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Daniel howell

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very nice pretty and love yahooanswers. i always answer with my heart

  • Is my relationship falling or is this normal ?

    Me and my fiancée have been together over an year now and we have had many fights and break ups and there caused by me mostly . But we have had many great times and have had many great memories and planned out our future even still . We smile and laugh and cry and fight ..

    I hate fighting but it happens a lot ..

    We both love each other and show it daily but we just fight so much . Over nothing important normally but sometimes over me drinking alcohol . I am an alcoholic but not as bad as I used to be

    I have mental issues such as depression and self harming

    I m also transgender and have OCD and so on. She has depression and self harm issues to. We know it s harder with issues such as those but we still love and care forbone another .. she has said she can t deal with me drinking anymore and she knows I can t help it fully but I need to choose . She says she loves me and that she s in love but she can t handle the stress anymore . I fully understand but it s hard ..

    I ve done so much for her and I do love her but I m having a lot of depression in life and deal with mental things daily and I do want us but I fail us a lot . I want advice on what others think and nothing stupid please .. I m just really down and want to know should we keep trying and is any of this normal??

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Mental issues .. Can anyone give me answers ?

    So I started vyvanse the beginning of this year and I was doing well on em for about 3 months and then I started getting really depressed again in life and moody and constantly tired . I never feel like doing much anymore and I m constantly binge eating again and I hate myself a lot . Idk what to do and I am never enjoying life to much now . I can t hardly remember my days or waking up either ... Idk what s wrong ..

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • I m having depression and idk why... Help?

    So the past month or two I ve really started noticing I m depressed .

    I m constantly tired

    Never really wanna do much

    I m either over eating or under eating

    I ain t really enjoying anything I do and I just wanna sleep .

    I have no idea why I m depressed though but I don t wanna keep being this way .. I never feel to good and I m sick of it .. The only time I m better is when I m with my fiancee but I still am tired and get upset easily ..

    So what can I do?..

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Help me with binge eating? It's out of control!!?

    So I've been on and off with binge eating and this time it's lasted longer then ever . For over an year . I gained a lot of weight and I've lost about twenty pounds now because I started an pill to help me with it . Vyvanse , but lately I'm back into binge eating a lot ... I just feel like doing it all the time again and I can't get ahold of this . I don't know what to do and it's killing me . I want to not over eat and I tell myself not to I try to find things to do but I end up doing it . This week I've only done it twice and that's still less then what I was doing about an month and half ago but it's increasing lately .. What can I do? I need help badly!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Help with congestion and dry mouth?

    So the past two weeks I been having a really dry mouth and my nose is congestion. It's making it hard to breathe and swallow and allergy Meds make it worse . I drink tons and tons of water and it helps but not much and I chew gum and still don't work the best . I don't know what to do at this point and I'm getting sick of this . I've had allergies before but never nothing compared to this and I really don't think it's alleriges at this point . Can anyone help??

    1 AnswerAllergies5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    i hate myself and i just need help... tips?

    Im overweight, im 5.5, over 200 pounds and i just hate myself. Mostly my face cause it has fat and i hate seeing an double chin at times, and i cant stand myself. Im trying hard to lose weight and even when i do eat healthy i still feel like i havent lost weight and it makes me upset and then i go and binge eat... I feel bad everyday and i hate ever meeting people and going out because of self esteem. Im told im attactive but thats from pics online and still in person sometimes and i still hate myself. What can i do to lose weight and feel better about myself? i need an way to lose weight fast ..

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • what are strong weight lose pills doctors prescribe with insurance?

    hi i am having an very very hard time losing weight and it depresses me more and makes me eat more and not stay on my diet. im not obese but i am over weight by at least 50 pounds or so and i am wanting to lose it fast and was woundering what kind of weight lose pills a doctor could prescribe me that help u to lose alot faster then most do? i have medicare and so it has to be able to be covered by that. any help would be great. thanks!

    16 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • When making video how do you make it where your voice in ur head seems to be talking not you?

    so i make youtube videos and you know how on movies they make it where it seems like the persons voice in there head is talking (but we know they added the video n voice together) so how do u do that? is there an app? let me know thanks

    1 AnswerYouTube6 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me what this movie is???

    so its been at least 8 years since i saw it so i dont really remember the movie fully it was something about an girl whos mind was evil n she kept trying to fight it but in the end the evil trapped her n killed her in side n the evil came out n took control of her outside and was the end. anyone know what im talking about??? it was an scary movie. i think in the 2000s and was on syfi back in the day.

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • Where to meet rich bf for mom?

    Ok so my mom wants an rich bf and idk what to do. We dont wanna put her on an dating site cause in the end you have to pay and we tried craigslist. any other options??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How can i put my videos to an disk without the disc drive on laptop?

    I went to an concert to see ptv and sws and my laptop doesnt have an disc drive so i can put the videos on an disc but i dont want my phone to one day not work and lose all the videos. there on my facebook and all but still. how can i save them onto an disc? cheapest way please

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • what cord do i need to plug into my laptop to my tv to watch videos from youtube so on.?

    I have an acer chromebook laptop and im wanting to watch movies from youtube and other sites from my tv. What kind of cord will i need to go from the laptop to the tv? and whats cheapest place to get it from?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • transition FTM few questions?

    Hi i am an 19 year old female. I am wanting to start my process but need some tips and anything else needed to know please.

    How long do you have to see an therpist before you can start T?

    Is there any financial help for anything cause im very low income but im unhappy who i am.

    Anything do i need to know? Thank u all.

  • what do i do about being trans?

    so i told my mom once i wanted to be trangender (female to an male) and she flipped out on me , cussing and all so i said i was jk. well still i want to be! i have for over 5 years. i dont feel right in my body i am in and dress like an guy and everything. I need advice. Also i need tips and steps of being trans please.

  • wtf go i do about this addiction?

    Ok so i have an eating disorder. Anorexia n then goes to binge but that's rare.well i was 88pounds very thin but was happy. Mom finally got Me to eat out . I did was fun. Well wasonly going to do once a month but turned into 2times per week. Then 3 and just got worse n worse. 4 to 5 times a,week. spending alot if money. Well id eat my two meals and then come home and eat a lot until i was sick . In one month i gained 30pounds . In may i Ws 98. Now 135 or so. So more then 30. Im unhappy each day at bed time cause i feel so awful. I hate it but yet something tells me to do over n over again. What do i do?how can i stop? I don't want to be this way no more i want to lose some weight back. Help

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • can i lose weight quick this way?

    ok i know this wont be healthy but please just answer. i was 88 and no im 119. i been way over eating and going over board. i kmow im alittle less cause i have food in me lots. anyway im going to eat like i did before. restricted. im going to eat an yogurt cup and fruits. will i lose my weight quickly? the fruits as is noting in the packages and yogurt is 120calories chaboni. im also excercising 1 hr per day i a depressed right now for gaining so much and just need to lose. graduation is coming up and i cant stand it. tell me please. thanks

    btw i do have an eating disorder.

    Diet & Fitness7 years ago
  • why is my mom always mean to us?

    ok my moms 43 and im 18 and sister 21 in like few days,, anyway she has been being awful to me mostly but can be to my sister. we both have mental illness and she yells at us about that, yells at me about my eating disorder, how i act and says im an user and liar and etc. she gets on my sister for being autistic and yells at her about being fat, yells at me being an pig etc. its dumb. we tell her she has bipolar or something but says no i dont. she threatens to kick us both out and get us an small apartment where we can let things pile up and figure our own f in way out. shes not always this way but alot. im tired of it. ive learned to keep my mouth shut most of the time but at times it gets me and i cant just take it . it hurts me to hear the crap and right now is going off. threatens to tell my bf lies. she accuses me of stealing alot when in fact i dont. she just cussed now saying im a back stabber and bs. im tired of it. what should i do? what ?? someone help and why is she this way?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • ready for a food poll?

    what is your favorite bigger restraunat to eat out of these?

    texas road house, cracker barrel or long horn? and why?

    do you like chocolate brownies with or without ice cream?

    do you like chicken or fish? what kind?

    do you eat out alot? where?

    do you like poatoes mashed, in fry form, scalloped, baked etc?

    do you over eat?

    do you like chinesse food?

    ever had bad service at restrauant? if so where and what happened?

    do you worry about fats etc in food?

    do you waste food alot if you eat out?

    do you have to have deserts everyday?

    oreo or chocolate chip cookie?

    worst place to eat at?

    and how was this survey?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago