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Where can I buy the swimsuits worn by lifeguards at Holiday World?
The female lifeguards in Splashin' Safari/Holiday World (in Santa Claus IN) wear one piece purple suits when on duty. I'm looking into buying a one piece for tubing at our lake cottage and immediately thought of these but after googling and searching around on Speedo, I am unable to locate suits that seem similar ..
If you have links or know the brand/style worm by the lifeguards there, that would be great!
Thanks in advance .. (:
2 AnswersAmusement Parks9 years agoWhat should i name my character?
She's a an assasin of the characters you'd find in fairytales, a friend to the good kings and an enemy to the bad ones. Somehow though, she comomonly ends up killing the wrong person. Chucking a knife at an annoyiing fairy and killing an innocent maid instead, you get the picture. She's dark haired, dark eyed, and warm skinned. Small and lithe with a ballerina's grace. Sarcastic and witty, sharp and intelligent but a loyal friend and a highly respected figure in society.
I picture her with a unique name, something you'd find in a fairytale, no modern day names, please.
if you need more info, ask!(:
xx, nudge<3
4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoMusic Man: which female part has the most speaking lines?
I am auditioning for a role in my schools winter musical and this year it is "The Music Man." I am really excited because it's such a great production. My goal is to get a speaking/singing role this year and I've narrowed it down to four that are listed below.
Mrs. Paroo
Ethel Toffelmier
Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn
I'm a stronger actress than I am a singer, but I don't have a terrible voice either. One of the requirements for Mrs. Paroo is to be able to do a decent Irish brogue which I've never really tried but I'm expecting would be fairly hard, so unless you think that the dialect would be easy enough, we might want to cross Mrs. Paroo off the list.
Okay, so basically, of the listed above characters, who has the biggest part in the Music Man?
Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersTheater & Acting9 years agoWhat are some fun "missions" to do at home or around the neighborhood?
My cousins and I just watched MI4 and we were wondering if anyone had any "spy" missions we could do. Kind of like scavenger hunts or something. We're just really bored...if you don't get the question, let me know and I'll post more info.
Thanks in advance!
4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years agoTell me about Brian Scalabrine?
I need a basic rundown of his career. I need to know what to say to when talking about him. (All this one guy who I sit next to talks about IS Scalabrine...) I know he plays for the Chicago Bulls but other than that I am epically clueless...
PLEASE HELP! Thanks in advance...
4 AnswersBasketball10 years agoWhat are some breakfast ideas?
School is starting again and I've never been a big fan of breakfast. During the summer it's better because I have time for pancakes, waffles, etc...but during the term(s) I always just eat a little breakfast bar. This keeps me full for, say, five minutes. So I was wondering if anyone has some good tasting, filling, and fairly easy yet fast breakfast ideas for me.
I like healthy things and wouldn't mind food that involve flax seed, wheat germ, etc...and I don't want things like cereal or breakfast bars (unless it's like granola for a parfait or something.)
Thanks so much!
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agoWhat do you think I should name my character?
Basically, she changes through the first she is a typical high schoolers with chocolate brown hair that falls to the middle of her back. Then she becomes a college chick with a pixie-cut and finally a chic young-twenty year-old with a sleek bob. She has big blue eyes the same color as the midnight sky (so navy blue) and a heart shaped, angular face. Her lips are full and she's very small (never got bigger than 5"2') Comes off slightly booky and nerdy but is really cool and fairly popular at her high school. She ends up becoming the head of a publishing agency. The girl is the life of the party once you get past how book-smart she is.
That being said, I just want your opinions on her name:
Violin Belle
Larkin Grace
Alice Carter
Roen Faye
Graesyn Faithe
Briar Sage
Feel free to add suggestions. You can Answer however:: rating, commenting, just picking one, etc...thanks in advance!
10 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoBlackBerry Phones: are they any good?
The reviews for the new BlackBerry Tour on Sprint's network are either REALLY good or REALLY bad. So I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they think of BB in general and if you have the new Tour, I'd like to know what you think of that, too.
Thanks a ton!
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years agoWhat would you like to have a book written about?
This is just a random question, but then aren't most of the questions on here fairly random? Well, to get to the point, I'm wondering if you've ever come up with a plot, or a storyline that you wish was out there or has/had been published. It can fit into any genre, but preferably the non-fiction categories. And it can be anything: a story about a tomatoe who grows ears or a city of zombies. I don't really care, I just want to know what people wish was out there on the shelves of book stores.
Ask questions, or for more info, I'll edit it in.
Thanks in advance and as you all know, 10 points to the best answer.
9 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years agoThis or That, girls and boys names?
Okay, this is just a fun way to earn some extra points!
