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  • Why is he treating me like this? :(?

    Ok so I am in a long distance relationship the last time I saw him was in may & I won't be with him again until October, I miss him so much it hurt!

    He was so nice before even with us being apart before if we argued before within the hour he would send me a sorry message, I talk to him every night on web cam but the past few nights he has been coming late one time he said he fell asleep, one time he said he would come in 20minutes but came well over an hour late and last night he wouldn't answer his phone and came a stupid time saying he went to get money off a friend! This could all be true but it also may not be..

    He has been speaking to me like **** and if I say something to him about how I feel he just tells me I'm the same as this other girl who is always suspicious, I called him today & his voice was so different so I said this to him & he asked if I was drunk!

    This may seem like nothing but I swear it's killing me, I've said if he doesn't want me then tell me & he just blames me for not wanting it I told him that I want him then he just said he was going sleep!

    Yes I did ask this question before but I want more answers please, I am not constantly trying to get hold of him and he's just sent me a message saying he thinks I don't care about him, told him that I did but he's now telling me to shut up! Don't know what the **** is wrong with him!

    I love him so much but I don't like the way he's speaking to me past few days, he is killing me inside and really up setting me. He works in a tourist place so I'm thinking he's with someone else..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why is he treating me like this? :(?

    Ok so I am in a long distance relationship the last time I saw him was in may & I won't be with him again until October, I miss him so much it hurt!

    He was so nice before even with us being apart before if we argued before within the hour he would send me a sorry message, I talk to him every night on web cam but the past few nights he has been coming late one time he said he fell asleep, one time he said he would come in 20minutes but came well over an hour late and last night he wouldn't answer his phone and came a stupid time saying he went to get money off a friend! This could all be true but it also may not be..

    He has been speaking to me like **** and if I say something to him about how I feel he just tells me I'm the same as this other girl who is always suspicious, I called him today & his voice was so different so I said this to him & he asked if I was drunk!

    This may seem like nothing but I swear it's killing me, iv'e said if he doesn't want me then tell me & he just blames me for not wanting it I told him that I want him then he just said he was going sleep!

    I love him so much but I don't like the way he's speaking to me past few days, he is killing me inside and really up setting me. He works in a tourist place so I'm thinking he's with someone else..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Please tell me what I can do?

    I really really like this man have done for a while now & we get on so well, we have the same sense of humour & even find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time which I love!

    On the week end we all went out as friends drinking! But I accidentally poked him in the eye I said I was sorry & he was ok with it, but noticed tonight he has deleted me on Facebook so I asked him why & he's saying it's cuz of his eye! I would never hurt him on purpose & I feel this is a stupid reason to delete someone it's bad enough I can't tell him to his face how much I like him! But it really has hurt me tonight & feel so sick cuz he may hate me now! I've said sorry in the nicest way possible what else can I do? x

    By the way I know I sound stupid but if u ever liked someone this much u would understand! Because I'm not normally like this

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Tattoo ideas for my late dad?

    My dad past in February & it is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with I know I will never get over it! For the past 2 months I have been really wanting to get a tattoo with something to do with him, I carry him in my heart that's permanent, but I want him on me too!!! Last night I actually had a dream that he was still alive and he was a tattooist was very strange but I woke up crying and now i'm on here?

    I don't want his date of birth because I don't want his death date on me!

    I want something that's him and something that's me, I can't even explain what I want so I need some help

    He loved music and my nick name from him is teddy I really hated it but now i'd do anything to hear him say it again!!!

    Also I want the words in it "what if"

    because it was the name of his fave song, was played at his funeral and 2 days before he died he phoned me and I almost ignored it! But i'm glad I took that call and some time i do think to myself "what if" i didn't? So i have these rough ideas but don't know how to put it into a tattoo.

    Thank you! x

    2 AnswersTattoos10 years ago
  • My dad just died :( and I blame my anti?

    My dad died on saturday I don't know what to do?

    I only spoke to him on the phone 4 days ago and he asked me if I missed him, I said yeah then he told me he would be down in the summer to see me as he was spending a year with his sister!!!

    Then on the phone I told him that "i had to go and I was busy" But I actually wasn't just wanted to watch tv.. I really wish I stayed talking to him on the phone and I can't remember the last time I told him I loved him!!!

    My heart aches like hell, my head and ears are killing im so week but at the same time angry as I strongly believe that if he didn't go to his sisters house he would be alive now!!!

    He had a heart attack but I blame his sister why did she take him to stay with her? He would be alive........ Do u think he knew I loved him? x

    13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What colour dress should I wear with red hair?

    Okay so it's my birthday next week & i'm going out drinking with friends to bars then a club! I have no idea what to wear but want to get something new...

    I'm 5.1 (so short I hate it) quite bright red but dark at the same time not like fire! Fair to medium skin & green eyes..

    My hairs just past my shoulders but think i'm gonna wear my extensions that night just for an extra bit of length & thickness

    So please can u tell me what u think would look good with red hair & my height?

    Sorry i don't have a decent picture to put on here so use your Imagination, thank u :>)

    12 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • When will Bruno do his own tour in the uk?

    Iv'e looked on google but can't seem to find any news on him doing his own tour, so i'm just being thick or theres nothing planned yet! I need to see him because I love him soo much he is just amazing! <3 x

    1 AnswerUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Tell me which looks best on me blonde or red?

    I was blonde & wanted a change so went for red now I am wanting to go back to blonde lol..

    Which do u think suits me best? I know I look fat in the red one but I am sat down haha x

    13 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Who is the red haired girl in olly murs music video?

    I need to know the red haired girls name in his music video ' Please don't let me go'

    Does anyone know her name? im trying to find a picture of her but can't cuz I have no idea what her name is..

    reason for this is I love her hair & want this colour!!! Please help... xxx

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Red or blonde which suits me more? (pic inc)?

    I have blonde hair at the moment but getting kinda fed up with it so I also like red tried on this wig! Which do u think is best? What would u do?

    Cuz if I don't like it heard it's hard to go back! Ahhhh help please... xx



    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Who's the girl with the red hair in this music viedo?

    I want to dye my hair red and never found the kinda red I wanted until I saw this music Video!!!

    It's a beautiful red just how I want it! But I can't get a picture of the girl because I don't know her name or anything :(

    So can u help me please!!! Look out for the girl with the red hair (shes the only one) and please tell me who she is thankkkkk youuuu!!! xxx

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • I am blonde but tant to dye my hair red, can u tell me what u think of this wig please? (pic inc)?

    I have been blonde for a while and kinda getting fed up with it, my next colour choice would be red, so I tried on this wig...

    Can u tell me what u think suits me more blonde or red please..

    I have green eyes, pale skin but I do sometimes use fake tan..



    Remember the reds a wig the blondes my colour now which looks better im so confused!

    12 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • I wanna go out tonight?

    I live In Newton Abbot an really wanna go out tonight sooo bad! I was supposed to but my mate let me down last min an is not going out with her boyfriend so yes shes happy so that's good! But I wanna go out too! I've asked 3 other people an there all working what can I do?

    I know this seems stupid but I haven't been out for a very long time an I feel that I should as im only 21 an never going out! x

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I wanna go out tonight?

    I live In Newton Abbot an really wanna go out tonight sooo bad! I was supposed to but my mate let me down last min an is not going out with her boyfriend so yes shes happy so that's good! But I wanna go out too! I've asked 3 other people an there all working what can I do?

    I know this seems stupid but I haven't been out for a very long time an I feel that I should as im only 21 an never going out! x

    4 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Boys? If u haven't text a girl in a few days, does that mean u don't like her?

    I know it sounds stupid, I went out for a meal with this boy on Friday and we were textin the sat but it has just stopped have no idea why! He said that he really likes me and wants to go out again. But why ain't he text me? I can't go first cuz I have no idea what to say plus it's his turn!

    If he ain't text me does that mean he don't like me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do boys get hurt the way girls do?

    U know how girls always end up getting hurt? Well I was wondering if boys felt the same pain sometimes!

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What colour hair on a girl do u think is hot?

    Just wondering what hair colour do u think is hot on a girl or just the best however u want to word it!

    Also what colour eyes?

    13 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • What colour do u think I should paint my bedroom?

    Hi I am 21 female and changing the colour of my bedroom at the moment it's just boring white an I hate it, and I have had pink before which was really girlie...

    I don't want boring and I don't want too girlie. Something sexy all but not sooo much. Ideas please...

    I have laminated flooring and I really like black lace at the mo, so something that goes with black as I have seen a lamp shade & mirror... colour for my walls please???

    Sorry about my spelling, an my spell checkers not working for some reason xx

    5 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.

    6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What colour do u think I should paint my bedroom?

    Hi I am 21 female and changing the colour of my bedroom at the moment it's just boring white an I hate it, and I have had pink before which was really girlie...

    I don't want boring and I don't want too girlie. Something sexy all but not sooo much. Ideas please...

    I have laminated flooring and I really like black lace at the mo, so something that goes with black as I have seen a lamp shade & mirror... colour for my walls please???

    Sorry about my spelling, an my spell checkers not working for some reason xx

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Shall I add him on facebook?

    Okay the man I fancy is a customer who comes in my shop, I found out his name and checked out what I could on his facebook...

    I wanna add him as a friend but dnt wanna creep him out or to think I was a stalker to find out his full name lol...

    We a little chat when he comes in, shall I add him?

    Im scared because I like him so much lol he might not even accept.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago