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♥just me♥

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  • Please help! Has anyone gotten a rash from Lamictal?

    My daughters been increased to 300mgs of lamictal now. She was fine then all of the sudden she has a rash on her arms, back and chest.

    I'm wondering if this happened because she was taking all 300mgs at once instead of as directed by her doctor.

    And if the rash is caused by it, what do they do? I'm terrified that she's going to have to stop taking it and then we have to start all over again. She's been on it for almost 2 years now, so I thought we wouldn't have to worry about the rash anymore??

    Suggestions welcomed.


    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • How much Motrin in mgs can you take in 24 hours?

    I have killer back pain for the past few days, and nothing is helping. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow but I just don't want to cause damage to myself by taking too much.

    I have herniated discs L-4 & L-5. Plus issues with S1. I take 2700 mgs of Gabapentin, Tylenol and Motrin. My doctors want to treat the pain without narcotic meds so for the past few days I have been in so much pain and I can hardly move now.

    Currently I've got a heating pad on my back but I just need some relief.

    If anyone has suggestions or could answer my question I would really appreciate it.


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • If a dad walks out on his kids, can he come back and demand weeks at a time with our children?

    Sorry I'm just freaking out and my attorney is closed for the day so I just wanted to know what his parental rights would be.

    Doing the custody thing in court next month but I would like answers now to calm my nerves.


    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • If your bipolar, is it a bad idea to date someone who is also bipolar?

    My daughter is bipolar and her boyfriend is bipolar as well. They are both type 1 if that helps.

    Just wanted to know if anyone had thoughts about this, or if this has been your situation before.

    Please no rude comments.


    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • When your labeled 51/50 will this label always be with you?

    My 13 yr old was labeled 51/50 in April.

    She's having issues now with a group of girls & I worry that she's going to get into a fight with these girls when I am not around... So I guess I really wanted to know if the cops got involved would they be able to find out somehow that she was in the mental hospital recently and was labeled 51/50?

    No rude comments.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • Chances of dying from testicular cancer?

    My daughter just found out her boyfriend has testicular cancer. He found out about 3 weeks ago, but told her today.

    He's 16.

    He told my daughter that his doctor is worried that it's spread into the stomach or something. Maybe the organs I am not sure exactly, since my daughter really freaked when she heard cancer.

    So I wanted to know if he could really die from this or not.

    He also has kidney failure.


    5 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • Daughters freezing ever since attempted suicide, why is this?

    My 13 yr old has been home with me now for 18 days. Ever since she's been home she's freezing, her hands & feet are ice cubes, and shes wearing jeans & jackets in our almost summer weather.

    Could this be related to her attempted suicide? They were not able to get a body temp on her for 2 days while she was in the ICU. Could her body just be trying to get back to normal? & if so how long does that take?

    If it helps, she took 2 bottles of blood pressure pills & let's just say we are very lucky she's still here. **She's getting treatment for the suicide matters, I am just asking about the body temp/freezing matter**

    No rude comments, please. & thank you in advance for your help.

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • Boy has a huge crush on my daughter but how can you gently tell him to stop just dropping by?

    This boy has liked my daughter since 2nd grade. He texts her good morning, good night & tells her he loves her. Anyhow lately he's just been dropping by our house to see her. Tonight he even brought her a present.

    She's told him she only wants to be friends, and even has a 'future boyfriend' (just haven't made it official yet)

    But what can she do or I do to explain to this guy that we don't just want him dropping by? He's just not taking her hints or even listening to her words. Is there a gentle way to do this??


    7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My daughter attempted suicide, she's been home for 13 days... When will I feel safe again?

    My daughter is 13.

    She was in the hospital for 7 days.

    She's in counseling x2 a week now.

    I am terrified to leave her side.

    Does anyone know how long it will take until I feel comfortable again with letting her out of my site?!?


    5 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • Have you had a nerve conduction study done before? The EMG & NCS tests? Does it hurt?????

    I'm getting these tests done this week on my hands... I read about it and it mentions a needle?!?! Now I am worried it will hurt :/ Thanks!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Bleeding but had a hysterectomy?

    What can this be? The past 2 or 3 days I have noticed some blood in my undies, so much that I've been wearing a pantyliner. I had hysterectomy 4 yrs ago & have one ovary left. Not bright red blood, but like after a few days on your period... like the brownish color. Sorry if tmi.

    Any ideas what this can be? Should I worry? Is this normal? Please help. Im 29 yrs old, married & only with my husband.


    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Twitter question?? Twitter and Metro PCS... does it work? Or can I just not get mine to work?

    I can't get my cell verified. I have Metro PCS. Wanted to know if its just me, or if this is something that's happening to everyone?


    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had problems with Sprint?

    Like with hidden fees?? Or just the bill never being the same price as its SUPPOSED to be??

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Question for the women out there... please read? Is leaking urine a normal thing?

    I was curious as to how many women have this similar problem after having kids.

    I have had 3 kids, started when I was 18. Had a hysterectomy when I was 25. I'm almost 29.

    And well now I have noticed that I seem to be leaking a little more urine as I get older. I know to wear the pantie liners, but still it seems to ruin my undies at one time or another.

    I don't want to live in pads and pantie liners forever. Is this normal?

    I mentioned it to my doctor and he didn't seem to concerned....

    Any advice or tips would be great. Thanks. And no rude comments!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Daycare prob... can you give me your advice??? Please read...?

    A friend watches my son while I'm working, we don't have a contract or anything. I pay her every 2 weeks.

    But my question is, since its Thanksgiving week, and im off for the next 3 days, so do I pay her for the 3 days that she's not watching my son? How does that work?

    She sent me a text at WORK today asking how much I'm paying her and so on. So I need advice, do I pay her for the days or not?

    Its been a touchy subject for about a month now. I've never had anyone other than family watch my kids, so I'm still new to all of this.

    Can anyone help? And how do you feel about being bothered at work over money?

    Please no rude comments.


    22 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What are the laws regarding someone divorcing in CA?? Please read??

    How would you go about this if you haven't been able to find the person you were married to for over 15 years???

    My dad would like to remarry but can't b/c we can't find his MIA wife to sign the divorce papers. She ran off in 1992 and hasn't been heard from since.

    Any advice would be great!! No rude comments!!

    Thank you!!

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Open casket funeral... quick question... please read??? About my kids...?

    My grandma just died, come to find out it is going to be a open casket funeral... my kids want to come. They are both under 10. What are your thoughts on this??

    I'm trying to sort this out for myself but can't seem to decide. And their dad is being no help. I'm sorry if this is the wrong section but I think it will work.

    Thank you!

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Meningitis.... what are the chances that you will make a full recovery from this???

    My grandma is in the hospital with some form of it now... we are still waiting for the results BUT I was just curious.

    Does she have a good chance of recovering? Here are a few additional details if that even matters...

    Upper 70's


    Thank you for the help.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Dumb question about addresses... please let me give a quick example??

    1234 Right Here Way

    PO box 456

    Nowhere, CA 78945

    If I'm just sending mail is it OK to just us the PO Box address?? Or do I write the whole thing????

    Thanks for the help! I feel so dumb for even asking!

    3 AnswersCalendar and Contacts1 decade ago
  • Its a country song, Reba sings it... what is it called??????

    I just remember seeing the video for this song and in the video it shows a mom with cancer. She is wearing a blonde wig and at the end she pulls it off to see her bald head. She picks up her young daughter from a party. I can't remember anymore for the life of me.

    I must find this song!!!

    If you could help that would be great!!!

    6 AnswersCountry1 decade ago