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Reprogramming remote start/keyless entry?
Viper remote start/keyless reprogramming on a 2002 ford focus. All the sudden it just stopped working. All connections seem to be good, and the remote has a fresh battery in it. I've looked online for simple instructions but cannot find anything that works. Any help would be awesome! Thanks!
1 AnswerCar Audio10 years agoMLB tv subscription & iPhone 4?
If I subscribe to MLB TV this year, and download the iPhone MLB at bat app (for 15 buck, or whatever it is) does anyone know if I can watch games on my iphone 4? I know on my computer, and ps3 but it would be much more worth it if I could watch it on my iPhone 4 as well.
I know they have had select games you could watch on the MLB at bat app through the year, but the way I understood it, if you subscribe to MLB tv you can watch any game.
I appreciate any help you can provide!
How much is MLB tv subscription anyway?
2 AnswersBaseball1 decade agoJeep Wrangler v. Jeep Wrangler Unlimited?
Can someone tell me what is the difference in 2007-2010 models (Wrangler v. Wrangler Unlimited). Since I was a child I always wanted a Jeep. The time has come to pull the trigger, however I will need to purchase a used model, and will most likely have to wait until spring for the prices to come down on 2007-2008 models a little more.
Since I have never owned a jeep before what should I look for? What should I avoid? Is there a web-page that clearly breaks down the different trim packages? It seems that when I search for Jeeps their are a million different combination of trim packages. So far I really like the Sahara, since they are 4 doors, I think I can talk my wife into that one!
What are some good Jeep forums out there? Like I said it will probably be spring before the prices are where I can afford one comfortably, since I have never owned a Jeep before, there is a lot that I need to learn about them before I make my decision.
2 AnswersJeep1 decade agoBig rule changes this weekend....?
We have some big rule changes this weekend. What do you all think about it? I think its sweet they are willing to change things up in the middle of the season.
This weekend we will have double file restarts. We also will have the free pass for the first car not on the lead lap, BUT... cars a lap or more down who elect not to pit (when others pit, I assume) get waved around... I cannot wait to see what happens...
5 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoHow easy is it... Get to the back of factory car radio...?
I am having bad luck finding a decent FM transmitter for my Iphone 3G. I have given up and now I am looking for a direct link between my Iphone and my car radio. My car has an AUX button on it. How easy is it to get that radio out of my dash and plug in the aux link between the two??? I own a 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix GT.
Thanks for your help.
Happy Holidays!
2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade agoGas/ barrel drops Gas/gallon... not so much ?
Someone help me understand this please.
At the spike earlier this summer gas was 145.29
Today it closed at 59.33
That is a 59% decline in the price.
Why haven't we seen 59% decline at the pump? Now I know if a station buys gas at so much per barrel on Monday, their price/gallon on that same shipment should remain the same until they get their next load of gas in to prevent them from losing any money... That is common business sense.
HOWEVER, it seems these stations are having their cake and eating it too. When there is a scare on gas, prices can go up within 5 minutes... without receiving another shipment of fuel. But when gas goes down they don't take care of the consumer with that type of prompt price changing. It seems that in my local community prices are still higher than the percent of drop of the per barrel drop.
I am giving them a grace period, but should we be worried about this? Our stations are still more than they should be.
Help me out so I can understand this.
If we owned the stations I am sure we would do the same, but shouldn't the consumers be offered some protection?
2 AnswersEconomics1 decade agoMedia Sharing Problem with PS3?
Now I have done this in the past, but now it is not working. I can get SimpleCenter to work and communicate with PS3 and Laptop, so that tells me the setting are correct. I really want to use Tversity, or Windows Media Player 11 to share the media but neither are working correctly.
Needless to say I need some help. I dont know if its a firewall problem or what but like I said at one time this all worked. Same wireless connection, same wireless router, same house, same everything. I have looked at countless forums on how to fix this, and they all tell me how to set it up, and not how to fix the problem.
PS3 sees MWP 11 less than half the time
Laptop has not seen the PS3 for a few days
PS3 never shows up in the media sharing device window for me to allow it to share.
My wireless connection is 90% and its less than 20 feet away from my wireless router, through a wall.
1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade agoPS3 Windows Media Player 11 not connecting anymore...?
I had this system running sweet about 2-3 months ago. Nothing has changed since then that I know of. I have tried this countless time with no luck... One time the PS3 recognized my computer, and then boom, it was gone again after an error message saying Ps3-751 not recognized...
So I have tried to to redo exactly what all the site are saying in linking the two up via wireless connection.
The PS3 shows up in WMP11, but the WMP11 does not show up on the PS3. BUT other programs such as SimpleConnect do show up on both the laptop and PS3. So everything is set up, I just cannot use WMP11 for my media server. I need help.
2 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoDVDs to Iphone, but no sound?
Guys, I need a simple way to get dvds to my Iphone. I did one but ended up without any sound out of it. I need to know what programs to use, and in what order in order to get the dvds to my Iphone with sound. I am using windows on my laptop if that matters.
Thanks for your help.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoHD Antenna boosting???
Here is my situation. I live 16 miles from two stations, and 30 miles from about 4 more. According to elevation I am slightly above the town 16 miles away, and about 150 feet below the stations 30 miles away. My house sits in one of the highest areas of my town, with large trees around my house. I currently have a Terk HD (Terk TV55) antenna. Its about 4 feet long and about 8 inches wide.
I cannot being in any hd stations with any type of reliability at all. With football season here, I need to know what I should do to get a better HD signal. Do I need a booster at the antenna? Do I need a booster at my receiver? How much of a boost do I even need?
Any help would be great.
Thanks everyone.
1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade agoCry me a river Kyle!?
This is how 90 percent of the races are done at Bristol... If you dont like it sit it out! lol Who is with me?!?!
Good for cousin Carl, race them the way they race you! haha
6 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoxm radio portable unit (Pioneer Inno)?
Hey everyone... I just started a new job in a factory... really close to home and I hope to move up in that company within the next year... After our training is finished we are allowed to wear MP3 players... I want to know if you think the new XM Radio (Pioneer Inno) would work inside the factory.
Its a normal factory building with a normal commercial roof. No windows in the place but I live in the midwest in a small town so I dount there are any terestial boosters around... I love XM and think it would make the 10 hour day fly by if I was able to listen to my XM radio in the plant.
Do you think that it would be a waste of money, or would this work in the plant?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoHas anyone seen the C.O.T. model car kits?
I want to put together a model car, and its been ages since I have done such a thing... All this technology we have, computers, Internet, 200 channels on tv, PS3... and I want to put together a model car... go figure...
I cannot seem to find a C.O.T. model car kit anywhere... Am I just looking in the wrong spots? If I am going to spend the time to put one together I want to put the new car together, not the old one...
I have checked hobby lobby, and all over the Internet and I cannot seem to find anything!
6 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoHow big of a transformer do I need for outdoor low voltage lights...?
Roughly how many low voltage outdoor lights can I run off of a 150W 120v to 12v transformer, 300W 120v to 12v, and 600W 120v to 12v.
Do I need a transformer for every couple of lights to make sure they are all equally the same brightness/dimness?
Anyone have any good websites about this type of information?
These lights will be used on my deck off the back of the house for evenings...
7 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoMy first wedding as a photographer...?
I am going to be taking pictures at my brother-in-laws wedding. Due to a change in management and ownership they are stuck without a photographer. I will be using a Cannon Rebel xt (Digital) to do my work.
I dont know much about all the features that camera has to offer, but I want to make sure I provide great pictures.
I need to know what features to use from time to time for a nice little change, what kind of features to use all the time, and what features that should always be off for this type of thing.
I need ideas to spice up these pictures.
Thanks for any help.
11 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoScanner antennas...?
Hey everyone, I have a RadioShack nascar hand held scanner, and I have to admit its a blast to listen to whats going on around the town. I have a 6 inch antenna on it right now, but wonder if I need a bigger one to just listen to stuff around town. I live in a small town its probably around 75-100 square miles and I live pretty much in the center of town. I pick up lots of the local police and such, but I wonder if I would pick up much more if I got a larget antenna to plug into my scanner? If so what should I look for in a new antenna? I do not know much about scanners, and need some help! Thanks!
1 AnswerScanners1 decade agoMoving the motion sensor on a motion sensor light...?
I just installed a motion sensor light on the top of my deck over looking my backyard for our dogs. The only problems is that our deck is about 20 feet above the yard. I have tried to point the motion sensor in the exact direction where the dogs will walk through it and it does not pick them up all the time.
My question is, can I cut the motion sensor wires and run longer wires so I can get the motion sensor closer to the dogs activity?
6 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoBiggest story of the year?
Any ideas on what will be the biggest story of the year? Obviously last year it was the introduction of the C.O.T. and JR's move to Hendrick.
I think it will be the C.O.T. and it's speeds, and you can't go wrong with Tony being a big story during the year. I bet he will have some good times and some bad with the Toyota, I am just interested to see what he says when things are not going his way with it.
Anyway hit me up with your ideas for the biggest story's of the year!
13 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoAnyone using old antennas to pick up HD?
I had good luck with this a few years ago at a different house. I moved into a new one without an antenna... I was wondering if you could still use those really old big antennas to pick up HD... Has anyone else had any luck with this?
1 AnswerTVs1 decade agoHD Antennas?
I need to know what to do about a HD antenna. I am getting ready to move and I will be 17 miles away from all the stations except one. I will be 40 miles away from that station in the opposite direction. I will have dish network and will need the antenna to get my locals in HD. I need some advice for antennas that will be able to get the close locals as well as the one that is further away in a different direction. Could I just point a long range antenna towards the one that is 40 miles away and still get the close ones?
4 AnswersTVs1 decade ago