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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 15 hours ago

Husband really shouted at me when he found out I was expecting second child because he’d told me not to redecorate son’s bedroom...?

And thought if exposed said child to lead paint in our Victorian walls. Turns out I hadn’t. I quickly fell into depression later that day (I also had depression in first pregnancy). I can’t get over this thing of I shouted because you didn’t listen to me. He does it a lot. Is this forgiveable? I just wanted to strip some woodchip from my little boys room and didn’t even know I was expecting

3 Answers

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    13 hours ago

    Is this forgivable?  That’s entirely up to you. I personally wouldn’t tolerate being shouted at all the time, but I also wouldn’t have a second child with a man who treated me that way all the time, so I guess we have different standards. My guess is you will continue to stay and deal with it, because you clearly can’t take ownership of your own life if you’re asking total strangers something like this.

  • 14 hours ago

    You are married to an ABUSER and you're having a SECOND child with him?  You really think another kid is going to make things better?  You know what. DO NOT bother people here with your bullshit.  YOU are stupid and can't make decisions so YOU deal with it and don't come on here whining when he beats you within an inch of your life or kills your kid.  Get an abortion and LEAVE him.

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    14 hours ago

    Sorry, but I can't make sense of what 

    you are saying, other than the fact that 

    you are upset he yelled at you. If he 

    does it a lot (as you said) then there 

    clearly is some kind of problem that 

    needs to be addressed... but I don't 

    know what you expect from strangers 

    on the internet to be able to do that 

    can help you. Perhaps you should 

    seek out some marriage counseling?

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