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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 10 hours ago

My husband is very slow. He's very uneducated. Should I keep going?

I'm scared for the future because we've only dated for a year before getting married. He's a very nice man, he does a lot for me. But sometimes I feel like he doesn't care. He's showing his true colors these past couple months and we've only been married for 2 years and 6 months. He doesn't care about anything. He doesn't even know my birthday. He doesn't know when our wedding day took place. He doesn't even remember his own birthday. He can try to learn if he wanted, but he never does. He doesn't care about anything. He just goes through life not knowing a thing about anyone. I felt so embarrassed for him the other day. We were at the doctors and they asked him when his birthday was and he kept looking at me to come help him. The doctor than asked him when my birthday was and he straight up said he doesn't know. I had to give the information. He doesn't even know when our wedding date is. I fell in love with him because he was nice to me. But now, he's changed a lot. He's become such a jerk. All he does is demand and think he's the boss of me. He never lets me go out without him. He goes crazy if I ever leave the house with him not knowing. He even lost his job and won't let me work. After losing his job, he never bothers to help me in the house. He keeps saying that everything is a woman's job while he sits around doing nothing but playing video games and scrolling through his phone. He always blames me for him becoming like this and often tells me he wasn't like this until

Updated 10 hours ago:

I entered his life. He somehow always makes it my fault. On top of all the mess, he wants a child and I keep saying no. He keeps hiding my birth control so I refuse sex and it turns into a huge fight. I don't know what to do anymore. What should I do?

5 Answers

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    7 hours ago

    Nothing you say shows that he’s a nice man who does things for you. You describe him treating your poorly, expecting you to essentially serve him, and he doesn’t even work to support you financially. With neither of you working, I have no idea how you are surviving, but it sounds like it’s time for you to pack your bags and go. No part of him sounds like a good guy you would want to stay married to. So find your big girl panties, pull them on, and get moving.

  • 8 hours ago

    WHY did you marry this retard loser in the first place?  Just DO NOT BREED!  You both have flawed genetics.  Breeding would not be a good idea at all.

  • Anonymous
    8 hours ago

    How old is your husband? If he's past 50, he needs to be evaluated for DEMENTIA and early onset Alzheimer's disease ASAP !!! What you're describing ISN'T NORMAL behavior for anyone, male or female. He clearly has mental issues, and his lack of short term memory is a HUGE RED FLAG for dementia related conditions. YOU also have some serious soul searching to do, because if it should turn out that he is demented or suffering from memory issues, he may never be able to work again. YOU could also end up as his primary caregiver, a fact that you probably haven't considered yet.

    Somehow or other, you need to get hubby to the DOCTOR, and this time, it needs to be HIM who undergoes a thorough workup. Tell the doctor what has been going on and the fact that he can't remember his birth date, and that you've seen signs that he may not even remember who YOU ARE. And to add... it's TYPICAL for someone with dementia to blame others for his or her own shortcomings. That's part of the disease process- and dementia IS a brain disease that eventually results in incapacitation and finally in death. I know- my grandfather died from this disease.

    Meanwhile, until you can find a way to get hubby evaluated and get him some help (if that is even possible), you need to make damn sure that you DON'T GET PREGNANT by him. YOU need to see your own doctor, and switch to a contraceptive method that he CAN'T HIDE or steal from you, such as an IUD or a Norplant. Bringing a baby into this kind of situation would be a HUGE MISTAKE, surely you must realize this. Aside from the fact that he might harm the baby, you're going to have more than enough to deal with if it turns out that he's got Alzheimer's or dementia- especially if you end up becoming his primary caregiver.

    Good luck. You're facing a long, hard road.

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    10 hours ago

    You married him, which you're dumber than he is.

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  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    File for a divorce 

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