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  • Who needs a strobe tuner?

    Hi, I'm considering buying a decent strobe tuner (between Peterson and Sonic Research right now). I'm wondering if I even need a more accurate tuner, though. Is the change from 2-3 cent accuracy to .1 cent going to be noticeable for a guitarist who performs fairly regularly in a band setting, but doesn't do much serious recording? I'm currently using an Ibanez LU-20 pedal tuner, which is probably pretty typical for an inexpensive digital tuner.

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Can my roommates and I get a group renter's insurance policy?

    Hi, I'm going to be renting a house with 3 friends this semester, and I'm looking at renter's insurance. My current insurance company says they don't do policies that would cover the whole household. Is this just common practice, or is it possible with another company? Are we better off just getting individual insurance, or could it be cheaper to get one policy to cover the entire household?

    7 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Why does service seem to be missing from the food service industry these days?

    Now, I'm not talking about all restaurants here, mainly just fast food. It seems like every time I go into a fast food restaurant these days, the employees treat every request from a customer as some huge, unfair burden that's been placed upon them for no good reason. Most employees glare when you order something slightly different from the menu description, they will never go out of their way to better serve a customer, you always hear about the horrible things they do to food when a customer makes even a reasonable request. What's wrong with these lazy b*&@^es? It should be a major part of their job to provide quality customer service, and yet they almost always act like they're underpaid, overworked and underappreciated. There's a reason you're getting paid $5.75 an hour to stand around a McDonalds all day taking orders. All you're doing is standing around a McDonalds all day taking orders. Deal with it, and start respecting your own customers, you ungrateful little jerks.

    9 AnswersFast Food1 decade ago
  • Is accessible, radio-friendly music really a good thing?

    I sometimes hear people criticizing some of the more experimental, unconventional bands and artists out there for not being accessible enough to listeners, or not being radio-friendly enough. Is that really such a bad thing? There's a good reason that new Nickelback album is so've heard it all before, the exact same crap released countless times by different artists in different packaging. Every Nickelback/MCR/FOB/Britney Spears/50 Cent/Beyonce/Avril Lavigne/Fergie/Kanye West/Shakira etc. album ever recorded has been a complete waste of time. You will find absolutely nothing new, nothing the slightest bit innovative in any of them. If you already know exactly where an artist is going to go with an entire album before it's released, then what is the point? Am I wrong here?

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Pioneer AVH-P4900DVD into a store display?

    I'm trying to figure out a way to set up a Pioneer in-dash dvd player in a display so that customers can try out the dvd features in the store. I know that with the earlier models, you could just ground the parking brake wire along with the head unit, but it seems that Pioneer is getting more creative. According to the manual, in order to play a dvd, you have to apply, release and reapply the parking brake. So, for display purposes, would it be possible to just put a toggle switch between the ground and parking brake wire, and flip it a couple of times before putting in a dvd?

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • So now, PCs just come with too much software?

    Seriously, these commercials are getting ridiculous. Macs just come with the stuff you need? That's a really nice way of saying that they're stripped down compared to PCs. And the older commercials which show the PC going in for upgrades? That's just stupid. Macs are so much better because you just have to throw them away when they become outdated? Can someone please explain to me how being completely unserviceable by anyone but Apple, absolutely worthless when outdated and coming with less software than PCs could be advantageous? And people still stand by Macs for things like graphic design and music editing purposes...even though you get ONE option for each program, Apple. Now they can run Windows, that's great. Turn them into overpriced PCs which still can't be serviced anywhere. Anyways, is anybody out there actually buying the crap they're selling on these commercials?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Shade or sunlight or eh?

    I have a couple of plants and I'm not really sure what kind of sunlight they need. One is marked something like a "Baz Daybreak Pink Shade", and the other is a "Verb Quar Burgundy w/ Eve". Any ideas?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Chuck Norris in a Blendtech Total Blender?

    What would happen if you put Chuck Norris in one of those Blendtech Total Blenders?

    4 AnswersOther - Alternative1 decade ago
  • Piscinamuerta? Muertapiscina? Piscinomuerto? Muertopiscino?

    I know that proper nouns aren't normally translated from English to Spanish, but if they were, how would you say Deadpool's name in Spanish? I mean, pool is a feminine noun, but he's a guy. So would you change it to Piscinomuerto, or would you just call him Piscinamuerta?

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is British rock overrated?

    I've been seeing alot of British vs American rock questions on here, and it seems that some people have the impression that British artists have historically been more influential than American artists on music as a whole. I'm going to have to strongly disagree. England had a few very successful bands like the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, the Who, Pink Floyd, the Yardbirds, Led Zeppelin and Yes. Those bands sold incredibly well, but out of them, how many truly talented and influential musicians were there? Pete Townsend, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, Robert Plant, Peter Frampton, Ian Anderson and maybe Jimmy Page? Those guys really had an impact on their instruments and the rock genre. But look at American musicians like Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry, Dick Dale, Elvis Presley, Billy Gibbons, Joe Walsh, Johnny Cash, Eddie Van Halen, Frank Zappa, Steve Miller, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Joe Satriani, John get the idea.

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Plum-like grapeish white fruit things?

    I was just at Panda's, the Chinese food chain, and they had these strange little white fruits that I couldn't identify. They had been pitted and had a texture similar to a skinned grape only slightly chewier, and were quite a bit larger than a grape. They had a flavor that to me seemed similar to cantaloupe and plum all in one. They were roundish and shaped like miniature pitted plums.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Bass into guitar amp?

    Why is it that so many people think that plugging a bass into a guitar amp will fry it? If that were the case, then why would some guitar amps have things like cd inputs? Most cds will have bass frequencies, right? Lower frequency input signals shouldn't do anything to the electronics of an amplifier. If it's not designed to represent those frequencies, it won't catch fire or explode, the frequencies just won't be there. The only problem I could see is that you might be more likely to blow a speaker because of the stronger bass frequencies. This would only happen if you were pushing the speaker harder than it was designed for. So, if you're using some degree of common sense while playing, you shouldn't have a problem, right?

    8 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone think that Sinbad is dead?

    Sometimes comedians lose popularity. It doesn't mean he passed away or anything. He's still alive and well, so stop worrying about it.

    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Could American Idol ever be good for music?

    So, I've gathered that the whole premise behind American Idol is to take a bunch of contestants who aren't talented enough to land a record deal themselves, judge them on how well they sing someone else's material, and then give them a recording contract. How could this possibly be a good idea? I've yet to hear any original artist come out of this show, because they're just emulating other popular artists. The vast majority of the time, they don't even compare to the original artist's talent, so what's the point? I personally think that it's doing terrible things to the music industry because kids now want to win American Idol singing some pre-existing pop star's songs instead of finding their own sound and working their way into a record deal.

    7 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Why do people assume that Christian artists lack talent?

    I hear alot of people these days make claims that Christian music sucks. How can you assume that musicians are untalented based upon their message?

    50 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • How many answers users are aware of the spell check feature?

    Come on, guys it's really easy. One click, and you can avoid those unsightly errors that can make answering your questions and understanding your responses so much more difficult.

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is Rolling Stone magazine just a joke now?

    I used to think that Rolling Stone magazine had some credibility and integrity when it came to music reviews. When I heard about Panic! at the Disco making the cover, I was skeptical, but willing to let it slide. I checked out the site, and some of the past cd reviews, and do these guys know anything about music? I didn't see a single review on the site for anything that you can't find on some Now! compilation (that's a bad thing). Also, their reviewers praise bands like Nickelback, Fall Out Boy, Panic!, and Trivium, while criticizing artists like Switchfoot for being too generic. One review even criticized Joe Satriani's Flying in a Blue Dream for being nothing but tedious finger-exercises. It seems that they're trying less to write intelligent, informative music reviews, and more to appease pop music enthusiasts in their quest to surpress originality.

    2 AnswersMagazines1 decade ago
  • Why do minors pay taxes in the US?

    If minors can't run for public office, or even vote in elections, why are they subject to the same taxes? Wasn't this one of the reasons we started the American Revolution?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is the other political party so stupid/evil/stinky?

    When did politics turn into a bunch of people yelling names at everyone who disagrees with them? I'm just going down the list of questions being asked in the politics section, and I've got to say, 75% or more of these people are just namecalling for no apparent reason. What is wrong with these people? Can they not see that comments like "_____ is stupid", "______ is a liar", "______s are nazis", and "_______s can't spell good" are just making you look like idiots? If you don't have an INFORMED INTELLIGENT opinion, then just do yourselves a favor and shut up.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is human development considered unnatural?

    Why is it that people always criticize humans for disturbing the natural order of things? Are we unnatural? What makes it ok for a lion to kill for food, but not humans? A fully grown lion needs between 11-15 pounds of meat a day to sustain itself. I don't know a whole lot of people who eat that much meat. Also, whenever people clear land for development, they are criticized for destroying natural habitats and disrupting natural order. We're not destroying, we're converting them into our own habitats. Some people seem to have this distorted picture in their heads that animals are all just this big happy family without us around. No, animals can be incredibly territorial, and do shape their environments to fit their own needs. Why, then, is it wrong for us to do the same?

    5 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago