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You see me how i am. I will give you the best info that i can and to my knowledge. Im pretty nice and get along with just bout everyone. Don't judge me till you know me. Im the kinda person you either like or you don't. I will tell it how it is. if you don't like it you shouldn't be asking for opinions. I love to be outside. I live in the middle of no where surrounded by trees and love it. 4-wheeling is a big part in my life. I hunt, fish, hike, and ride horses. I shoot and am good at it so watch out. Xbox 360 is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Without Xbox live my life would suck.!
02 Jeep Grand Cherokee wiring issues?
I recently bought an 02 jeep grand cherokee with a 4.0 straight 6. I haven't had it a month yet and things are starting to worry me. First the blinkers quit working. I shut it off and started it again and they started working again. The flashers worked when the blinkers wouldn't. Then today, I got in at night and my instrument lights and all of my dash lights were very dim. If I didn't have good eyes, I wouldn't have been able to see it. My mom had a similar problem with her 02 cherokee and it was a wiring problem with a lose wire losing connection in the door? I remembered her saying that, so I slammed my door as hard as I could and everything started working again as if nothing was wrong. When it wouldn't work, I would get a message where my outside temperature reads (not sure what that is called) and it said my driver door wasn't closed. I don't believe it was the door jam switch causing it, as it wouldn't have made the dash lights dim, and the interior lights wouldn't have went off. Does anyone have any idea on what this might be and where I need to be looking? I'm fairly car smart but no mechanic by all means lol
4 AnswersJeep5 years agoLooking for a new book series to read. HELP?
Ok I am almost done with the Immortal Beloved series by Cate Tiernan. I am looking for books that have to do with Immortals and Magic. I have looked through the books she has written hoping that I would find more that have to do with the Immortals and Magic, but all of her other book have to do with Witches and Witchcraft. ): Does anyone know any books that have to do with Immortals and Magic rather than Witches and Witchcraft? I really like her Immortal Beloved series and her as a writer but she doesn't have any more that has to do with Immortals ): If you know of any or any good authors let me know! Thanks (:
2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years agoQuestions about Pain pills prescribed by the doctor?
1 AnswerAlternative Medicine7 years agoLooking for McCoy Cookie Jars?
Ok I'm in search of McCoy cookie jars. My mom is a big collector of them. I, myself am not to bright with them even though I grew up in the same city where they were made! lol I know to be a legit jar they have to have the McCoy stamp on the bottom. I would like to know what ones are McCoy and what ones aren't. I have been looking on Ebay for them, but they are either chipped or don't have the stamp. If there is a website to go to to see what they look like and the name it would narrow my search down so I know what they are supposed to look like as in correct coloring and such. If anyone knows of some for sale that are legit, not a replica, recolored and such please let me know! Also What are things I should look for. All of my moms are in superb condition. She is in really bad health right now and it may possibly be cancerous, so I want to get her something really nice to add to her collection! (: Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden7 years agoI need rabbit information! lol?
Ok I have just gotten a rabbit yesterday. Im not sure on the breed or age but I know hes young. Probably around 6-8 weeks. Hes actually really tame for being so young. My question is, what do you do with them to make it fun? Like can you teach the tricks? I don't want him just sitting in a cage. I have plans on getting him a harness so I can let him out and eat grass and play and not have to chase him around with a fishing net to catch him lol. I did have rabbits in the past but I was like 8. Now im almost 22 and gotten another one. I have the cage water bottle and food. I know how to feed them etc. just wondering about some fun things to do with them. I was going to litter train him and keep him in the house but they said no lol Also, since he is being kept outside and it gets 95+ degrees here not including humidity, should I put a frozen 2 liter of water for him to lay against to keep cool? ive seen people at the county fairs do this but i didn't know if i NEED to do it. Also, what kind of treats do i give him. Like what kind of fruits/ vegetable. I know carrots and whatever kind of treats they have at the store, but im wanting something i don't have to specially buy lol (if that made any sense at all) I had dutch when i was a kid. My doe did have a litter of babies. (unplanned) before I knew the whole "birds and the bees" story, I would put the buck and doe together to play while i cleaned the cages. low and behold i had 6 babies later lol So i do have experience with them
3 AnswersOther - Pets7 years agoWhat is my mare worth?
Ok this is my horse Breezy. She is an American Saddlebred. She is Chestnut with a crooked blaze, 2 white socks on the left side and a coronet on the back right. She was a rescue. She was skin and bones with no name or history. She was a body score of 2 when I got her. She was given to me with the info of she can be ridden but wasn't by the guy who gave her to me and she was good with other horses. While getting her back to health I have figured out she is a really good mare. I named her Breezy because she was a breeze to work with. Once she got back to enough weight I decided to ride her. She saddles, and takes the bit with no problem. Stands for mounting. Rides both english and western. No buck, bite, or kick. She clips and bathes. Good with dogs, cats, chickens, atvs, traffic, and kids. You can catch her easily. Nickers at you when you walk out the door. I can climb through all of her legs and she loves to be loved on and brushed. Picks up all 4 feet. She can be eating grass and you start brushing her and she will stop eating, level her head and just stand there until you are done. I can't say enough good things about this mare. I believe she has been a show horse in her past. When you get on she starts trotting as they would in saddle seat. I don't want to try to train something else and untrain what she has been bred/ trained for. She is just not my breed. I like Quarter Horses and can't seem to get away from them to own a different breed. Her age is 16-20. Please be nice
7 AnswersHorses7 years agoHow much should I ask for my horse?
Ok this is my horse Breezy. She is an American Saddlebred. She is Chestnut with a crooked blaze, 2 white socks on the left side and a coronet on the back right. She was a rescue. She was skin and bones with no name or history. She was a body score of 2 when I got her. She was given to me with the info of she can be ridden but wasn't by the guy who gave her to me and she was good with other horses. While getting her back to health I have figured out she is a really good mare. I named her Breezy because she was a breeze to work with. Once she got back to enough weight I decided to ride her. She saddles, and takes the bit with no problem. Stands for mounting. Rides both english and western. No buck, bite, or kick. She clips and bathes. Good with dogs, cats, chickens, atvs, traffic, and kids. You can catch her easily. Nickers at you when you walk out the door. I can climb through all of her legs and she loves to be loved on and brushed. Picks up all 4 feet. She can be eating grass and you start brushing her and she will stop eating, level her head and just stand there until you are done. I can't say enough good things about this mare. I believe she has been a show horse in her past. When you get on she starts trotting as they would in saddle seat. I don't want to try to train something else and untrain what she has been bred/ trained for. She is just not my breed. I like Quarter Horses and can't seem to get away from them to own a different breed. Her age is 16-20. Please be nice
1 AnswerHorses7 years agoKFC Gizzards numbing my tongue?
Ok I got some friend Gizzards today at KFC. As I got half way through them, like 6 or 7 pieces, I noticed it felt like there was something on the side of my tongue. There wasn't anything there and I went on about my life. I had saved the rest for my Fiance to eat after he had gotten home from work. As he was eating them, I looked over and he said there was something freaky going on with his mouth. He said it felt like his tongue was numb in one spot. With that being said, I knew it had to be something with the gizzards. Has anyone ever experienced this? Is there some type of chemical they use to fry these, or maybe something in the gizzard itself that would cause your tongue to go numb? This is the first time that this has ever happen to me or him. It didn't make our whole tongue go numb just a part of it. Should I be concerned about this? Thanks in Advance
6 AnswersFast Food7 years agoLooking to do some crafts?
Ok I have come to the conclusion that when the sun goes down and its time to come inside that there is nothing to do and I get extremely bored! So I have been thinking about doing some crafts that have to do with horses. I'm thinking more on the lines of horse wear, like braiding things or stuff to put on a saddle or in the horses manes. Its possible that I will be selling this stuff for a really cheap price. I have looked on pinterest to see if there is anything to do on there, but nothing has showed up of my liking ): I have seen some cool things with horseshoes, so that is not out of the question either. just looking for some ideas! Help me with my boredom! lol (:
6 AnswersHorses7 years agoMy cat is missing!?
Ok I have this Pregnant cat that is my world. Every morning she greets me at the barn and waits on me to feed the horse to get hers. Every afternoon she beats me to her feeding block for afternoon feeding. I had her in my room last night (shes an outside cat) petting her and she was really liking the stomach rubs. Every now and then I could see the babies move inside her stomach. I figured it was about time. I locked her in the barn last night because she couldn't stay in the house. And somehow she got out of the barn. My father in law saw her this morning and said she was still pregnant. Like I said I haven't seen her all day. Should I be worried? She is me baby. I know if she did have her kittens that she will be with them and not come when I call. But the thing that crosses my mind is, what if she had difficulties during labor? I have heard of people saying there was a kitten that got stuck and it killed the mom and in turn the babies because the mom died. Im just a nervous wreck. Has anyone had this happen? How did you handle it? Thanks in Advance! (:
2 AnswersCats7 years agoLooking for some cheap tack sites?
Hello, I'm sure that I along with a lot of other horse people are starting to stock up on horse supplies needed for spring and summer. Including fly spray, show sheen, showing stuff, dewormers, etc etc. lol I was wanting to know what sites you guys use to buy all of your stuff. I like name brand stuff such as Tri-Tec 14 for fly spray, and Show Sheen brand for well Show Sheen. lol Although at this day in age, even with a good job, its still hard to afford these hay burners!. So I was wondering what sites you have found that charges less for a product on another site and doesn't charge much for shipping. I recently asked a question about making a recipe for Show Sheen (that I opted not to use) and was recommended the site I have found a lot of the products that I'm interested in are a few dollars less that and Tractor Supply. I have also tried Ebay but people on there know what people are willing to pay for the specific products and jack the prices up. What are your favorite websites to get all your horse needs? Thanks in Advance (:
4 AnswersHorses7 years agoFound this Recipe calling for Baby Oil?
Ok I know many of you may or may not know about Show Sheen for the horses coat and primarily used for showing. I use it to detangle my horses mane and tail and give her that shine. I am low on money at the moment and cannot afford to go to the store and buy Show Sheen. I found this recipe off of a site suggested by Google..
Homemade Show Sheen Recipe
1/4 (one quarter) cup hair conditioner
1/4 (one quarter) cup baby oil
2 tablespoons vinegar (to keep flies away, this is optional)
1/4 (one quarter) cup water
Mix and use as you would any other store-bought spray.
I have seen a lot of things saying that Baby Oil is really bad for the horse. I am curious why. And if it is bad for the horse, is 1/4 cup enough to harm them even if diluted with the other ingredients this recipe calls for. I would also be adding the Vinegar to help with the flies.
Let me know what you guys have to say. Experiences would be better but hear say is fine too! Thanks!
7 AnswersHorses7 years agoWhat will make her hair grow back?
This is a rescue mare that I have been putting weight back on and she had really bad rain rot when I got her. I have given her a bath in Mane N Tail Medicated Shampoo and I think I have it all gone. But her butt looks horrible from the hair loss through the process. She has a little growing back but not much. I was wondering if there is anything to put on it to make it grow back quicker. I have kept the blanket off her so it doesn't hold moisture and start it all over again. Any ideas. I have heard of MTG but im looking for a low cost treatment and not spending
$20 on a bottle of MTG. This is a picture of her when she was wet from the last bath. I put wound kote on her after the bath for the open sores. Thanks
3 AnswersHorses7 years agoRegulations for a Kayak on a lake?
I'm soon to be getting a Kayak. I'm going to be using it on a public lake. I know if you have a bass boat they have to be licensed and tagged and such but what about Kayaks? I will be using a paddle so no motor on it at all. Just recreation and fishing, but I will make sure I have my fishing license. I go by the rules so I want to make sure I do everything right and don't get in trouble. I will be using it on Grayson Lake in Kentucky USA. It has awesome waterfalls that you can't get to unless you have a boat or Kayak to get into smaller areas. Let me know if you Kayak there or what the rules and regulations are at your public lakes. Thanks in Advance (:
1 AnswerWater Sports7 years agoWhy are english reins so long?
I have recently started to learn the english discipline. I have noticed there is a lot of excess rein that i don't use. Im also a barrel racer where I have really short reins. I was just curious on why they are so long and not able to adjust shorter. Thanks
3 AnswersHorses7 years agoWhat do you all think of my mare under saddle?
I know she isn't the best looking horse. But she was free as a neglect case. She has put on about 200-300 lbs since I have had her. She still needs to gain a little more. But its light riding as of not to build some muscle and not get a big hay belly. Also, what do you think about her confirmation? and also how the saddle fits? Im not quite sure where the girth is supposed to go. I know in western it sits further back. correct me if im wrong. I know im going to need a build up pad for her withers because of her weight and just having high withers in general. Do you think Burgundy looks good on her too? im a barrel racer and my gelding color is neon orange. so i wanted to do english with her. But im new at the english thing so all tips are welcome! Thanks in Advance!
9 AnswersHorses7 years agoHow do I break these bad habits?!?
Ok I have this Saddlebred mare. She came as a neglect case. She is very "hot" as they call it. Here recently it has been horrible weather so I haven't let her out of her stall but to feed. I walk her down the back road. (live in the city) to exercise her and stretch her legs. I get her about 30 yards from the barn and she won't walk any further. I have swung the lead behind me smacking her on the butt and that doesn't help, pet her and told her it was ok, told her to walk on, tried making her go first, and finally got her to move when we had a battle of tug of war where i wrapped the lead around my body and pulled as she did want waited for her to give. She finally gave and walked with me applying a substantial amount of pressure pulling her. With occasional stops i would repeat the tug of war to get her to move. I don't know why she does this. Its not like I work her a lot ( She still needs to gain about 50 lbs) She does not like to go away from the barn at all! I train horses with issues like this but this one is stumping me horribly! Ive done everything I can think of to get her to walk that worked on my other trainees and nothing works!! Please help!
5 AnswersHorses7 years agoI want to learn Dressage?
Ok I have recently gotten into English riding. I was going to start with Show Jumping. But I have fallen in love with the Dressage events. Like I said im new to english and haven't even got my saddle yet. (6 more days and I'll have it) I don't have a clue about dressage or really even English riding. I have ridden western and showed in Contesting (barrels, poles, etc) I am also a Grand Champion Trail rider for the state of Ohio in 2010. (22 miles in 4 hours) So I do know horses and I train horses with bad habits while riding and on thr ground. I know my way around pretty well with horses and basic needs, care, riding, etc. I just would like to know more on how to teach a horse (and myself) to dressage. I do not have the money for a trainer to help with my horses and I's needs. I will be doing this totally on my own. I have an American Saddlebred mare that is a neglect case and im in the process of fattening her back up. She has gained enough weight for me to lightly ride her and she is horrible. Even when walking i can't get her to go anywhere. So this will all have to be worked out before i even think about training for dressage or show jumping.
What I want to know is the different things I need to know about Dressage. Like what things are called.
Another is how to cue the horse to preform such acts. Like what leg pressure when what turn when.
Please don't leave rude comments. I don't tolerate them and will report you. Im asking as a horse owner and someone wanting to learn more than just western.
I will not be showing this horse in competitions. In all my showing years I have never seen a showbill with dressage or even know where to go for dressage classics. So any information to where I may be able to find some shows will be greatly appreciated (: Thanks for the help!
5 AnswersHorses7 years agoHow to transfer money from my Paypal to my moms Paypal account?
I was wondering how to send money to my mom. I live in a different state than her and I need to get money to her. I have a paypal account and she does also. When i clicked send money. It asked for the email. Does that mean the email that her paypal account is under? and if i did do that will that deposit the money in her bank account automatically? Im so confused on this process!
1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years agoAmerican Saddlebred help!?
Ok I was recently given an American Saddlebred. She was a neglect case with a body score of 2 and is now to light riding condition. I don't know the first thing about this horse other than she needed someone to save her. She didn't even come with a name ): I would like someone who has had experience with Saddlebred training to help me.
Here it goes,
First, She will not walk. As soon as I mount her she trots and will not stop no matter what I do.
I have started to flex her in circles when she breaks gait from a walk to a trot. It doesn't work to well she takes 2 steps at a walk and starts trotting again. Our whole ride is nothing but trotting. I know they are bred to trot and used as saddleseat horses but im looking to use her for jumping. I need to know how to slow her down and be more collected. I am also working on ground work. Im pretty much taking her back to the basics. She is really a great horse and I hate correcting her for trotting out when im sure she was taught that from previous owner. There was a girl that had her before she was sent through 2 neglectful owners so im assuming she was a show horse. She clips and everything and i know people wouldn't take the time to teach a trail horse to clip. but thats just my opinion.
Also, everytime she is standing she lifts her legs to where her hoof will touch her girth area. and she does this with both feet. She has really good legs and feet, its not just when i tie her it is while she eats too. I don't know if this is something she was taught or if it is just her being her. but she is sound and healthy.
Please anyone that has any information that would be helpful please let me know.
I am experienced with horse and have rode/trained and competed horses for 15 years so i know what to do and am not a first time horse owner.
3 AnswersHorses7 years ago