Artemis or Alexandria
Brie or Browwyn
Carissa or Chloe
Dawn or Denim
Eve or Emma
Fern or Filipa
Grace or Gemma
Hannah or Harriet
Isabel or Ivory
June or July
Karly or Kari
Lily or Lilac
Meg or Miriam
Nan or Nancy
Olive or Opal
Penelope or Pippa
Quinn or Quell
Rose or Rya
Sueria (Sue-ri-ah) or Sarah
Tawny or Trixi
Uria (u-rhye-a) or Una
Victoria or Viviane
Willow or Wryn
Xenia or Xylia
Yasmin or Yetta
Zara or Zella
BQ: Which of all these names was your favorite?
BQ2: Least favorite?
Abe or Avery
Brett or Bax
Corey or Cade
Damon or Dexter
Erik or Ethan
Filip or Fraise
Gale or Galoway
Hayden or Hunter
Ian or Ivan
Jax or Jace
Ki ior Kendall
Leo or Liam
Matt or Max
Nathen or Neil
Orion or Oliver
Phil or Paris
Qincey or Quinton
Rhett or Roy
Sebastian or Salomon
Tuscan or Tad
Udolf or Ulrich
Valentine or Victor
Waed or Wren
Xavier or Xav (a-ve)
Yale or Yader
Zach or Zavier
BQ: What was your favorite boy name?
BQ2: Least favorite?
Thanks guys! Hope you had fun! :)
24 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoWhat are you opinions on my names?
I've laid out a plot for my story and have compiled a list of names. (I'm a character author, I know what my character's favorite cereal is even if it never surfaces in the story, so names mean a lot.) I was wondering if I could get your opinion on some of these.
1. There's a guy (who would have guessed.) Mysterious, handsome, and has a dark past with black hair, black eyes, year-round summer tan, toned, just handsome but dark. Tell me which of these names you think fits him or you like the best.
Felix (Lex for short.)
Everett (Rhett for short.)
2. The girl, who has pale skin (NOT a vampire), is tiny, bright navy blue eyes and wavy black hair, needs a name to. So let me know your fav.
Isbel (Belle for short)
Jessa (Jess or Essa for short.)
Ivory (Vi for short.)
Grace (Gracie or Ace for short.)
Feel free to make suggestions for either 1 or 2's names! :) Thanks in advance and if you need more info, let me know!
4 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoWhat should my reply to this be?
I have been pen-pals over email with a close friend of the family for a year now. I like him and have been told that he likes me. But we are just now getting into the whole "i-like-you" exchanges. So, I don't know how to respond so that i don't freak him out but let him know i like him.
This is the current conversation.
ME: "So do you and your friends date girls at your school?"
HIM: "Yes. But I have never said yes. Do you?"
ME: "I have been asked but never agreed because i don't like or enjoy the company of the boys at my school. But I'd surely go with someone who I actually liked (such as you.) I'm sure you've been asked, why did you say no?"
HIM: "I don't like the girls at my school. But I would also go with someone who I liked. Such as yourself."
Now, I don't know how to respond. We're only teenagers, by the way. Some help would be fantastic. Oh, and he lives in Germany while I live in the USA, so it's long distance. Thanks! :)
3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoWhat do you think of the basics of my book?
A small town, hidden in a lusciously-wooded valley, has secrets to hide. But the town is burnt one night, the outcome a known event where everyone burns to death along with the secrets they had worked so hard to protect. But a princess of sorts Lilac, survives. Having known the secrets, she uses the flourishing land to keep herself alive for a few days and then plans to find a way to bring herself to death. But when travelers come by on majestic horses, she's drawn to one in particular--a boy, or near man. They find Lilac and she's taken back to the kingdom where the men come from. But an old woman who lives in the kingdom was the midwife for Lilac and ran from the town where she was born long ago to escape the secrets--and she thought she had! She exposes the secret Lilac had kept so hard...That the town where she comes from is a town of the long-ago thought to have died of: the Gifted. The people of Lilac's town had been bred long ago to have powers or Gifts. And Lilac's was the one they needed to keep hidden most of all. Lilac is thrown out like trash from the Kingdom but the man helps her.
I can't really tell you the ending but the whole book will be the first of a trilogy.
1. Do you like Lilac for her name? I thought it sounded mysterious and beautiful. but feel free to make other suggestions.
2. What should the man's name be? This story is set in a made up land, much like the Rennasance period in Europe.
3. What should the name of (a) Lilac's town be and (b) the kingdom be?
Okay, so could you list some powers of gifts people could have, such as invisibility, speed, night vision, singing powers like the sailors thought mermaids had, etc...And try to find a power that is special enough for Lilac. Alright! :)
1 AnswerBooks & Authors10 years agoAny fancy but decently inexpensive restaurants in Chicago?
I am going to Chicago with a group of 8 people for my birthday. Us girls want to dress up for a night and just go eat out. But, as I said, we want to get fancied up and wear dresses or something nice for the dinner. But we can't afford to pay A TON of money to feed all 8 of us.
SO, I was wondering if anyone has eaten at a restaurant in Chicago that has good food, is pretty cheap (obviously not crappy but not 50 bucks for some soup), but fancy. A lot to ask for but any answers will be excepted!
If you have any questions about what I'm asking, ask and I'll post more info.
Thanks a ton! :)
6 AnswersChicago10 years agoWhat do you think of my story line?
A young teenager, seventeen, is shipped off to a prestigious boarding school just outside of Riquewhir, France in the summer of 1894. She's rich, beautiful, and well known which immediately puts her on the bad side of the girls at school. Making only three friends, Anna, Maria, and Loise, Lili attends school. But as soon as she comes back from Winter Leave, Lili finds a picture of four of the most beautiful girls at school fluttering down a hallway. They a sitting in front of a banner that reads "The Queen's Society.". The group is wearing beautiful gowns and all four of them lok very happy. So Lili continues life at school, wasting away through boorish lessons on English, mathematics, and science, she begins to realize (through the actions of the four girls from the pictures) that a secret club has been formed at her school. She confronts the girls and is immediately pulled into the club by them to keep the secret. The Queen's Society is a group of ten girls who change the lives of the people at school. From boys, to money, and even to friends, the ten girls have ere ways. But nothing happens without a price. The desperate girls of Lili's boarding school are being wasted by the society. And The Queen's Society has much, much more planned.
5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhich name do you think fits better?
So in my book, this'll can travel back in time by touching this tattoo she got. But she likes this guy back home, but find his great, great, great, great granddad (or something similar) in the time period she can travel to and begins to fall for him while she tries to get back. When she gets back she realizes she actually likes that time period and transports back on her on will. But then she begins to fall in love with the old-fashion boy, my MC doesn't know if she should stay in that time period to be with him or what.
(ok, so give me your opinion on this really brief storyline to, please.)
Then my real question is: which boy ( modern or old) should have what name?
I am between Daniel and Kieran (Kie). But, if you have any other suggestions, please list them.
They boys both have thick, black, straight hair and black eyes, although the old-fashion ones look more black than the modern boys. They're tall and lean with an athletic build. The main difference is how they look at the world though. The modern boy doesn't really care what happens as long as he's with someone he cares about. He doesn't even know if he wants to graduate college. The modern boy is also in a band called Heads Verses Tails. The old fashion dude wants to go far. His parents are nobles In a time era I don't know yet ( either the 1920s or 1840s) the old fashion boy is wealthy but just wants to succeed on his own.
So who would you name who? This is basically what I am asking in shirt:
>what would you name each boy? (Kieran, Daniel, or one of your picks?)
>do you like my very brief story line? Any tips?
>what is you opinion on the era? (1920s or 1840s? )
Ok! Thanks in advance...! Ten points to the best answer to all three of those questions.
5 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat should I write my book about?
I want you opinion on stories. Trust me, I have plenty of ideas, but I want to know what the readers want.
I hate writing non-fiction texts as well as things that get to science-fictional. I enjoy writing realistic fiction, especially about peoples lives. Some book references like this would be: Scarlet, Nancy Drew, Fallen Novels, Revolution, Vixen, Hush, Hush, Crescendo, etc...I really l,Ike fiction, just not vampires. So please give me some ideas, from you mind! I don't want anything copied.
Thais in advanced
4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoWhat should this characters name be?
It's for a novel I'm writing.
He has black hair that's straight and shaggy/longish. Midnight black eyes and tan skin that has a scar stapled along the place where a dimple would be if he had them. He has a rock hard body and is a runner and soccer player. Tall (six feet two inches) and is seventeen but is immortal and has been around since the mid 1600s. (He's NOT NOT NOT a vampire, FYI. They're dumb, sorry.) He's also very seductive and flirtatious but distant at times. Perfect flirt, basically.
I was thinking something sexy that has an old fashion ring it. (ex. Jace, Ky, Cowen, Nathaniel, etc...)
Thanks in advance!
10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoWhat do you want to know about art?
I need to know for school...Do you have any questions you want answered? Tell me here! I need it for Columbia's Newspaper.
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade agoDo you have strong opinions on anything?
I need to write an opinion editorial for our newspaper but I have a shortage on ideas! Basically the op-ed has to be based off strong opinions. For example: school lunches, the war in Iraq, favorite foods, etc...The ideas listed need to be school appropriate and able to be biased. So no yes or no questions.
Possible ideas:
--Justin Bieber--cool or drool?
--Global Warming
--Best book?
Thanks in advance!
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago