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Anonymous asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 5 days ago

How do I remove my entire toenail off without pain?

I have ingrown toenail problems on both of my fat big toes and want to remove the whole nail off so I won't have problems again. How do I do it since it's hard to lift my nail.

2 Answers

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you try to remove a toenail it will cripple you with pain and you are likely to get an infection. When ingrowing toenails are removed it's by surgical procedure and a small part of the root is also cut out to stop the problem recurring.

    But there is often a solution. You need to gently lever up the nail that is digging in. Then it will grow above the wound. You can buy small soft wedges from a pharmacy to keep it elevated. Don't cut the nails too short or it will just dive back down again.

    Source(s): Had one removed. Have second one under control.
  • 5 days ago

    You don't. I've had a toenail removed by a doctor- he numbed the toe first so it didn't hurt, but it was awful not to have the nail. A better solution- there is a thing you can buy at a drugstore that you put on the ingrown areas. It toughens the skin, until you can get under the ingrown part and clip off that edge of the toenail. It's painless and you can do it whenever a toenail becomes ingrown. Ripping off a toenail won't stop it from growing back and being ingrown again. 

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