Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.
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Why do so many of you bother defending the religion section, when you know it will just fade from memory in a few weeks anyway?
@Mack, reporting questions on a trivial online website to your corporate masters at Yahoo is "doing good things?" You have a very shallow definition of morality. I hope you find more meaningful ways to contribute good to the world.

5 Answers
- Anonymous1 day ago
Why do you deliberately destroy what other people love? Why do you set out to ruin people's fun?
- 1 day ago
I found love here. In 2019. We've been through SO much together, and helped and supported each other with SO much, already! He truly is the love of my life. In every single way. And he also loves me with all his heart, mind and soul, on levels I've never ever been loved, or dared to open up to, before!
So.. yeah. This site has been worth it, for me! Our love will still persist, no matter if it shuts down. It will always and forever be "the place where we first met". Plus also, I've made good memories along the way, from my participation here! Before meeting him, too! This place has been a REALLY good place for me to just write my heart out, and figure myself out by sharing what's on my mind. Which has been very therapeutic, and helped me come to know myself much better! Plus, ya know... Someone fell in love with what I shared on these pages, here! And, as it turns out..? With every single part of who I am. In the most beautifully unconditional way ever. I'd say that's worth it. I'd most certainly do it ALL over again. <3 :)
- Anonymous1 day ago
Why are we all leading our lives when one day we'll all die?
- Anonymous1 day ago
This repeated question does not deserve
a civilized answer, but I choose to be civil.
The one and only reason that I will never fault Yahoo! for
shutting Answers down is because in doing so, they will have
taken the trash out by preventing the corvus/wotan/shadowfire
accounts from operating here in the way that they did.
They were as insignificant as they could possibly be.
I will always applaud Yahoo! for their bold & gutsy decision.
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- MackLv 71 day ago
Good people do good things, bad people troll. Goes with the definition.... :)
It's all relative troll, one does what one can. I'm happy and you live for conflict. Sux to be you. :D :D