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Can I have two Tiny Tower games going on the same device?
I have two gamecenter accounts and I'd like to have two Tiny Towers. I want to play them both on my iPad. Can I log out of one of my gamecenter accounts, then login with the other and start a new tower? Is there any other way anyone might know of?
Also, If I log out of my gamecenter account will I lose the Tiny Tower I already have?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years agoIn which episode of Family Guy did this movie theater scene happen?
I'm trying to find the clip somewhere. I think it was Peter and Brian in the theater. They may have gotten drunk. I don't remember. The movie began and it played scenes that looked like the movie was starting but they kept ending up being different production company intros (I don't know what they're called). Peter was getting excited and was commenting on them as they played. If you know what I'm talking about...then you'll know what I'm talking about.
3 AnswersComedy1 decade agoWhat's wrong with my Silver Dollar?
I'm not really sure what's going on but it has a small, maybe eraser sized and ball-shaped something in what looks like its belly, just to the front of the anal fin. It seems to be protruding more on the left side than the right?
What is that? Eggs? Swollen organ? I've had all of my silver dollars for 3 1/2 years now; I don't want to lose him/her.
1 AnswerFish1 decade agoWhat's the Greek word for "favorite"?
How is it spelled using the English alphabet and how is it pronounced?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoWhat is the Greek word for "favorite?"?
How is it spelled using the English alphabet and how is it pronounced?
5 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoWhy does my 4 year old fear everything?
My 4 year old daughter is scared of everything. Certain words, noises, songs...she had a fit when my mother turned left down the road then realized she was supposed to have turned right. It's something new every day...a facial expression, a store, a name, someone saying they're tired and can't fall asleep, someone being confused by something, someone laughing at something she doesn't think is funny. She's scared of being more than 4 feet away from me, she won't go to the bathroom by herself, she gets scared when I ask her if something scares her, along with a plethora of what I consider "normal" 4 year old fears (the dark, bugs, etc...). More often than not I see her with her hands over her eyes or ears and her head down. I ask her what she's scared of, she tells me, then I ask her why she's scared and, of course, she doesn't know why.
I'm already at the point where I realize her fears are excessive and irrational. I need to know what's most likely the cause of it and how I can fix it. Telling her not to be afraid obviously doesn't work, and I don't want to force her to confront her fears against her will, so...what other options do I have?
Her father and I divorced 3 years ago and she had been going back and forth between two states every few months. I moved, so that's not going to continue to be an issue, though it may have already affected her. Also, her grandmother has always been excessively fearful and protective (when she wasn't with me, my ex relied on her as a babysitter a lot). I don't mean a little fearful of normal situations, I mean that she keeps my daughter in a bubble and makes a huge deal about not talking to anyone she doesn't know because they'll kidnap her, not going outside unless she has full metal armor on, storms are extremely frightening and dangerous...basically everything is dangerous and can harm a person if they're not on their toes all the time.
The divorce making her feel unstable and fearful? The grandmother teaching her that everything is dangerous? Her age? A combination of all of the above? And most can I help her? I am understanding of her, I reassure her, I comfort her, I am sure to let her know that there is no reason to fear these things, I never let her think for a second that I have these same fears, or that they're legitimate...this is not working.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI need a number for an AOL supervisor. NOW.
I was trying to reactivate an account I had 7 years ago. The guy told me he was going to check to see if the name was still available. He said he needed my credit card info to activate the account. I asked him if it would be for the same account, he said he wouldn't be able to tell until he got the credit card info, because his browser wouldn't let him. I asked him if this would charge my card, and he said, "NO." After he checked the screen name he said, "It looks like that name is not available, but I've charged your card and this is your new screen name."
I hung up on him. I called back and talked to another guy who told me that because I didn't cancel it 2 days prior, I'd still be charged. I did this TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE.
Anyway, I am mad (obviously) and I want a number for a supervisor who will actually address the fact that this is unacceptable and ridiculous and who will FIX IT.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoWhat's up with my cats?
Why are they so sexy? They're brothers, and ooze the exact same amount of sexy. I am wondering if it's genetics? They're even so sexy that they resort to making out with each other. I'm concerned that it's just way too much sexy.
Should I do something to prevent the sexy from oozing so rampantly and indiscriminately, or is there something I can do to minimize the effect their sexy has on people and other animals they come into contact with? It could become an epidemic.
I'd appreciate any insight regarding this problem. The sexy could prove to be fatal.
View photo at your own risk. The long term effects of viewing photos of sexy have not been determined.
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoLooking for guidance relating to study and application?
# 1 - Study - I know that some institutions offer tests to help you determine what you'd be good at. Do you know of any websites that offer these tests?
I'm having issues because I feel like I should go to school for something I have a passion for (veterinary medicine, anthropology, marine biology), but I'm really good at arguing (showing people different perspectives, etc...) and writing, so my mother thinks I should be a lawyer or a writer.
# 2 - Application - I also want to know what kind of jobs I can acquire by studying these things...I don't want to work in an office. I am driven and am the type of person that can make a great contribution to society...if I had proper direction.
Any information that leads to the satisfaction of my life's dreams will be rewarded will one billion dollars.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoI want an honest answer from the horse racing fans...?
Ok, so I have been reading a lot, everywhere. It seems like the only arguments fans of racing have is "horses love racing." They haven't said it, but horses also make money.
