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sofia asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 5 months ago

re-introducing gluten ?

hi after a not so good experience with eating a slice of pizza my gastrologist then recommended me to go on a low fog map diet which I did for seven months and now I want to start eating gluten again I was not diagnosed with lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance but my dietitian put me on this diet anyways which I stuck with for many months and felt the need to do even though I didn’t really need it, my father does have lactose intolerance which Im fine being lactose free can somebody please help me know how to re-introduce gluten I have been eating gluten for about two weeks now and I haven’t felt the best but maybe it’s just because my body needs to get used to it but I’m not sure I need some help. seven months ago I used to eat gluten with no problem

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