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Question about hybrid cars?
What are some pros and cons about hybrid cars? I'm thinking about getting one since I'll be traveling a lot for work and wouldn't be able to afford to if I kept my current car (gas guzzler).
5 AnswersBuying & Selling7 years agoMy cat is peeing everywhere in my house. Help!?
She gets into my closets and sprays my clothes, pees on wall corners, and on the cabinets. She has a litter box that we keep the door open to it and everything, but she never uses it. I've tried cleaning out the cat box and using a smaller rock type of litter all to no avail. My whole house now smells like cat pee (yes I clean it up the second I realize there's pee there) and I'm sick of not being able to invite my friends over because of my cats' problem. It's getting to the point if I can't get her to stop I'll have no choice but to put her in the shelter. This isn't technically my home (I rent) and my landlord isn't to happy on how the house smells he's been telling me I need to get rid of the cat. She's been fixed, but not declawed. She's been a pain in the butt since the day I got her about four months ago. I've taken her to the vet and she has gotten a clean bill of health. I've also taken her to a animal behaviorist which didn't work either.
5 AnswersCats7 years agoI need help doing this properly. I don't want to cause family drama.?
My grandparents are divorced but still live together for money reasons (neither can afford to live on their own). I am going to be getting married in May and I want my grandmother to come but not him. About a year ago he and I had a falling out and I said I never wanted to see or talk to him ever again.. And I intend to keep it that way. I know it's a little childish of me but it's my wedding and I don't want him there. How can I make it clear to my grandmother that she's more than welcomed to come but he isn't? I've already told her that I didn't want him there, that she was more than welcomed to come but he wasn't.. Do I put only one on her invitation? Others I'm doing it as the family member + spouse or date. Is it rude to say she can't bring him as her date? I know he'll just act like an jack butt and make me want to throw him out. I know that he'll make my day about him some how.
6 AnswersWeddings8 years agoWedding manners when it comes to invites and other things?
How long before the wedding is it polite to give out wedding invitations? Is it polite to ask not to receive gifts? We got everything we need/want and we don't exactly have room for more stuff (we live in a medium apartment).
3 AnswersWeddings8 years agoSchool loans. Deferment or nonpayment?
Does school loans drop off your credit? I'm just curious. Also how do you get a deferment? I just lost my job and am currently doing all I can do to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach.
1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years agoNeed advice about what kind of gun to get?
I plan on getting a gun here pretty soon. I'm a right handed female, I'd prefer a gun that's good in close quarters (I have a apartment that has narrow doorways and a sort narrow hall) defense gun that cost at max $450 new or used. Also something with long hand grip would be nice, that way I can grip it with two hands instead of just one without hurting my hands.
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years agoI'll be traveling by plane to SC and have a question?
I'll be taking my gun with me and I wonder if I'll be able to take it on the plane? If so how do I get the all clear to do so?
7 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agoWhat are the specific ethical considerations that need to be addressed when investigating a sexual assault?
Please help.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoCan you name this movie?
It's about a psychotic teenager that killed her mother and a teacher of her's because her mother "stole" him from her and he didn't like her like that. Then she moves in with her seriously religious grandmother and ended up killing her too. It has Rose McGowan as the psychotic teen.
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoSong stuck in my head and don't know the name of the song. Who sings it and what's the name of the song?
Your amazing just the way you are. So don't ask me if you look okay because I'll say your amazing just the way you are.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoHow do you report previous employers?
They did a lot of illegal things and didn't pay me right or the correct amount. They also made derivative remarks about my work history and about me to perspective employers.. How do I report them?
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhat are the names of the colleges in Dallas Texas that do Criminal Justice?
I'm trying to do research on the colleges but every website I go to it seems to be blocked (I'm on a rented out library computer). And how many are there?
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoFacebook question....?
Can you block a person but keep them as a friend? Since I added my grand mom as a friend she's bombarded my page with meaningless crap..
3 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoCalla Lillies?
What are the colors of Calla Lillies? How many are there does anyone know?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoGirls only...well if your a doc or nurse boys then go ahead...?
I've been having real intense pain in my sides all day. yes it's almost that time of the month; normally though it's only on my left side that hurts but this time it's on both sides. It's also more intense this time. Earlier it got so intense that I grabbed my boyfriends hand and I've never have had to do that. What's going on!? It hurts like crazy!!
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoSong in my head... What is the name and who wrote/sang it?
We will we will rock you. We will we will rock you. That's all that has been going through my head all da*n day! help.
4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoI'm SICK of this!!!?
I'm so tired of my mom, she keeps on trying to raise my daughter, and making snide coments on how I do it. I know she's just trying to help me but it's almost every day she has something to say about the way I treat my baby, and I treat her pretty da*n good! She's my little princes. How do I get her to back off without hurting her? How do I let her know that her oppion is welcomed only when I ask for it? It's driving me NUTS!! thanks!
7 AnswersFamily1 decade agoGRRRR!! My Eng. teacher...?
Okay, my english teacher has been hitting on me for the past four months. I've politely and meanly told him I'm not interested. The last time I told him he is to old for me (he's in his 50's and I'm 21 and I'm not a arm candy). I've gone to the police three times, and to the headmaster of the collage I attend to four times and he still didn't do anything. I'm sick of this!!! I'm 'bout to tell some of my male friends (all of them veeeery protective, their like big brothers, they don't know) to woop his butt, and see if that does it, but I don't want them to get into trouble and go to jail just because of me... I would feel real guilty. Help please? Has anyone got any suggestions? All the headmaster said was he would look into it, and so did the police. I'm desprite!!!!!
4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago