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Is it true SS death benefits to a minor child can't accumulate ?
I understand if you don't have a bank account you can use something like an ATM card to take out money from Social Security Death benefits to a minor child. I don't know if this is correct, but I read somewhere you can't accumulate more than $2000. So if this is true what happens to the benefit money you don't use for the care of the child? And do you have to account for the money to SS yearly?
5 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years agowhat is the difference between Drontal & Droncit?
Is there an ingredient in Droncit that cats can't have? Seems like both would work in either species since they both treat tapeworms. Just wondering.
1 AnswerCats8 years agoInternet Explorer 9 or Verizon Yahoo. Which is the culprit?
Using IE 9 with Vista Home Premium, Verizon Yahoo - WHY is it when I'm not even connected to the internet and do connect there is like anywhere between 15 to 26 Yahoo homepages open waiting for me to login?
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years agoProof of residency for kindergarten in Harford County, MD?
Harford County Public School system is giving my adult son a difficult time in registering his daughter for kindergarten. He has lived in my home since 2000, his daughter has lived here since 2010. I am the owner of my home, and there is no lease agreement between my son & myself. All his mail, drivers license, car insurance, employment records, veteran records are this address. Yet because he cannot produce a utility bill or a lease the school board is refusing to accept this address as his residence for the school district we live in. They want us to complete a notorized form for a multi family residence, listing each of us along with birthdates and social security numbers. Once they receive that, they will send someone to inspect MY HOUSE to verify my granddaughter actually lives here. First this is not a multi-family residence, he is my son who lives at home with his daughter. Secondly, I feel this is fringing on invasion of my privacy to have someone come into my home to verify my granddaughter lives here by checking for a bedroom!!
Even the court order giving my son residential custody of his daughter lists this address.
Anyone that lives in Harford County Maryland, USA that is experiencing this situation, any advice would be great.
2 AnswersFamily9 years agoCopy of w-2 from unemployment in Maryland?
I was unemployed in 2009 and received unemployment benefits in Maryland, is there a way to get the W-2 on line from unemployment?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agowhat is oil capacity and weight for 1996 Dodge Dakota?
V8 engine.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoAn indian proverb? legend? saying?
Where can I find the link or more about an alleged indian saying that refers to the animals we have known on earth will be at heaven's gate and depending on how we treated them will be their decision to allow us into heaven, or something like that.
2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoWhat problems do I face upgrading to Windows 7 from Vista XP?
what conflicts can I expect with software, hardware, etc? just want to prepare myself because I know this isn't going to be a piece of cake!
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoMy well jet pump has been making louder than normal noises. Is it time to fix or replace it?
This pump has always been on the loud side since I've lived here, about 10 years now. Lately when the pump is on, a very loud high pitched noise can be heard. How long do jet pumps for wells last? Do I need to replace or is there hope for a repair?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoWhat company offers factory second chew toys free to shelter animals?
Does anyone know of any companies that offer free chew toys that are factory seconds to shelters? I know at one time the manufacturers of Kong toys would provide slightly defective kong toys to shelters free, but I understand that they no longer do that. Just wondering if there is a company in the US that is willing to donate imperfect toys to shelter animals.
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat can we do? Where can we turn for help?
I've worked at an animal shelter for the last 7 years. Animals are euthanized there everyday, for some of us it's much harder to accept than others. There is one individual there that goes beyond their job description. This person appears to have no problem euthanizing animals just because their time is up (4 days). I have seen this person euthanize feral cats after just 24 hours, they must be held the same 4 days as domestic cats. This person gave pre-euthanasia drugs to two dogs that were bothering this person with their barking. The dogs were knocked out for hours. This person is so quick to euthanize animals that an eviction cat was brought into the shelter, which means it's a stray and must be held 4 days. This person immediately euthanized the cat without looking at the impound ticket. When it was realized the cat should not have euthanized, this person wrote "sick" on the impound ticket to cover this person's butt. The supervisor has been told by several workers of what this person is doing and nothing has been done. This person has worked at the shelter for over 20 years, the last seven of those years I have seen what this person is allowed to continue to do. An employee had brought their cat into the shelter to be groomed by another employee, while in it's cage this person euthanized the cat without asking anything about the cat or where it came from. Nothing was done, little was said!!!!
What can be done if the supervisor isn't listening to other workers about this person? This is a local government run shelter, complaints have been made to the higher ups with little action. We have been warned in the past (not related to this person) not to speak to the media about shelter procedures, the local government has their own spokesperson. So going to the press or media would put our jobs at risk. Any suggestions short of smacking this person down, literally?!
5 AnswersCats1 decade agoAnyone else having slower load times since Verizon added advertisements?
Is anyone else experiencing problems since Verizon put ads on Mail? I've had slow, slow, slow load time getting to my mail.
2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade agoAnyone remember a door to door tax person?
I was told that in Baltimore City during the sixties and early seventies a tax person would knock on your door, ask permission to enter your home and tax you on items like a television, major appliances such as a refrigerator, washing machine or range. I grew up in Baltimore City and never recall this happening. Does anyone from Baltimore City remember this kind of taxation? I'd like to know.
1 AnswerGovernment1 decade agoWhy can't I copy and paste a jpeg, or GIF to the message in my email?
Why can't I copy a desktop graphic or animation and paste it to the message of an email? What am I doing wrong? Or does it just not accept copy and paste, only attachments?
5 AnswersAttachments and Photos1 decade agoHelp, any opinions, advice or suggestions!?
My sister rents a townhouse in Baltimore County, MD. She and her friend signed a year lease. The friend, over the last five months, has insisted they don't have their share of the rent. My sister has talked, begged and pleaded with this individual to come up with their share of the rent to no avail and she has exhausted her savings to pay all the rent. The rental office has told her one more late payment with the rent and she will be evicted. She and the co-tenant have another two months on the lease. My sister has explained the situation to the rental office but they said there's nothing they can do. If the roommate has signed the lease too isn't there anything legally my sister can do?
3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIs Metacam approved for use on cats?
I was under the impression Metacam was used soley for dogs, but I recently had a friend tell me her vet prescribed Metacam for her cat. Is there anything on the web that relates to this drug being used for cats?
2 AnswersCats1 decade agoWhat do I have to do?
I have scabs all over my body, the hair on my body is falling out, my ears are irritated, my gums are pale, I have no appetite, all I do is sleep, my eyes are crusty and my nose is running.
Instead of getting advice on Yahoo Answers, why doesn't my owner take me to a vet who is the only one that can help me?
How do I let my owner know I need their help now?
Help me....ooooow now!
10 AnswersCats1 decade agoVapor Barrier???
I understand there is a very effective vapor barrier but am having a hard time locating a supplier. Any links or info?
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade agoIsn't it SCARY!?
that time after time people whose pets are in need of immediate veterinary care will ask the question "what should I do?"
10 AnswersDogs1 decade agoIs it true the US Military charges soliders for their food and clothing?
I heard solider's have their food and clothing deducted from their pay each month. Then I heard that only their food is deducted and any uniforms they are required to have must be purchased by the solider right down to their underwear. Is any of this true? I think this stinks! The government is asking them to die for their country, but we'll take out the food you ate from your pay. Stup!
20 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago