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Where in all biblical Greek or secular Greek does the Emphatic position changes a noun from indefinite to definite like a god to God John1:1?

John 1:1 there is no definite article infront of the word god for Jesus. They claim the emphatic position changes the a god to the God. All the other times in the Bible translator do not do this.

Plus in John 10:33 there is no Article infront of the word god and it’s not in the emphatic position but they still claim they were excusing Jesus making himself into God. Lol

it makes no sense other than translating because of their doctrine and belief in a cult teaching 

Jesus quoted back to them doesn’t the Bible or law states “you are gods” clearly they excused him of making himself into a god because he said he was God’s son

Updated 7 days ago:

Exiting before Abraham doesn’t make of God angels exited before Abraham and God also calls them gods. Jesus is a god like all the other sons of god

Updated 7 days ago:

Also btw there where no indefinite articles (a,an) in biblical Greek. 

Updated 7 days ago:

The Catholic Church was well over 350 years after Jesus. Your answer shows your in a cult not actually interested in the wheat or true worship. Satan sowed weeds among the wheat after Jesus died. Put faith in the scriptures not man made doctrine. Constantine was a pagan and even build the Roman arc and put pagan gods name on it not Jehovah 

Updated 7 days ago:

Actually you find this interesting the article is missing infront of the word beginning also in genesis 1:1 the Hebrew article is not there and in the Greek translation of genesis 1:1 it’s not the either. That’s because that’s the beginning of the heavens (physical Heavens cosmos) and earth not creation. The angel were created before the earth. Jesus is said to be THE BEGINNING of creation in Revelation 3:14

Updated 7 days ago:

A god that isn’t false is divine. Divine mean from God or if God

Updated 7 days ago:

Of God i mean

Updated 7 days ago:

How many years do you have to have to see translators change the rules when it comes to personal beliefs? 

Koine means common Greek 

When Christians translated John 1:1 into the Coptic language which predates the trinity doctrine It states when translated into English the Word was a god. 

The Coptic language has a neutral article they didn’t use it they used the indefinite article which in English is a

Updated 7 days ago:

Thank you ?lv7 you see in your Greek example there are article  infront of the word God that Jesus is with and not one for Jesus the word? 

Updated 7 days ago:

Apparently you haven’t read Williams D Understanding basic biblical Greek

Updated 7 days ago:

Plz write in Greek 

“The Word was a god”

If you did you’ll would see the hypocrisy in translators

Updated 7 days ago:

William D Mounce in his book states that the emphatic position changes the “the word was a god” to “The Word was God” it’s doesnt take an expert to see the bias and outright lie and hypocrisy. John 1:1 should be translated The Word was a god the scholarly community should be ashamed of themselves 

6 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    >> They claim the emphatic position changes the a god to the God. <<

    I don't know who "they" are


    clearly you are no expert in Koine Greek

    and I doubt that anyone on Y!A is.

    I recommend that you refer this question to an expert in Koine Greek.

    If not, I recommend you review this SEEMINGLY knowledgeable discussion on the topic.

    Currently I can't find a more detailed online discussion from any creditable expert (though in the past I have been able to do so; perhaps that web page has been deleted, or simply swamped by all of the non-scholarly pages now available to search engines).

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    What in the WORLD are you blathering about??

    "They claim the emphatic position changes the a god to the God." ???

    Here's the explanation:  

    Reversal of the subject noun and predicate noun at the end of a list was a common stylistic practice and is still used today.              

    Εν αρχή ήν ο λόγος -- in the beginning was the Word         

    καί ο λόγος ήν πρός τον θεόν -- and the Word was with God        

    καί θεός ήν ο λόγος -- and the Word was God. 

    Got it?  The Word -- the Son -- IS God.  

    Samwise -- There's no difficulty.  It's perfectly clear to someone who knows Koine.

    Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian
  • 7 days ago

    Nowhere, as far as I know, but Trinitarians couldn't stomach Jesus not being God or an aspect of God.

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    7 days ago

    How many years do you have of being fluent in Koine Greek?

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  • 7 days ago

    The trouble is that the definite and indefinite articles didn't exist in Greek. And the Hebrew term they were discussing in John 10 (a discussion that would have been conducted in Aramaic, not the Greek translation we have) the term translated as "gods" is complex, as Jesus emphasizes by quoting a psalm in which judges are described as "elohim." 


    I could live with a translation in which we settled for "the Word [Logos] was divine." The verse still says the Logos was "in the beginning," not just "before Abraham." And a few verses later John (or whoever really wrote it) declares the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us, clearly setting out a Christology in which Jesus is an embodiment of something timeless and more than human. 


    That's the writer's opinion; clearly, opinions among the apostles varied and developed over time, as they talked and wrote of what they knew and had come to believe. That particular opinion is accepted and affirmed by mainstream ("orthodox") Christianity, and is one of the beliefs that defines Christian orthodoxy. 


    I can live with unorthodox versions of Christianity, and I think Christianity as a whole might have done better had it not devolved into fighting, among those of different views, over which of us is entirely correct. I doubt any of us is entirely correct, and I'm content to wait and see where each of us turns out to be wrong, or right. 


    What I see as more dangerous is the temptation to declare ourselves right and pick fights with everyone else. When we do that, we emulate the Sanhedrin who engineered Jesus' execution. And Jesus himself spent quite a bit of his preaching time pointing out that particular attitude as a problem.

  • 7 days ago

    Best evidence on the matter comes from the original Apostles and disciples, which has been faithfully preserved, via Catholic Tradition. In light of that true context, we have no problem understanding what the Bible actually says and means. Only those who showed up over a thousand years later and invented an entirely new form of Christianity, based solely on their own personal preferences, need to wrestle with issues of that type.  

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