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I need advise...?

Hey Gents and Ladies. I need your thoughts and advice. I'm 19 years old and currently in the military for almost a year. I was diagnosed with MDD and will be Medically Retired soon. I really believe my folks at home are not happy with the decision. I was bullied excessively in High School and my depression reoccured when I joined. It was worse to the point where I wanted to injure or potentially kill myself. They always told me that "Oh, your just having a bad day. It'll be gone by tomorrow." Or "You'll get through it. Tough it out.". I didn't want to join the military because of that potential of that mental issue coming back. I know it was my decision to join but I specifically told them "I'm only doing this just to try it out. Please don't get upset if I come back.". They're unsupportive of my decisions and it has always been me trying to impress them, not thinking of what I wanted to do for myself. I wanted to study Meteorology, Epidemiology, or Pathology. The virus will make it more difficult to do classes but online is definitely a option. That's where my heart is. I understand their concern as I came from A poor area of North Carolina and jobs don't pay much but when it comes to decisions I want to make, they just blow it up in my face that it's a bad one. At this point, I kind of have no support when I go back. I have some saved up money that I could use and continue the income while I work. I just want them to understand my point of view here that I am still capable.

4 Answers

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    maybe you should get some help if you feel that way

  • Carmen
    Lv 5
    8 months ago

    You seem like a  wise intelligent young person who knows what you want regardless of everyone thinking despite your limitations. A for putting forth effort to join the military to please them and to say you tried because nothing beats a failure but a try. I don't know if your parents were just trying to encourage you so you don't medical condition define you or they just was of ignoring that fact. Either way be proud of yourself and keep trying to be the best you possible. If applicable go after your passion to study the fields you desire the sky's the limit. Pray for strength to keep enduring negative situations and negative people. Pray for courage to move forward when others want to keep you behind. Pray for a calm heart and peace of mind and pray that your family more understanding patient peaceful and loving. Don't give up. 

  • 8 months ago

    Ask your parents whether they brought you up to think for yourself, to make your own decisions and make your own mistakes - as everyone does!

    Is it possible that their own parents were this way when they were around the age you are now? In a quiet period take them back to their own younger days and how they felt when treated unkindly by their parents. Do this sincerely with genuine interest - probably best not during an argument. That said, it might perhaps be effective when emotions are high. It is usually better to ask questions than to say things.

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    hmm i understand. it will be cool. Meterology. cool. so much interesting. I think they will understand.

    Hmm i went through all that . I got royally screwed. 

    but u have a chance. ._.  please dont give up. Just one advice i have to give. if u get sensitive , dont let anyone brainwash u into nonsense stuff that is not relevant to ur life or career. Like dont worry nonsense things like ur family or status. just focus on yourself and your heart. and if u fall in love only give it to someone who loves u for ur heart and not because of ur family. etc. Tc

    when he left me for the house, all my tolerance and ( i was allready a failure, lot of situations in my life and forced school switchin then failing from sadness of all this , and they did to my sistr also) it all got ruined. ._. after a long time 2013-2016 when i was building my confidence again after ruin, he left me for House. Its just an awful awful feeling because like u i was at rock bottom emotionally so I CRIED A LOT. that time. ( so avoid this) its too emotional to think about it. WASTE OF TIME AND EEGO.

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