Intro to CompSci course at the last minute because I would’ve failed it if I didn’t drop it (I dropped it towards the end of the semester). Now, I have to retake it in the fall since it’s required for all math majors.

I was not able to work 8 hours for 5 days a week. I couldn’t cope with the idea of bearing that stress. I dealt with serious depression and I’m worried I’ll just hate myself even more if I work 40 hours a week.

I’ve been worrying about the idea of doing the same thing almost every day for the rest of my life, and I HATE the idea. I’m stressing way too much on this (I usually stress way too much in general) and don’t know what I want to do anymore.

For those with full time jobs, how bad is it? Because I feel like working that sort of schedule would make me want to kill myself.

23 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    I think your goal should be to find a job in which you do not work in an office.  That, or a high paying job that does not require a 40 hour a week schedule.  As a university lecturer, I am on campus about 20 hours a week and most of my work is from the comfort of my own home for a six-figure salary.  Granted, I work far more than 40 hours total (most days I work from the time I get up until the wee hours of the night), but it is much more enjoyable than when I worked for a major electronics company for a standard 40 hour work week.

    Also, check your vitamin D and B12 levels.  People that get stressed out about being inside tend to be low on one of them, I would wager you are probably low on one or both of them.

  • 9 months ago

    It would be the best experience for you in life and how to live it.

    Get a job, or work more at you course work.

  • drip
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Perhaps academics are not for you. Have you looked at what two year or less career programs and trade courses your community college offers? 

  • Ya-Hoo
    Lv 4
    9 months ago

    You don't hate your life. You just hate your job until the paycheck comes.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    I enjoy my job, so 40+ hours is fine; and, I allows me to buy things that I want

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Some people are lucky enough to have a job they actually enjoy.  They would do it for more than 40 hours a week if they could and some do.  Their job becomes their hobby.  I know an auto mechanic who works 40 hours a week then works on his neighbors' cars on the weekend.

    By the way, sparky, it is entirely possible to get a good job without wasting all the time and money of going to college.  There are bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, truck drivers and hundreds of other professionals who love their jobs and have no idea where a college campus is.  You just fell for a lie.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    The key is to find an occupation you enjoy. Talk to people about what they're doing for a living and think about what sounds appealing. No career will be perfect, every job will have aspects you like and dislike. Work is what you make of it. 

    Not everyone is cut out for the college route. Nurses and skilled tradesmen make great money--you don't need a 4 year degree for those occupations. It's also a possibility to start at the bottom of a company and work your way up.

    You also need to determine the lifestyle you want. Some people are okay with renting a cheap place, some want an expensive house. Some can live frugally, some want luxuries. Some want to get married and split costs with their spouse, some prefer to go alone. Some people want kids. Some want to live in the cities and some are content with a rural area.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    I used to work a 48 Hour week and I loved it I was employed I was not stealing from taxpayer

    In the Military, I often worked 65 hr week

    and on deployment try 8 hrs on your trade 8 Hrs Guard duty and the Other 8 hrs to shave clean wash kit and sleep and no extra money

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    What exactly were you learning in computer science?

    I realize there are people who might not believe me, but I know a lot about computers. I don't know everything about it, but I do know a lot about computers. If you were to hire me as a tutor then maybe I could teach you in a way that you could learn, and become good with computers.

    I am not sure if I could help you. Because I don't know what you were learning.

    I have a college education, and I am self taught too. I enjoy learning about computers, and using it too.

    I am self employed. I work in the I.T. industry. All you have to do is ask ME, for help, and maybe we can arrange something.

    Currently I am developing my portfolio. I already have a website published online that I made, and it says what I offer, and it shows what I look like too. On my website it doesn't say anything about tutoring. I suppose this would have to be under the table job. In other words nobody else can know about this! :)

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    This is why people get degrees in fields that interest them - so they can get jobs they will enjoy.  I got my MS in Information Science because I already worked in IT and loved the field.  I thought it was a lot of fun.  I took classes with people who had no interest in the subject matter and just thought the degree would get them cushy jobs.  A few years later, most of them had burned out and/or changed fields because they hated the work.  Get a degree in something that interests you.  This opens doors to jobs that will interest you.  And yes, I know people with degrees in fields like Gender Studies, Art History and Photography who have jobs they love.  And I know a guy with a degree in Nuclear Engineering who spent a few years as a barista because he hated his degree field - he's now an artist.  There's a reason people tell you to get a degree in a field you love.  

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