So, considering that those are two pros for horse racing, what are the others? I'm just confused because I haven't, heard a valid argument from that side that makes horse racing, considering the fact that hundreds of horses die each year because of the sport, a sport to continue?
I'm asking you not to think much about the money side of it, because, from what I hear, for those of you who love horses, it's not a huge determining factor.
I can't really accept the fact that some think horses love racing is a good argument, either, because even if my cat loved jumping out of my 18 story window, into a fluffy sheet, I still wouldn't let him do it (for, hopefully, obvious reasons).
Regardless of my opinion, I would REALLY love to know why you love horse racing, and why it's morally/ethically ok to you.
14 AnswersHorse Racing1 decade agoKentucky Derby terms and betting?
I want to bet on the Derby. When I was at the Oaks yesterday I was told you tell them what race, what horse #, and whether or not you are betting for them to win or show.
#1 - What does it mean to show (this question leads to question #3)?
I'm reading, on yahoo answers, about exacta, placing, profecta (I have no idea if I'm spelling these right).
#2 - What the heck are all of the terms and what do they mean?
I want to make an educated bet.
#3 - Where is the best place to make a bet online since I didn't even think to bet while I wasa AT Churchill Downs yesterday?
2 AnswersHorse Racing1 decade agoIs there a way to find out who made an appointment in Outlook?
We have about 6 people who could have and we need to find out who did it!
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoWhy is the image cut of off on my laptop?
It works fine, then gets messed up again, in about 3 month stages. I am watching movies on my laptop and it cuts off about 1/4 an inch off of the right side and transfers it to the left side. Anyone know how to fix this?
1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade agoAlcoholics meetings for Atheists?
Posted this somewhere else, but someone suggested I post it here...
Is there any way to get help for addiction other than going to AA meetings? I have a problem with AA because of the religious overtones. Yeah, I know you can chose to believe that your higher power is the door knob, but it doesn't really matter, because their theory is that an atheist is a "poor little lost soul." It's so much like church. "Believe and you will healed." I went to a meeting recently. I asked why addiction can't be regulated. They said, "It can't be." That wasn't my question. I didn't see one person who had a mind of their own while I was there. So should I assume that I don't need help? That I can do it on my own? I think the support is a good idea, but I can't attend AA meetings knowing how cult-like the whole thing is.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAlcoholics meetings for Atheists?
Is there any way to get help for addiction other than going to AA meetings? I have a problem with AA because of the religious overtones. Yeah, I know you can chose to believe that your higher power is the door knob, but it doesn't really matter, because their theory is that an atheist is a "poor little lost soul." It's so much like church. "Believe and you will healed." I went to a meeting recently. I asked why addiction can't be regulated. They said, "It can't be." That wasn't my question. I didn't see one person who had a mind of their own while I was there. So should I assume that I don't need help? That I can do it on my own? I think the support is a good idea, but I can't attend AA meetings knowing how cult-like the whole thing is.
13 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhy does Brooke White sit all of the time?
The American Idol contestant can obviously walk, but she sits during almost every performance. She didn't even stand up when the judges were giving their judgments. Is there something wrong with her? I can't figure out what it could be.
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoA place to be comfortable and to be yourself?
I've created it.
Ok, so I know this sounds desperate, but it's not. We have a few awesome members, but I would like some different opinions and such. Our board is 18+ and we invite people from all walks of life, with all points of view. It's dedicated to the idea that you can be yourself, say what you want, without the fear of being judged our "outcast." We like to have fun. We get sexual. We don't get offended, because we know that what anyone says is only an opinion. Anyone who joins must be comfortable with who they are, because there will be opposing opinions and views. Again, you must not get offended by anyone else's views and opinions! Education is my number one goal in life, and anyone who can contribute would be greatly appreciated!
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoSome friends and I started a message board I think is greatly need. Would you like to join?
Ok, so I know this sounds desperate, but it's not. We have a few awesome members, but I would like some different opinions and such. Our board is 18+ and we invite people from all walks of life, with all points of view. It's dedicated to the idea that you can be yourself, say what you want, without the fear of being judged our "outcast." We like to have fun. We get sexual. We don't get offended, because we know that what anyone says is only an opinion. Anyone who joins must be comfortable with who they are, because there will be opposing opinions and views. Again, you must not get offended by anyone else's views and opinions! Education is my number one goal in life, and anyone who can contribute would be greatly appreciated!
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade agoChildren of atheists - how could you let your child believe in something you know isn't true?
I've read other questions and answers, and a lot of atheists answer that they'd let their children believe in whatever they'd like. I don't understand how someone could let their own child do something that is the equivalent of believeing in Santa when they are adults. Is it the fact that they are your children, and even though you know it's a crutch, you want to let your children believe in whatever just so they're happy people?
Let me say this...I am an opinionated person. I have my opinions but am NEVER opposed to questioning them, or having them be questioned. So, I ask you what the benefit would be?
25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoFor atheists - how did you come to this conclusion?
I was about 17 and, after attending a private, christian high school, I realized none of it made sense. As I studied and became more educated, I knew for a fact none of it was true. It makes me feel like I was "saved." Share experiences, for I love hearing these stories.
Also, have you gotten the "rebel" argument (stating that you hate god so much, you had to rebel)? I've gotten this, and to those I say, "I would have to believe in god to hate him. It wasn't rebellion. It was enlightenment." If you've heard this, how did you respond?
18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago