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Lv 7
H asked in Social ScienceDream Interpretation · 1 month ago

Is it possible to control what I see during sleep paralysis?

After some experience with this, I have been finding myself amused. I'm actually having kind of fun looking at all possibilities that goes inside my head. I was wondering if it's possible to control what I see. I keep trying but no luck.

3 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    I believe calling on your higher connected virtues can remove the conditions of sleep paralysis and you can do that by appealing or summoning your notion of love or by seeking to connect with an upstanding person or ideology 

  • 1 month ago

    I could "reason" with it once, if that makes any sense. I once imagined someone was holding a pillow against my face to suffocate me (it was my arm btw). Anyway, I saw their hands and noticed their skin was dark. this was during the whole BLM riots, so I said in my head "please stop suffocating me and I'll donate to a BLM organization" needless to say it worked, and the person stopped suffocating me. then I promptly realized it was my arm all along and woke up. Looking back, it was pretty dumb, but I guess I controlled what I saw in a way. 

  • 1 month ago

    thats is what i have always wondered..i even envied people with sleep paralysis for this very reason...i would like to explore that dream state.  

    I mean if you wake up and cant move then you should realize that you are still dreaming right?  some people see the shadow figure and that should be the cue that they are dreaming.

    I do have a friend that talks about Akashic records, which he says someone has accessed while dreaming...again..a long shot.  but look up Akashic records

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