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Lv 7
Edwena asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 months ago

Where does Biden live?  And how did he get it?

OK, so Trump says he is rich and lives in a super mansion of some sort in Florida, part of a country club or something. Fine.  So, the question is: does Biden live at a level that is above his pay grade?  And, if he does, when did he get it and what does he say about how he got it? Why can't Biden be asked the same equivalent questions about his finances that the liberals have been hounding Trump for years about his?


I took your advice and looked it up.  Biden owns at least 4 mansions, all in the mansion-mansion category.  Far above his pay grade.  Joe does have a lot of money squirreled away somewhere.

2 Answers

  • Mike L
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    You can easily find Biden's home and its value on the internet, along with his tax returns. 

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    I think he lives in Delaware.  And liberals haven't been "hounding" Trump; he, without any prompting, VOLUNTEERED to show his tax records.   The only "hounding" going on is people saying "you promised, so why haven't you done so?"  Does having a liar for a president turn you on?   And that whole thing about "I can't release my tax returns as I am being audited" is ALSO a lie; the records are not somehow locked away.

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