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Problems printing from an iPad with a Brother printer.?
I have a Brother printer, model DCP-J172W. It prints beautifully from my laptop, but will only print once in a while from my iPad. It makes no sense, no rhyme or reason to it. Most of the time, the IPad says it can't find an air printer, but occasionally, perhaps one in ten times, it finds the printer and prints. Makes no difference whether I am very close or several feet away. I had an Epson printer before this and it printed easily every time from both the laptop and my iPad. I would be grateful for any help or advice. Brother's email help is useless.
3 AnswersPrinters7 years agoHow to retrieve a program accidentally removed?
Among other things, I have a PC with Windows XP. Today I accidentally removed a program and now appear to have no sound. The program started with the letter 'S' and may have been 'sigma' something but I am not sure. Can anyone tell me what program I deleted and if/how it is possible to get it back?
3 AnswersSoftware9 years agoWhat does the word 'indie" mean?
I keep seeing references to indie films, indie music, etc.
9 AnswersLanguages10 years agoNutritional value of dry-roasted almonds?
Do dry-roasted almonds have the same nutritional value as natural almonds, or does roasting destroy some of the calcium, omega 3s, etc.?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoPregnancy during menopause?
What are the risks for a woman in her early 40s and for the expected baby if she falls pregnant during menopause?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoEst-ce quelqu'un connaît Offkey?
Elle a posé une question hier dans cette catégorie et elle m’accordé une “meilleure réponse’ bien que ma réponse ne soit pas correcte. Maintenant, je me sens un peu coupable. Il est impossible de lui envoyer un courriel. Si quelqu’un la connaît, je serais très reconnaissant si cette personne pouvait lui envoyer cet URL; il se peut qu’elle puisse y trouver une meilleure réponse. Je n’avais pas cet URL hier.
1 AnswerLangues1 decade agoWhy does Canada not exist in the Australian media?
A while ago I asked this question in anger when Foxtel cut an ice hockey game to 60 minutes when it had advertised it for 90 minutes (which is still cut, since a game lasts longer than that). One of the answers attacked me, asking how often Australia is in the Canadian media. The answer is that it is not in there a lot but it does rate a mention from time to time, whereas Canada barely exists here. Australians are forever saying the rest of the world's media ignores them, but they do exactly that to Canada. It is a shame, considering that they have more in common with Canada than perhaps any other country. I was out of line in my angry comment in my earlier question, but I do think it is a valid question. Today's Toronto Star carries a favourable report on Australia at this URL:
3 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade agoWhy does Foxtel not show what it advertises?
Foxtel is virtually the only cable company in Australia. It ruins hockey games by editing them to 90 minutes but today, for the second time, it massacred a game, the Detroit-Colorado one. It advertised a 90 minute game and cut it to 60. I am a Canadian stuck in this country and rely on Foxtel for a hockey fix. They show endless hours of boring games like cricket and hardly any hockey (our next game here is Monday, game 2 of the San Jose-Dallas series). I realize hockey isn't popular here, but why not show it in the middle of the night without cuts so people can tape it. And why advertise 90 minutes when you are only showing 60. This is a nice place to visit but, if you're Canadian, you don't want to live here. Canada doesn't exist in the Australian media, unless there is a bear on Yonge street in Toronto.
2 AnswersHockey1 decade agoIs this true? I have read these things on-line but wonder if they are true.?
1. Half the people who have heart attacks do not have high cholesterol. 2. Heart attack rates are falling because of the number of people who have stopped smoking, not because of statin drugs and lower cholesterol.
3 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoQuestion au sujet de l’argot.?
Je suis canadien anglais de Toronto; j’habite en Australie depuis bien des années. Je parle français mais j’ai des ennuis avec l’argot. Je viens de lire une expression dans la revue L’Actualité que je ne comprends pas, et j’espère que quelqu’un pourra me l’expliquer. On parle d’un animateur á la radio qui s’appelle Ron Fournier: “Dès son jeune âge […] Ron Fournier se plaisait sous les feux des projecteurs. ‘Au baseball, il jouait comme il parle: il en beurrait épais’, dit Ron Sabatta, un ami d’enfance […]”. Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire, “il en beurrait épais”?
7 AnswersLangues1 decade agoAbout low ratings on American TV for hockey. Anyone ever seen a U.S. telecast?
I notice a lot of people asking why the ratings are low in the U.S. for hockey, but has anyone in Canada ever watched the broadcasts from there? I am from Toronto but have lived in Australia for years where we are lucky to get a couple of U.S. broadcasts once in a while, edited to fit into 90 minutes. I don't mean this to be anti-American, just to point out that the Versus network has no idea how to broadcast a hockey game. We get some here from Fox Sports too that vary in quality, some are as bad as Versus and others are fairly good. The problem with almost all U.S. broadcasts is that they don't do a proper play by play call of the game; the guys calling the game talk about players and stats and all kinds of things while the game is going on. They need to listen to Bob Cole or someone like that. I would never watch their broadcasts if I had a choice.
19 AnswersHockey1 decade agoMy hotmail won't forward attachments I get from others.?
I often receive emails from friends with attachments that are funny or interesting or informative. When I forward them, my recipients never get the attachments, or just get jibberish as an attachment. Friends using hotmail seem to be able to forward attachments to me; why can't I forward them?
5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoNew Zealand writer Debra Daley?
Does anyone know what has happened to her and her book "Cruel World"? Her website lists it as a novel of hers, but I can't find any record of it being published. Her website seems to have closed in 2005 and she stopped writing her blog quite a couple of years ago. I'd like to know if "Cruel World" was ever published and if so, is it still in print?
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoCan Lipitor cause very bad fatigue and erectile dysfunction?
I have been on statin drugs for years, dosage slowly increased. Ten months ago was switched to Lipitor 80mg. Mild fatigue seemed to follow but for the past two months have been feeling constantly and seriously fatigued and having sexual dysfunction that is more than normal aging. A glass of wine with dinner makes the fatigue worse. I am very fit from lots of exercise (jogging and gym work).
11 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago