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For ph can baking soda be put into something hot like Ramen soups?
Baking soda in water lowers your body ph making a less hospitable environment for cancers. Does mixing it something hot reduce its effectiveness?
3 AnswersChemistry7 years agoWhat really happened in Bengazi?
Saw two questions deleted so will this one also? Or will it be treated better for people who don't believe the administrations multiple stories on it.
2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago46200% best answers?
Wow, I know I'm really good but frankly I'm embarrassed to see my best answers at 46200%.
Thought it might be a program anomaly because of going over 1000 answers but logging in again today it stills shows 46200%.
This has me in guest mode despite being logged in. And of course there is no quick link to customer support. Well there is if you search but that shows select topic, sub topic, but has no options listed so does nothing.
Ergo perhaps Yahoo monitors questions about Yahoo to look for issues such as this?
Oh yeah, since this may not post with my screen name it's gatzap.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years agohow is it young people don't know how to search?
Anyone under the age of 30 has grown up with the net from the womb. Yet In all the categories I look at on here I see questions asked that are easily searched for with Google or whatever search engine you prefer. I also see claims that nothing was found. Really?
It is incapability? Or is it just laziness depending on topic? Is all the knowledge on the latest star simply a result of popular sites such as Twitter and "news sources" such as John Stewart flooding the net? Or if pressed could the young actually find info on a topic they find interesting?
7 AnswersCurrent Events7 years agoWhy do I get "Only secure content is displayed"?
Every time I click to a page on here I get that message now. I have not changed any settings. It makes the site a pain to use only showing the first 20 questions or so. Also some clicks only scroll and require a second click for the action. Even this right here has the "continue" non functional until I go back and click "show all". Why?
2 AnswersSecurity7 years agoHard drive runs fast?
For over a year my hard drive periodically, and randomly, runs at top speed for about 2 minutes, gradually slowing to normal. Did not do this the first two years using this computer. Now it has starting running fast for 8 minutes, with about 4 at top speed and intermittent spurts the remainder. Resource Monitor (Windows 8) shows no internet input or output for this. Disc activity goes from one to another showing high for the following:
user / (my mane) / app data / local / ms / ie / recovery active
log file / NTFS / volume log
log file / NFTS / volume log * Yes, a second one. Not sure what the difference is.
program data / Norton
windows / prefetch / DLL host.exe
I have asked before and searched for the cause with no luck. Seems like needless wear on the drive. With this longer run time it happens once a day vs. 1 to 4 times when it ran the two minutes.
What is causing this and how can I stop it?
1 AnswerOther - Hardware7 years agoHow to stop the "Speed up browsing" prompt?
Every day there's that "Speed up browsing by disabling add ons" suggestion when I log on. Two options giver. One "Don't disable", the other "Ask me later". Well a third is to just close the box. No matter what there it is again the next day.
Is there no way to disable this question from being endlessly asked?
1 AnswerSecurity7 years agoHow do server farms work?
Here we are with our few gigahertz processors and throughput measured in a few megahertz. Seems like a farm with thousands of servers must be measured in terahertz with each server running at a speed similar to our devices. I understand fiber optic for the trunk line. Is there just one or a bundle of trunk lines? At what point does it switch from fiber optics? And other such overview questions. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years agoHow much of Christmas purchases would you buy without Christmas?
People always complain about the commercialization of Christmas but no one is forcing you to participate - at least not to a nauseating degree.
Fairly well known statistic that up to 40% of retail store sales are in the fourth quarter. Follow the math.
That would mean the other 60% divided between the other three quarters or 20% each. And that would make 80% annualized which means the remaining 20% is actual Christmas caused sales.
So how much of what you buy for Christmas would be bought at some time if there was no Christmas?
1 AnswerChristmas7 years agoSaner approach to efault?
All I hear is Default from politicians and newscasters. Whether it is willful ignorance or purposeful lying does not matter. People hear the default word, repeat it, answer polls about it that show what? Worry about default - exactly the desired results.
Meanwhile in truth the debt ceiling and a default not only are NOT the same thing but is only possible is purposefully chosen.
So how about this for an approach. pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling on the first of each month by the 20 or 25 billion required to service the debt. That would clearly separate the two issues so that all the rest of the spending would have to be dealt with separate from the debt ceiling issue.
What do you think? Any big government politicians support this? Would the pitifully ignorant People understand the issues any better?
1 AnswerCurrent Events8 years agoA saner approach to Default?
All I hear is Default from politicians and newscasters. Whether it is willful ignorance or purposeful lying does not matter. People hear the default word, repeat it, answer polls about it that show what? Worry about default - exactly the desired results.
Meanwhile in truth the debt ceiling and a default not only are NOT the same thing but is only possible is purposefully chosen.
So how about this for an approach. pass a bill that raises the debt ceiling on the first of each month by the 20 or 25 billion required to service the debt. That would clearly separate the two issues so that all the rest of the spending would have to be dealt with separate from the debt ceiling issue.
What do you think? Any big government politicians support this? Would the pitifully ignorant People understand the issues any better?
2 AnswersGovernment8 years agoWindows 7 will not allow photo uploads?
I can not upload a photo FB. I know this is not a problem from the FB end because it happened once before and the fix was checking or unchecking something in Windows 7. Any one know what is causing this?
1 AnswerSoftware8 years agoHas there ever been an umemployed politician?
After losing a campaign for RE-election has any politician Un-willingly been unemployed or had to take a job among other working people?
Many take a couple of months then are employed by companies or organizations they had influence over. Others are offered partnerships in law firms or positions as consultants.
But mid level management? Sales to individuals or business to business? I don't recall hearing of any. Even names that were as ostracized as todays Weiner or Bob Filner (former San Diego mayor) don't suffer economically. Same with legal problems like Marion Berry or Alcee Hastings.
Worst present case I can think of is former Illinois Governor Blagojevich and when he gets out of prison I don't see him pan handling.
4 AnswersElections8 years agoWhy is there so much hand wringing over what drugs are used for lethal injections?
Why is there so much hand wringing over what drugs are used for lethal injections? People manage to commit suicide by way of drugs every day. Certainly some are more dependable to achieve that end and they are well known. "Cocktail" combinations are also well known and readily available on the streets. Yet States have constant legal hassles over what is used, if the prisoner has a sniffle, and such. Does a person contemplating suicide think "Not today, I'm too sick"? Why have states not gone with a simple straightforward heroin drip leading to a fatal overdose? Is there a medical ethics reason or is it all legal contortions?
3 AnswersGovernment8 years agoWhy is there so much hand wringing over what drugs are used for lethal injections?
Why is there so much hand wringing over what drugs are used for lethal injections? People manage to commit suicide by way of drugs every day. Certainly some are more dependable to achieve that end and they are well known. "Cocktail" combinations are also well known and readily available on the streets. Yet States have constant legal hassles over what is used, if the prisoner has a sniffle, and such. Does a person contemplating suicide think "Not today, I'm too sick"? Why have states not gone with a simple straightforward heroin drip leading to a fatal overdose? Is there a medical ethics reason or is it all legal contortions?
1 AnswerMedicine8 years agoOpposite sides work together?
What a rambling press conference from BHO. Among the remarks he made was this. Despite the disagreement with Putin over whether there should be action taken against Assad we will continue to work together. Doesn't this once again prove BHO is dumber than a box of rocks? I mean for opposite sides to work together with the decision being a binary one - that is either yes attack or no do not attack - is like thinking the Baltimore Ravens and the Denver Broncos should have just worked together in last nights football game. Rah rah rah.
2 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhat should be done with Detroit?
Bankrupt and its infrastructure in shambles, revenues far short of spending, what should be done?
I suggest 1) the state guaranteeing NEW bonds but not old ones. 2) all the contracts for employees should be renegotiated with cuts to pensions in particular. 3) city services should be contracted out if they can be provided for less than with government employees.
5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoWhy do all the windows updates remain after doing a cumulative update?
Does that not incorporate and thus negate the need for all the individual updates?
1 AnswerSoftware8 years agoresource monitor standby memory?
After having the computer (Windows 7) on all night with no program or windows open the first thing I did was to check the Resource Monitor. Shows over 3 gig as "standby memory". Reason I looked is that the computer slows down the longer it is left on. What is the memory being held in standby for? And why? Thank you.
3 AnswersMonitors9 years agoWhat the heck is Google Updater doing?
More specifically why after years of using Google as my default search engine has it started flashing on my task bar for updating? What does Google have on my computer to be updated? When I search for something are they giving old results if I do not update? Same if I look for someplace on Google Earth - do they not show their latest maps? I know they sure update whatever I search for their advertising algorithms so why this annoying flashing thing the past few weeks?
1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago