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Hi, I am a disabled 51 year old man in southwest Arkansas. Most of my expertise is in computers. My pet peeve is questions that ask wanna view my myspace page?.
My car has a problem no one seems to diagnose?
I have a 1994 Chevy Caprice with an LT1 engine. When it warms up it starts running really rough and when it idles it backfires. I had the plugs replaced, had it put on a analyzer and nothing shows up. I was wondering if anyone has an idea of what is the like cause of this problem
10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoAre people on disability going to get a stimulus check???
I know under Obama's plan, people on disability were going to get checks too. Isn't our money considered earned income?
I get a statement of my income each year but of course I make less than required to file.... if we don't get any money that is screwed... we already got screwed out of how they did our increases...
Something I read that says people that don't pay taxes are getting something like 300 dollars. Doesn't that include us?
10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoIn the Cory Lidle coverage, are they doing the other dead man justice?
I know who Cory pitched for, what his won/loss record was, his era, when he was married, the name of his wife and child and their ages, but I don't even know the man's name after watching and reading about this all day.
Are we so vain we only care about the rich and famous?
Would it be too much to find out if he had a wife and or children and mention them also when you wish condolenses to the Lidle family?
Also, Nancy Grace asked a guest if there was any chance this was suicide! Honestly, she really asked!
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoNancy Grace? Would you date someone that professes their love for Nasty Grace and all she stands for?
If you were dating someone and they thought Nasty Grace is just this wonderful woman standing up for crime victims would you decide they were a terrible judge of people and quit dating them or feel sorry for them and continue the relationship hoping you could teach them this woman loves only herself and could care less about the facts or any other people...
Now, "friends" who love Nasty, be nice. My brother was stabbed so I am a crime victim myself.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoIf your 18 month old son wanted a Barbie Doll?
If you took your young son to toys r us or any other toy store and he decided he wanted a Barbie Doll would you buy it for him?
30 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoDon't you just love Nancy Grace?
Don't you just love Nasty Grace?
Why are we wasting all this money on our disfunctional justice system when we could just let her decide guilt and punishment of all our criminals much cheaper and more effective than we do.
Why have trials, everyone knows everyone arrested is guilty. I know there are a few that are not, but heck, why go through all the expense of trials and stuff and worry about a few innocent people?
If she were in charge, child molestation would end soon. Each person arrested would be castrated within minutes of booking, murders would cease as they would be shot right after booking, and generally men would be much nicer to their wives, wouldn't want to be arrested for wife abuse would you guys, knowing Nasty Grace was waiting for you just outside the booking room?
John Mark Karr? He would never have finished the flight over from Thailand...
Don't you just love Nancy Grace?
17 AnswersTelevision1 decade agoAny other yahoo users with chronic pain and are you getting the treatment you need?
I would like to hear from other people that are currently in or have been in a test program for the drug PTI-821 or Remoxy or hear from others that have been on pain killers for chronic pain for a long time.
My question really is, what has made you deal with chronic pain in a successful way, even if it is something other than drugs.
I have chronic lower back pain and of course the nerve pain that comes with it.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoIf someone does not like your answer here on YA is it......?
Okay to not only report you but then to go and post a nasty question about you like this?;_ylt=AsV69...
If you agree with me, please answer this persons question and tell th em so.
8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoI have an idea... about Yahoo answers.. Tell me what you think please...?
What if they changed the point system to this. When you answer a question you get 2 points now. In my new system if you went and read the askers profile before answering the question to see who they are, what sort of questions they ask you would get 1 extra point. This would lead to more informed answers I think..
What do YOU think?
20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoLogitech DiNovo Media Desktop Bluetooth?
Does anyone have this mouse and keyboard combo? If so, how do you like it? Any trouble during install and setup? What OS are you running?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoJonBenet Ramsey Would America be better off if ........?
Would America be better off finding out if this guy is her killer before bringing him back here?
If he is not we could leave him there. Sorry to sound cruel, but Thailand is renowned the world over for not protecting their kids from predators.
20 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDo terrorists remind you of the KKK?
Do the terrorists remind you of the KKK with their heads covered and hatred for people without any consideration of that person or do you think the United States and other western democracies have fueled their anger and they are freedom fighters?
9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoShould there be a mandatory spell check in Yahoo Answers before your question or answer is posted?
What I mean is, should the site check what you type in and say, if there are five or more words not spelled correctly just tell you, sorry, you can't post this unless you correct it?
10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoIs the best answer system unfair?
I was wondering if the voting for best answer does not really give the best answer because people read the first few answers more carefully and as soon as you find a really good one you decide on it and move on? Would it be better if they scrambled the order of the questions for each voter to make different ones come up first?
6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago